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Searching for Someday (Searching For 1)

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Kate tucked her hair behind her ear and studied the whirling patterns of the bamboo floor. Just a coincidence. "After the shock, did you get a sense he was meant for you? Or was it just a physical chemistry?"

"Sure, it was sexual, but that type of buzz comes once in a lifetime. It always has for our family. Your grandmother experienced the same symptoms with your grandfather, and so on, dating back for generations. Don't worry, darling, when you feel it you'll know. There's no possibility of denying it. And when you do, it is literally the most earth-shattering sex you have ever experienced."

Kate ignored her own crazy staccato heartbeat and dove straight in. "It happened to me."

Madeline stared at her, eyes wide. Her voice dropped to an intimate whisper. "You met the one?"

No way.

Kate jumped to her feet and paced. She'd never wanted a joint so bad in her whole frickin' life. Kennedy would have a field day with this one. "No, that's the problem. He's not the one. So not the one. But I think it means something else that we missed. He's a client at Kinnections, and I think I'm meant to find him his soul mate. I'm convinced it's a weird third-party factor misfire."

For the first time in years, she caught a seriousness to her mother's face that caused her gut to free-fall. Why had she thought this would be simple? A quick explanation, an easy visit, and a return to her normal life? "There's never a mistake with the touch," Madeline stated firmly. "I know you've fought me on this, but it will be easier if you accept that this man is meant for you. What's wrong with him? Why do you think he couldn't be your match?"

"B-b-b-because he's everything I don't want!" The nerves rose up and choked her, strangling the free flow of words she needed as desperately as air. Kate took a breath, pictured the blank screen, and heard the faint sound of music to soften her syllables. When she spoke again, she had calmed. "He's not right for me. Once someone in our family experiences the touch, what happens if the person denies it? Or what if it's wrong? Has that ever happened?"

Madeline turned away. Studied the bright orange Buddha statue as if it could answer her question. "Well, it has happened once. Before your grandmother. A cousin of ours experienced the touch, but felt as if it was wrong. So she didn't marry him."

Finally. She stopped pacing and leaned forward. "Now we're getting somewhere. What happened?"

Her mother reached out to the small drawer with trembling fingers and slid out a joint. Kate stomped down on her disapproval and hoped breathing in the smoke would get her a contact high to calm her down. "I can't tell you."

Impatience nipped at her nerves. "What do you mean you can't tell me? You just said you'd tell me everything I asked. What's the big deal?"

Again, Madeline's eyes refused to meet hers. "It's just a rumor. You cannot deny the touch, a gift given by God. If you do, there are consequences."

A shiver raced down her spine. She felt as if she'd been dropped into a horror movie. "Mom, I don't have time for spooks. What type of consequences?"

"I don't know. I never learned the whole story of my cousin Rose. My grandmother told me it was a lesson not to deny the man meant for you."

Kate snorted. "Great, we are a bunch of witches. I'm not gonna get burned at the stake, am I?"

"Don't make fun. That was a tragic time in women's history."

"Sorry." She rubbed her temples and tried to focus. "Okay, so something bad happens if you deny the gift. I don't think I'm denying it. I think it's stopped up and I'm sensing a connection with one of our other clients."

Madeline took a hit. The smoke seemed to give her the courage needed to look up. "Be careful, darling. This is dangerous territory. No one in the family has used the gift as well as you do. You've been able to turn it into a pathway for people to meet their mates. If you deny your own fate, you don't know what you will unleash."

"Yeah, consequences we don't know or you can't tell me. Great. Thanks for the info, Mom. So, you're saying that everyone who experiences the touch for themselves just accepts it? How did you explain that to Dad? Or what if you connect with a random guy on the street? Do you chase him down, screaming if you don't get married, you'll get screwed by consequences?"

Madeline sighed. "Each situation is different. Of course, marriage doesn't happen overnight. Your father and I dated for almost a year before we married, but the connection helped open a flow between us that was vital to the relationship. Has this man pursued you? Shown any interest other than being a standard client of Kinnections? Do you have any type of relationship with this man?"

Kate remembered the way he trailed her at the bar. The way he stripped her mentally, challenged her snarkiness, and generally pissed her off. Remembered the stark beauty of his kiss, mouth to mouth, skin to skin, wringing away any rational thought except the need to be his. Was that a relationship? Or her own brand of crazy? "He's just a client," she said firmly. "Nothing more, nothing less."

Madeline nodded. "If there's no obvious flow, you should be okay."

"Define flow."

"Opportunities to see each other. Talk, share information. Each time an encounter of intimacy is formed, it makes the touch stronger and more vibrant. You never did anything other than touch, right?"

Ah, crap. "Well, we kind of kissed. But it was really quick and it'll never happen again."

Fear skittered over Madeline's features. "Was it electric? The best kiss you ever had?"


"No," she said firmly. "It w-w-was good, but not the best." Her mother gave her the look. "Fine," she huffed. "It was the best kiss I ever had."

"This is very bad, Kate. Very bad."

Irritation kicked in. For goodness' sake, she didn't believe in witchery and spooks. She made a mental note to shift Slade over to Kennedy as his main contact. If she backed off, the whole thing would go away. "And if I decide to block this type of encounter?"

Her mother frowned. "You will cause the energy to be disrupted. And then cons--"

"Yeah, I know," she interrupted. "Consequences will form."

"Why is this man so wrong for you? Has he caused heartbreak to others?"

Kate eyed the joint with envy. "He's a divorce lawyer."

Her mother jerked back with sheer horror. "Oh, no! Negative energy probably invaded his entire aura. And I wished for so much more for your match," she moaned.

"He's not my match. I'm telling you it's a mistake. I'll fix it."

She sucked in a deep breath of the sweetly sick smoke and hoped she'd get a good contact high. At this point, no consequences could compete with the hell of spending more time with Slade Montgomery. He pushed too many buttons, and they were obviously wrong for each other. There must be another explanation for their connection. Her phone bleeped out Maroon

5 "Payphone" and she clicked the button.


"I need you. Now."

His voice leaked over the phone, all hot and creamy, like the favorite hot fudge and caramel sundaes she tried to avoid. Kate blinked through the smoke. "What's up? Don't tell me you're canceling your date with Hannah, that's just plain rude. And how did you get my cell number?"

He practically hissed at her through the phone. "Never mind, I'm in trouble and it's all your fault."

"I never even touched you, the baby's not mine."

"You're a real laugh riot."

Kate rolled her eyes and propped her phone up by her ear. "Listen up. Hannah canceled our date. She came down with the flu bug, was trying to make it 'cause she felt bad, but decided to pull out an hour beforehand."

"Well, that sucks, but it's not her fault. Did you reschedule?"

"I don't care about rescheduling, I care about having a dinner date tonight."

She stretched out her legs and rested comfortably against the cushions. Her mother busied herself with pouring another cup of her Japanese tea. "Sorry, not understanding. You can't go out to dinner alone? Then order takeout."

She heard the gnash of his teeth over the line. "You're not listening to me. I need a date here, at my doorstep, in one hour. I'm about to walk into a huge business dinner where everyone has a date except me. I'm up for partnership, I need to make a good impression, and if I don't show with someone fabulous it'll take away some major points. I haven't worked this hard to screw it up now."

The true facts of his statement hit her in the gut like a sucker punch. Holy crap. His intimate, first date with Hannah was really a business function? Hot, pure anger pumped through her veins. "Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me for your first date with Hannah you planned to drag her to a business dinner? No alone time? You expected her to dazzle your partners on your terms and used my company to do it?"

A short silence hummed. "You're twisting my words, and I have no time for this. I approached Hannah with the situation, and she agreed to help me out. Said she didn't mind at all and she handled business dinners all the time with her job and with her family background. It's not a big deal."

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