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Pinning Her Cushion

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She worked my cock until I felt like I was on the edge of coming, so I pulled back, stroking her cheek as I did so. Her tongue followed my retreating cock, desperate for more. Tilting her head back, I gave her my tongue, the two of us locking into a passionate kiss.

Taking the bottom of her shirt, I pulled it up and over her head as we made out. My naughty little minx wasn’t wearing anything under it. Her luscious young form revealed to me was like a statue being unveiled. Art of the absolute finest.

I took her tits in my hands and massaged them lightly as we continued to make out. As I paid particular attention to her hard nipples, the pleasure made her moan. At least, as much as she could with her lips and tongue being so busy.

Sliding my hands the length of her body, savoring the feel of every inch of her tender flesh, I made it down to her knees and slowly opened her legs. I felt her gasp slightly at the feel of the cool air tickling the outside of her sweet little cunt but it didn’t at all sound like a bad sound. As a test, I slipped a hand up between her legs, pressing it to her tender, pink pussy lips. It made her jerk and moan in surprise and pleasure. She didn’t pull away though. Instead, she pushed her hips forward to press her delicate lips harder against the palm of my hand. I massaged her in gentle circles, keeping my other hand working her tit as I did so, our passionate lip lock still not entirely breaking.

Making sure she was nice and wet to make things as easy as possible, I slid two fingers up inside Krystal, her pussy hugging me in greeting. Moving my mouth down to her chest, I sucked her tits, alternating between each as I fingered her, teasing her clit with my thumb. I savored every gasp and moan as she trembled against me. It didn’t take much of this tender attention before she came, the orgasm exploding out of her. Krystal howled her pleasure as she came all over my hand. Cleaning us both off, I pushed her down onto her back in preparation for what was to come. Krystal obeyed like a good girl, even opening her legs for me as I got into position.

Standing between her open legs as they rested on the edge of the bed, I lifted them one by one, and placed them over my arms so her knees met my elbow. It was one of the best ways I knew of to account for our clear and considerable height difference, Krystal’s head barely came up to my shoulder.

Krystal moaned sweetly as I stroked the head of my cock against her tender cunt. She was fairly young and still really tight and, despite the orgasm she had just had, I wanted to make sure she was absolutely ready before sliding my cock inside her.

She let out a moan and a little bit of a cry as I eased the bulk of my massive cock into her tight young pussy. Soon enough, she relaxed as her pussy adjusted to being filled up so completely, and she ended up talking a little more than half my cock with relative ease.

“Let me know if it hurts,” I said caressing her cheek.

Krystal nodded in reply and I started to gently work inside her. Pumping her tight little pussy with slow, soft strokes at first, eventually building up to a steady rhythm. Krystal’s moans matched the beat of my cock working inside her.

After what seemed like an eternity of pure pleasure, I could feel Krystal’s sweet pussy tighten around me at the same time my own orgasm started to gather.

We came together in a beautiful, ecstatic union, my massive load unleashing into her beautiful cunt in my head as I came in the shower back in reality.Chapter Four - JaydenIt was almost as if time was going slower. A scientific impossibility I knew, but that didn’t change how I was perceiving things. We all sat at the table in the conference room. Clarence and I had put on our suits, trying to look as officious as possible. Emma was still in her waitress uniform, deciding she didn’t have time to change before the presentation. I wasn’t quite sure she knew what Clarence and I were doing, but I doubted it. She’d likely be pissed at us if she did.

I couldn’t help being excited. I was actually fidgeting in my seat as we waited for the appointed time. Krystal arriving late would have been reason enough to reject her proposal out of hand. Truthfully, I really wanted the proposal to flop. I had no particular desire to see her fail or make her sad. I just wanted to have the opportunity to take her aside, all care and empathy, and suggest that she spend the night with me as a way to pay off what she owes. No money or waitressing service required.

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