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Housekeeper at His Beck and Call

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‘Cade’s a romantic?’ Mrs Tate said with surprise, turning to her husband.

‘Now there’s a surprise,’ Mr Tate agreed, winking at his daughter, Carly.

‘You’re such a pragmatist, Mrs Grant Featherstone Carew,’ Cade murmured as the padre told him to general laughter that the time had come yet again for Cade to kiss the bride.

‘And you’re such a romantic, Lieutenant Colonel Grant,’ Liv whispered back, knowing she had found her perfect match.

‘I can’t promise you a safe and predictable life with me,’ Cade warned in a whisper against Liv’s mouth. ‘For instance…’

‘For instance?’ She sighed happily thinking of all the delicious possibilities.

‘For instance, I intend to teach you how to drive the moment our honeymoon is over.’

‘In that case, our honeymoon will never end—’

Cade silenced Liv with a kiss and when he released her the padre led the applause. ‘Driving lessons,’ Cade murmured, smiling in a dignified manner at their guests.

‘Not from you,’ Liv said sweetly, matching Cade smile for smile. ‘If you think for one moment I’m going to place myself under your command—’


Liv thrilled to Cade’s expression, which promised all sorts of havoc would ensue once they were alone in the bedroom. ‘I can safely promise you a full scale rebellion.’

‘Excellent. I was hoping you’d say that. In anticipation of your reaction to my proposal I have been planning some new disciplinary measures to contain the situation.’

‘You have?’

‘I have,’ Lieutenant Colonel Gra

nt assured his new bride as he led Liv down the aisle to the sound of a rousing anthem.

‘Well, first I’d better tell you my news,’ she told him when they reached the porch. ‘It seems that all that non-stop work you put in with all my other lessons has paid off.’

‘It has?’ Cade’s face stilled.

‘It has.’ Liv shone with happiness as she grasped Cade’s hands. ‘We’re expecting some new recruits, Cade. Twins—’ she had to stand on tiptoe to tell him the rest of it ‘and both of them girls…’

The warrior faked a groan before bursting into delighted laughter. Sweeping his beloved wife into his arms, he told her, ‘You’ve made me the happiest man in the world, Liv Tate.’

‘Amen to that,’ Liv whispered.

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