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The Greek's Virgin Temptation

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‘Are you sure?’ he asked as he thrilled her neck with seductive open-mouthed kisses.

‘Do I have a choice?’

‘Always,’ he said firmly.

‘Then I choose this,’ she said, reaching for her underwear.

Kris took over, removing what remained with skilful ease and then, still supporting her in the water, he dipped his head and kissed her again.

‘More?’ he suggested.

‘Oh, yes please...’

Every part of her was aroused, and as he massaged her breasts with his free hand her nipples grew taut and erect. But that wasn’t nearly enough for her and, opening her legs just a little bit more, she invited him to take advantage.

‘Relax,’ he said. ‘I’ve got you, agape mou.’

Supporting her on his arm, Kris’s encouragement in his own language really turned her on. Her body obliged him, and her thighs parted even more.

‘That’s good,’ he approved as she spread her legs wide. ‘That’s perfect. But I think you need careful preparation before I go any further.’

‘Oh, yes, I do,’ she agreed as Kris began to touch her intimately, but with the utmost delicacy and sensitivity that gave her absolutely no reason to fear him. ‘How do you know exactly what I need?’ she asked somehow on a shaking breath.

‘All sorts of clues,’ he murmured as he began to circle her most sensitive core. ‘You flinched when I first touched you, for example.’

‘You’re reading a lot into that,’ Kimmie remarked, frowning.

‘My intuition again,’ Kris said as he arranged her to his liking.

‘Ah...don’t stop,’ she whimpered as his fingertips drew ever closer to where she needed him to be. Whatever she’d felt in the past, Kris had the answer as he mapped each of her deliciously arousal-swollen curves.

‘Are you a virgin?’ he pressed as she groaned with pleasure.

‘Do you care?’ she panted as he increased the pressure very slightly.

‘Of course I care. And of course it matters. Does it put me off? What do you think?’ he asked as he kissed her deeply, slowly.

‘Have mercy on me,’ she pleaded when he lifted his head. ‘You can’t keep teasing me like this.’

‘Yes, I can,’ he assured her.

He smiled down at her in the moonlight. With the swish of the water and Kimmie’s soft moans the only sounds to be heard as he pleasured her, this was turning into the most romantic seduction. He couldn’t remember ever feeling like this before, or smiling so often. He wanted to do far more than please Kimmie; he wanted to reassure her and make her feel safe. A measure of this was that he had never been in so much frustrated pain in his life, but he would do nothing to startle Kimmie or rush this just to satisfy himself, because she deserved the most sensitive awakening he could give her.

‘Please,’ she begged, losing all inhibitions now. ‘Kiss me again, touch me again... Ahh...’

Kisses that were tender became driven by mutual fire until she was trembling on the point of release. ‘More!’ she commanded fiercely. ‘Unless you don’t want to?’

‘Don’t want to?’ he queried incredulously. Of course I do.’ For a moment he stared at her, uncomprehending, and then he realised that it must be those whispers from childhood still plaguing her. He knew only too well how they could become shouts at times. ‘I want you,’ he stated with absolute conviction.

‘And I want you,’ she gasped.

‘Like this?’ he murmured as he held her safe and used his free hand to increase the sensations.

‘Exactly like that,’ she exclaimed.

‘I won’t rush this,’ he warned her as he purposefully slowed the tempo again.

‘Why not?’ she demanded and, taking matters into her own hands, she ground her body against his fist until release was no longer a distant prospect but a howling, screaming reality. ‘Take me here in the water,’ she begged the moment the powerful release had begun to ease off.

‘Certainly not,’ he told her, smiling against her mouth as he kissed her. ‘This is going to take a lot of time and a considerable amount of pleasure before we reach that point, so you will have to be patient.’

‘And if I won’t be?’

‘Then I shall punish you.’

‘Please,’ she breathed, her eyes bright with excitement.

‘By withholding pleasure,’ he explained.

‘Don’t you dare!’

He enjoyed seeing her still moving rhythmically in time to the fading pulses. ‘I think you want more,’ he murmured.

‘You only think that? Anyway,’ she assured him, ‘I’m not thinking at all.’

Dipping his head, he brushed her mouth with his lips. As he did so, her legs floated to the surface of the water and parted. His hand found her, and this time she covered his hand with hers, showing him exactly what she needed, and how fast she needed it. He gave it to her efficiently, satisfying her as quickly as she wanted. Then, kissing her again, he plundered her mouth with his tongue and her body with his fingers, all the time murmuring words of reassurance and encouragement in his own language until she was completely lost to pleasure. Gasping rhythmically with approval, she whimpered in time to her growing need and he responded the way she wanted, watching through half-closed eyes as she approached the edge again and prepared to fall over.

‘And now I’m going to make you wait,’ he announced.

‘No!’ she wailed.

‘Then you must tell me what you want this time,’ he insisted.

‘I want you... I want this. I want you deep inside me,’ she gasped out.

‘You want everything, in fact,’ he confirmed.


Kris was all she needed to forget the past and start building her life again. This was so much more than sex. It was salvation. Breath caught in her throat as he lifted her out of the water and held her against him. Then he turned her so her back was pressed hard against his torso. Her pulse spiked with excitement as he cupped her breasts, holding her above the water.

‘Good?’ he asked as he kissed her neck, sending streams of sensation streaking through her. ‘What about this?’ One hand moved steadily lower until he found her. She was still frustrated and slick with need. He hummed appreciatively as he discovered this, but she made no sound. She didn’t dare to break the spell. Her senses were floating like her body, out of reach and beyond her control.

‘Please...don’t make me wait.’

He knew exactly what she needed and laughed softly as he instructed, ‘When I say you can, and not before.’

She went absolutely still as he began to work. She knew what to expect now, and how good it would be. ‘You need this,’ he murmured as he applied a little more pressure.

‘Yes, I do,’ she agreed heatedly. She could only marvel at the possibilities for ecstasy contained within her body that she hadn’t even known about. ‘Now!’ she begged.

‘No,’ he murmured and to make sure of it he withdrew his hand. ‘When I say and not before.’

‘Oh, please...’ She was teetering above the abyss, longing to plunge into it again.

‘Don’t rush,’ he counselled in the calmest of tones. ‘If you wait until I say, the feeling will be even greater.’

Believing him, she forced her mind somewhere else. But she couldn’t hold on. Her body wouldn’t allow her to. Kris hadn’t just applied more pressure, he’d speeded up. ‘I can’t!’ she cried out as his knowing hand continued to move to a steady and reliable rhythm.

‘You must wait,’ he said evenly. ‘I will tell you when you can let go.’

‘No!’ she wailed.

‘Yes,’ he insisted in a tone of command.

‘I really can’t,’ she protested in a whimper.

‘Then, I’ll stop,’ he threatened.

‘I hate you!’

‘No, you don’t,’ he said confidently.

Grinding her jaw, she held her breath and closed her eyes until the urge to leap into the alluring black velvet depths had subsided once again.

‘Good,’ Kris praised. ‘Now you shall have your reward.’

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