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Pinning Her Cushion

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Despite my attempts to keep my thoughts chaste (clean thoughts made for a clean bath, or so I had heard), my strange little mind refused to cooperate. Before I could even begin the soaping process, I was back, at least in the realm of my mind, in the vineyard, way out in the fields with Jayden with grapes all around.

His hand on my hips, he pulled me into him and held me close. Planting my lip and neck with warm, gentle kisses, he ran his hands up the back of my elf costume. Pulling gently on the knot at the top of the lacing, he eased it open and started unlacing the corset, opening the back of the dress along with it.

With a hand on either side, he eased the top of the dress away from my skin and then down towards my feet. With some help from Jayden, my dress went down and off, leaving me in only my sneakers and panties. The feeling of the fresh air was heaven on my hard nipples.

Keeping a hand stroking my back, Jayden carefully hung my costume over a post between the rows, merging his passion in mine in a bit of symbolism that was in no way lost on me.

Sliding his hand down my back and into my panties, gently squeezing my ass, he brought his other back in, gently tending to my tits making me hum. No one had ever seen that much of my body or touched me like that and I loved it. A small tremble of pleasure rippled through me as Jayden pleasured me with his bare hands.

I was already bursting with sweet pleasure and my panties weren’t even off yet. Kissing his way down my front, the hand he was using on my tits followed close behind, eventually joining the other on my ass. Tucking his hands into the band of my panties, he worked them slowly down, revealing the rest of my body and caressing my legs as he did so.

It was surprisingly easy to step out of them as they reached my sneakered feet with my hands on his shoulders for balance. Stroking his way back up my legs, he took me back into his warm embrace. My face pressed against his chest, breathing in his scent, as he put his panties with my dress.

I loved the feeling of his body against my raw, vulnerable form, able to feel his massive erection in the front of his well-tailored suit pants. Keeping me close, he slipped his hand down between us and gently stroked my tight, virgin pussy. Keeping it on the outside at first, he slowly slipped a finger inside, stopping whenever I would moan, and started to lightly finger me while holding me close.

The shaking was as surprising as it was uncontrollable. Shuddering against Jayden as he held me, stroking my back with his free hand. Then, slowly easing his finger out of me, he took me by the hips again and bent me over.

I’d always been a pretty curvy girl but was also flexible thanks to years of yoga. Taking a hold of my ankles to give him easy access to everything I had, I waited for what he was going to do next. I had to literally bite my lip to keep from crying out as he caressed his wonderful tongue down the length of my tender pussy lip. From my clit to right below my ass.

He made several trips along the same route, swirling his tongue on my clit occasionally, making me scream with unbridled joy. He then combined his sweet tongue action with first one, and then two fingers, working me to a massive orgasm.

Jayden held me and kissed me, gently stroking my pussy as I recovered. It was really the only thing keeping me on my feet as every muscle in my body seemed to have relaxed at once. Despite what had already happened, I never would have predicted what happened next.

Lifting me up into a standing position, he turned me toward him, and then, with both hands on my ass, hoisted me up, so we were face to face. My arms and legs went instinctively around his neck and waist. Jayden kissed me to help calm me down.

When I had relaxed, he lifted me up and eased me down onto his cock. Working it gently up my tight little pussy as I held onto him. It only hurt a little when he broke through my cherry, stopping my progress soon after. Giving me a moment to adjust to being absolutely stuffed by his magnificent cock, he started to bounce me up and down. Stroking my pussy the length of his cock and then back again, gaining in speed as he went. Easing me into it, it wasn’t long before I was jack hammering on his beautiful cock, screaming my joy as he fucked me to orgasm. Pounding my pussy until we came in sweet unison, I came all over his cock as he blasted his huge load deep inside me.

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