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The Greek's Virgin Temptation

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‘If he does...if he’s here...if he can spare the time.’

‘Compromises have to be made. That’s what a long-term relationship is, Kimmie—a series of compromises and endless consideration for your partner.’

‘And our child,’ she said.

‘And your child,’ Theo Kaimos agreed. ‘You’re lucky...luckier than you know.’

As he spoke, he glanced at the photograph of his late wife, and it put everything in perspective. Kimmie had the power to make choices but, where love and companionship was concerned, Theo Kaimos had none. And so she sat beside him and they talked and talked. Whatever else happened, Kimmie felt as if she’d made a new friend in London. Now it was time to put emotion aside and ask the questions she was longing to ask.

‘An heir to the Kaimos Shipping line must be something you’re pleased about,’ she suggested, but Theo looked her straight in the eye.

‘I won’t lie to you; an heir to the shipping line is very welcome,’ he confirmed, ‘but a grandchild to love and cherish? Now there’s the true gift. Kris always considered me his father, and in my heart he is my son, so I hope you won’t object to my referring to your child as my grandchild, even though technically I would be a great-uncle?’

‘I think you’ll be a wonderful grandfather,’ Kimmie said honestly.

‘All I’ve ever wanted is for Kristof to be happy,’ Theo Kaimos revealed. ‘And now I think he has a chance to be, and that’s all thanks to you. I can see why Kristof wants to marry you,’ he added with a smile.

‘Because of this?’ She stroked her bump.

‘No, because of you,’ Kris’s uncle stated firmly. ‘I like you, Kimmie Lancaster, and, whatever happens between you and Kristof, I want you to promise to come and see me again. Will you do that?’

She stared into misty old eyes that had seen so much of life and love and loss. ‘I will,’ she whispered. ‘I promise.’

Was it possible that Kris might love her? Kimmie wondered as they drove back to his place in the SUV. He had a strange way of showing it, if that were so. She didn’t know what to think about the phone conversation she’d overheard but, having met Kris’s uncle, she was inclined to give them both the benefit of the doubt. Yes, Theo Kaimos wanted the Kaimos dynasty to continue, and she couldn’t blame him for that—he had no surviving family except for Kris. Had Kris contrived to get her pregnant? Well, if he had, she’d hardly been an unwilling partner. Kris’s motives going forward were what mattered. His uncle had assured Kimmie that the baby would have everything it needed, as would she, and she had matched his offer, saying she could manage very well on her own but would hope to see a lot more of him, especially when she had the baby. ‘You’ll be our child’s only grandfather,’ she’d pointed out, and they’d hugged. It was a pledge she knew they’d both keep whatever happened between her and Kris.

Kris’s commitment when it came to marriage was the only remaining doubt in her mind. Did they need to marry? That was a question for another day. Her feelings for him were too strong to be messed with, and right now she had enough to think about, knowing Theo Kaimos was part of her family. She would never want to exclude him, whatever happened. Nor could she agree to marry Kris for convenience, or for reasons of so-called respectability. Maybe she was a hopeless romantic, but her dream was to cherish, love, adore, and be cherished, loved and adored in return. What she definitely didn’t want was an arrangement. She wanted to give all her heart, not keep part of it back in case she was hurt again. And she wanted to be loved all the time, not just when it was convenient.


‘UNCLE THEO LIKES you a lot,’ Kris commented.

‘And I like your uncle. Very much,’ Kimmie confirmed.

‘He’s been really sick...heart problems, though he’s been given the all-clear now, and I’ve never seen him look better than he did today.’

‘News of the baby made him happy.’ Kimmie said this without an edge. She was simply stating the truth.

‘Yes, it did,’ Kris confirmed. ‘I think we’re all happy.’

‘I know I am.’

‘Do you doubt me?’ he shot back.

‘I doubt your motives.’

‘Meaning?’ Kris frowned.

‘Meaning I overheard your phone conversation with your uncle before we left your house. I didn’t mean to. I was about to open the door and I couldn’t not hear what you said about providing the longed-for heir.’

Heaving a sigh, he sat back as the lights turned red. Forced to stop the car, he turned to face Kimmie. ‘Snatches of conversation never tell the whole story.’

‘So why do I think this one did?’

‘I’ve no idea.’

‘From playboy to devoted father, all within the space of a few months? Does that seem likely to you?’

‘Yes, because it’s happening. Nothing’s set in stone. We make choices and then life throws in some changes and we adapt. When it comes to fathering a child, I adapt like you wouldn’t believe.’

‘But can you adapt in other ways? I mean, work seems to take up all of your time.’

‘I can certainly try,’ Kris said with a shrug. ‘You’re not exactly a slouch yourself,’ he pointed out. ‘I don’t imagine you’ll give up painting when you become a mother, will you?’

‘I won’t be able to afford to.’

‘I can make things easier for you.’

‘By marrying me?’

‘Don’t sound so cynical. You might grow to like the idea.’

‘Could you compromise enough for that, Kris? I don’t see you making allowances for anyone.’

‘That’s because you don’t really know me. You need to spend longer with my uncle,’ Kris added dryly.

‘Maybe I do,’ Kimmie conceded, though she wasn’t convinced it would be enough.

Kris had turned into the smart London square where his town house was located. ‘What do I have to do to convince you that I’m not as bad as you think I am? This is not just about the Kaimos Shipping line.’

‘How do I know that? You must have thought fate had thrown you a lifeline when I pitched up on the beach short of a husband when your uncle had just suggested you look for a wife.’

‘Firstly, I follow my own instincts. I love my uncle, but I’m not as susceptible to his charming manipulation as you seem to think. Secondly, you intrigued me, and still do.’

‘Really.’ Kimmie clenched her jaw. She didn’t know what to think. Meeting Kris’s uncle had only made things more complicated, because instinctively she trusted him, and he trusted Kris. Passion swirled around them as they stared at each other. Maybe she should climb out of the car and leave this for another day when she was feeling calmer and less confused, but she had never been able to dodge a problem. They hadn’t even started to discuss the future of their child, so this stand-off had to end, and it had to end now.

‘Is this a set-up? Did you get me pregnant on purpose?’ she asked bluntly.

‘Haven’t I always protected us both?’ he countered grimly.

‘Yes, but...’

‘There are no buts about it. Protection occasionally fails and women get pregnant. You’re having my baby, a fact for which I’m eternally glad. There is no set-up here. Yes, there was a moment when, as you said, I thought fate was on my side, but that was because fate had brought me you.’ Raking his hair into an even wilder mess, Kris admitted, ‘I’m not good with feelings, Kimmie, and even less skilled at expressing them. I learned at a very young age, as did you, to keep my feelings to myself. It became a lifelong habit that I’m finding hard to break, but I do feel something for you...’

‘You feel something? What?’

‘I honestly don’t know. I don’t want to overstate it. You’re the mother of my child, and I love you for that. You’re giving me the family I never had until my uncle took me in, the family he lost when

he lost his beloved wife. Of course I love you for that. I’d have to be made of wood not to adore you for what you’re giving us.’

‘But you can’t say anything more to me, personally.’

‘Not because I don’t feel anything for you,’ Kris reiterated tensely, ‘but because I don’t want to...’

‘Raise my hopes?’

‘Now you’re sounding bitter, and putting words into my mouth. You should know as well as I do that expressing ourselves when it comes to feelings is always guided by the past.’

‘I’ve tried to shake off the past,’ Kimmie protested hotly.

‘And have you succeeded?’ he jeered.

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