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Housekeeper at His Beck and Call

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He pulled her into his arms. ‘You don’t know the half.’ His brow crinkled attractively as he stared down into her face. ‘But that’s what this is about, no?’ And when her cheeks pinked up he piled on the agony. ‘Learning about sex. Lessons in sex, I believe you wanted?’

‘You are really bad.’

‘I’m wicked, aren’t I?’ Cade sounded pleased.

She gasped as he caressed her breast and in moments wanted more, but Cade had other ideas. ‘Back on your hands and knees,’ he commanded. ‘But this time try the rug—you’ll find it’s softer…’

She started shaking. There was a huge, white fluffy rug in front of the mammoth fireplace just in front of them.

‘Relax,’ Cade told her, moving up behind. When she was in position he held her loosely round the waist, rubbing himself against her. Before she knew it she was resting on her arms and lifting her hips as high as she could to expose every part of those swollen, pulsing, sensitive parts to the insistent pressure of Cade’s erection.

‘Now?’ he murmured, gently buffeting her. ‘Isn’t that good?’

Did he expect an answer? It was taking all her energy just to breathe. She could come just like this.

‘I think it’s time to lose your clothes.’

Cade’s lazy tone added to her state of arousal. Her hands were trembling. ‘How many clothes?’

‘Down to your underwear…’

Cade’s face was impassive. His lack of expression was an even bigger turn on. He was serious about giving her lessons in pleasure.

Liv found herself shamelessly flaunting her impressive cleavage. She wanted this—

‘Nice,’ Cade murmured. ‘Now lie down and close your eyes.’

She did as he said, and then exclaimed as something cold brushed her belly. ‘What’s that?’

‘Close your eyes, I said.’

She arced towards him as the ice cube continued its tantalising path. ‘You set all this up before we even got here,’ she accused him breathlessly.

‘Eyes closed.’

Cade’s voice had sharpened, and his stern tone thrilled her. Liquid followed ice, and Cade’s tongue followed the liquid. ‘Champagne?’ Liv guessed, her senses heightened now she couldn’t see.

Cade’s answer was to lap his way to her breasts.

‘What are you doing now?’ She reached up to find out what he was holding.

‘I’m going to secure a blindfold, and all you have to do is tell me if I do anything you don’t like…’

She made a vow of silence there and then.

Cade lifted her to remove her bra and when she was free of it he attended to first one breast and then the other. His hot breath, rough stubble, and delicately skilful tongue created all sorts of havoc inside her as he nibbled and licked and sucked and tugged.

She was half mad with desire. She couldn’t see through the velvet cover over her eyes and it forced her to focus on everything Cade did. Champagne trickled over her, and then Cade’s warm breath was teasing her belly. He moved steadily down, pushing her thong away until she was completely naked.

‘Lie still,’ he instructed when she writhed with pleasure.

She tried hard to remain still, but it wasn’t easy while Cade was easing her thighs apart. She was completely exposed to him. It was all so deliciously wicked, and the most exciting part of all was that she didn’t know what to expect. She cried out softly as something brushed her. ‘A feather?’ she guessed.

Cade remained silent as he continued to tease her.

‘I want more.’ But now he was lifting her and carrying her across the ballroom. ‘Where are you taking me?’ She buried her face in Cade’s naked chest. And was the rest of him naked too? ‘Where are we?’ She explored the seat he had just lowered her onto with her hands.

‘Reclining on a particularly valuable chaise longue,’ Cade said, joining her.

‘And am I allowed to touch you?’

His low laugh vibrated in the silence. ‘You can do pretty much what you like with me.’

‘Okay, let’s start with this…’

He gasped. It was her turn to take him by surprise. ‘I have the best of teachers,’ she reminded him, enjoying the texture of his taut, thrusting length.

Cade shifted position and Liv gasped in disappointment as he slipped out of her reach. But then he was kneeling in front of the low-slung couch and her legs were over his shoulders.

‘Nice?’ he murmured, pausing for breath.

She could only groan her approval and warn him not to stop.

He lifted her onto him. Moving to straddle him, she sank slowly down with Cade’s encouragement at a pace that suited her. The feeling of gradually filling herself with Cade was exquisite. And he thought so too, judging by his moan of pleasure.

‘You’re a good student,’ he murmured with approval, gazing at her through half-shut eyes.

It was her turn to instruct him. ‘Give me more…give me everything,’ she insisted, starting to move.

Cupping her buttocks, Cade helped her set a rhythm, and when it was established he used one hand to stimulate her and the other hand to keep hold of her and guide her. His technique was sensational, and was one that soon had her unable to contribute. Resting against him, it was all she could do to drag in air as Cade worked to increase her pleasure. He rocked her gently, leaving her nothing to do but react and feel, while his hips, his hands, and his mouth worked their magic.

‘I’m frightened,’ Liv wailed as the demand for release inside her began to build.

‘Then I’ll stop,’ Cade threatened.

‘Don’t you dare!’ She gasped fiercely.

Cade laughed softly as he upped the pace, but eased off when he sensed she wasn’t with him any more. But she was out of it in the best way possible. She went still, and when he moved again to take her deep, she cried out his name before plunging headlong into pleasure.

He moved with her, feeding her hunger, rocking her firmly until she was done, and as she moaned and sobbed and begged him never to stop he would have done anything for her, anything…He brought her down slowly, stroking her silky hair, and kissing her eyelids until she quietened. When she turned her face up to look at him he felt like the luckiest man on earth.

‘Is that all?’ she murmured, barely able to form the words she was so drugged with pleasure. He feasted on her lips, wondering if he would ever get enough of her. ‘And that concludes lesson one.’

‘But there are plenty more lessons to come?’

She sounded so worried he laughed as he eased out of her. ‘You need time to think about what you’ve learned so far…’

As he freed her blindfold she stared at him in incredulity. ‘You used my duster as a blindfold?’

Cade’s mouth tugged with amusement. ‘Like I said, you need to think about what you learned. Things aren’t always what they seem.’


‘Careful,’ he warned, dropping kisses on her upturned face, ‘or we may never reach lesson two…’

She hardly dared ask him what he’d used for a feather—a cobweb, perhaps? Liv covered herself modestly as Cade tugged on his jeans. At least the champagne bottle resting in an ice bucket was real enough. ‘You didn’t use a cobweb, did you?’ Spiders gave her the creeps, and she had to reassure herself.

‘A cobweb?’ He glanced at his hand. ‘Why would I?’

A delicious shiver crept over her. Cade’s hand was so tanned and lean and strong, and yet so sensitive. Was there no end to his talent…or to her feelings for him?

‘Are you complaining?’ he murmured, drawing her close.

‘Only that you stopped.’ They shared a look that made Liv’s heart redouble its efforts to beat its way out of her chest.

‘Who said I stopped?’ Cade demanded, making Liv shriek with excitement as he swung her into his arms.

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