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Reign of Night (Thorne Hill 7)

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“Seriously?” Lucifer spits out, brows furrowed as he looks upon the beach. “Of all the beaches in all the world, you chose one that requires clothing.” He dramatically sighs and shakes his head. “I happen to be very fond of a particular beach in France where clothing is optional and most decide to go without—”

“Silence, brother!” Michael booms, eyes flashing bright blue.

“Ohhh, saucy,” Lucifer coos, putting a hand on his hip. “I like this side of you, brother. You’re a little reckless and remind me of, well, me. No wonder I find it so attractive.”

“This isn’t a joke,” Michael snarls.

“Trust me,” Lucifer says, holding up his hands. “I know.” His lips press into a forced smile, and he flicks his eyes to me for half a second before he starts to roll up his sleeves. “It’s quite toasty here. Reminds me of home.”

“This isn’t a joke,” Michael repeats.

“I know,” Lucifer agrees, being quite somber. “You killed our brother.”

“I did what I had to do,” Michael retorts.

Lucifer’s eyes shift to me. “Apparently so, but know I’m done cleaning up your messes. Get back there and deal with it yourself…unlike last time.”

Michael whirls around, great white wings appearing behind him. “Do not talk about her that way,” he sneers, nostrils flaring.

Lucifer rolls his eyes and continues to mess with the sleeves of his designer suit. “I found a button, and I’m going to push it.”

Michael tips his head, not following.

“He means he’s going to annoy you,” I blurt. It’s hot, and I’m wearing knee-high leather boots and a jacket over my clothes. Yet I know the sweat that’s breaking out along my back and between my breasts has more to do with nerves than anything else.

“Yes,” Lucifer snaps. “I’m going to do that. Exactly that.”

“And what will that accomplish?” Michael rounds on him, blue eyes flashing.

“Apparently nothing,” Lucifer snarls, eyes glowing like red coals in the night. “Well, nothing other than remind me of old times. I let you win then, but I won’t be so gracious now.” He pushes his shoulders back and his large wings appear behind him. “Do I need to remind you she was mine first?”

“She was never yours.” Michael’s eyes glow brighter and brighter as anger surges through him. “She never belonged to anyone.” Michael thrusts his hand forward, sending a jolt of blue light at Lucifer. It hits him square in the chest, singeing his designer suit and making him stumble back a few steps.

“That’s how it’s going to be?” Lucifer dusts off his jacket. “Hurt me but leave the Kiton alone.”

Michael’s eyes narrow, and he looks at Lucifer in question for half a second before becoming stoic again. He has no idea that Kiton is a designer who makes ridiculously expensive suits. I only know because Lucas has a few of them hanging in his closet, and I just about spit out my drink—all over said expensive suits—when he casually mentioned spending ten grand on just one of them.

A string of blue energy, much like the magic I can conjure, sizzles around Michael’s fingers. It’s as bright as the sun and probably just as hot.

“Don’t make me fight fire with fire,” Lucifer says, holding up his hand and summoning a ball of hellfire. Both my father and my uncle raise their hands, ready to unleash cosmic forces on each other. My heart jumps into my throat, and I move between them, holding up my hands.

“Stop it!” I yell, but it’s too late. Both the string of blue magic and the hellfire come hurtling at me. Instinct takes over, and I close my eyes, knowing there’s going to be a blinding flash. I duck at the last second, and the two forces of energy collide, raining sparks and flames down on me. They hit the exposed skin on my hands, but instead of burning me, it absorbs into my skin, giving me an instant jolt.

Tingles make their way down my spine, and I look up, confused and alarmed by what just happened. Michael rushes to me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

“Callie,” he breathes, turning me so I’m looking at him. “Are you all right?”

“I…I think so,” I say, aware my own eyes are emitting a soft blue glow.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Lucifer notes, sand shifting under his shoes as he comes over as well.

Letting my eyes fall shut, I slowly inhale, aware more than ever before of everything around me. The sound of the waves. The heat of the sun warming the sand. The happy chatter of everyone around us. Time slows and the chatter gets louder and louder in my ears, and suddenly it’s like a dozen people standing around me all talking at the same time, and through the voices I hear the thumping of hearts and can feel their wants. Their needs.

Their fears.

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