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Edge of Obsession (SKALS 3)

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The uncertainty and pleading in his eyes nearly killed her. “I promise I will be as I have you. You’re all I want, Sebby. You’re all I need.”

“You have no idea how much that means,” he said, his voice thick and strained. “How badly I needed to hear you say that.”

“I mean it.”

“I know. It was selfish of me to drag you in to my life, but I wanted you—this—so much. I couldn’t let you go. Not even then.” He forced a small smile and kissed her again. “I’ll never understand why, but I’m glad you still think it’s worth it,” he murmured. “You are helplessly stuck with me, Taylor. It’s always going to be you and me.”


She sniffled and tried to wipe her nose. His feigned grimace broke the tension and made her giggle. Laughing when she could still feel the hot scald of tears against her cheeks made her feel more than a little psychotic. It even made Sebastian snort. He rolled off her and padded into the bathroom, returning a few seconds later with tissues in hand. It was embarrassing, but she dried her face and blew her nose anyway. He wrapped the crumpled wad in an unused sheet and pitched them in the trash before sliding back into bed beside her.

Nestling against the heated contours of his side, Taylor closed her eyes as he skimmed his fingertips over her ribs in gentle experimentation.

“Are you still sore?” he whispered.

“No. I don’t know what they gave me, but I felt fine when I woke up.”

“They gave you the best stuff they had. Whatever it is, it speeds up the healing process by a longshot. It will take a day or so for the sedatives and painkillers they fed through the IV to wear off. We’ll see how you feel then. Another day or two of not being inside you might be torture, but it won’t kill me,” he said with a rueful smile.

“It might me.”

He hugged her tight. “Believe me, darling, as bad as I want you, you’re going to need to be in tip top shape. It would probably be best if we didn’t have company lurking across the hall, too. You aren’t exactly quiet when I ravage you.”

Gasping, she batted his chest in exasperation. “Me? You’re one to talk, Agent Baas!”

The bed shook as he tried to hold his laughter in.

“I can’t believe you said that,” she muttered. “And since when do you care if there are other people around? I seem to remember a rather intense quickie while Irene sat waiting in the other room.”

The memory made him smirk. “I don’t care,” he admitted. “It just sounded like the appropriate thing to say. Besides, the look on your face was priceless.”

“You’re shameless.”

“I am.”

“How long are your sister and Josh staying for, anyway?” she asked, tracing the solid outline of his chest. The flat planes of his nipples hardened beneath her touch, and he dragged her hand away with a look of soft reproach.

“Hopefully not long. Josh said a few days. Monique wants to do what she can to help you. That much is a good idea. You could use a break, and we could use some time to focus on us.”

She smothered another yawn and nodded. Rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, she snuggled closer and draped her leg over the top of his thigh. It felt so good to be home and in his arms again. The crisp smell of linen and fabric softener clung to the blankets. Her lover’s warmth and the hard lines of his body pressed against her skin. He made her feel safe. Secure. Loved. That was what she needed. Closing her eyes, she prayed time would help heal the rest, and that eventually the memories of that horrible night would fade.


Taylor stretched with a quiet grunt and finished filling the filter in the coffee maker. She turned toward the fridge to pull out the eggs and winced at the glint of sun off the stainless steel appliances. Her eyes were still gritty and swollen from crying. Yesterday had been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. She shook her head. It was better to let the past go. She had so much to be thankful for here, now, with Sebastian. He loved her in a way no one else ever had. Deep down, she knew he also loved her in a way no one else ever would. He was tenderness, passion, and danger all rolled together in to one amazing package. Her lips quirked at the unintended pun. That, too, was quite a breathtaking thing.

Turning her attention to the mixing bowl she’d set aside, Taylor hummed beneath her breath and started breaking open the eggs. She jumped at the sudden press against her back and the warm hand snaking under the front of her baby tee. Her heart slowed as the scent of Sebastian’s cologne washed over her. Regaining her senses, she swatted his forearm in frustration.

“Jesus! You just scared another five years off my life sneaking up on me like that!”

Snaring her hips, he ground against her and kissed the side of her neck. “That’s what you get,” he scolded. “Why aren’t you still in bed?”

She felt a stab of guilt upon hearing the disappointment in his voice. “I figured I could at least start breakfast since I was awake.”

Sebastian turned her and lifted her chin. “Do I need to tie you up? I told you I wanted you to rest and take it easy.”

“I know, but I’m hungry. I slept the last three weeks of my life away. I want…I need to get back to our routine.”

“I had no idea you were such a creature of habit, Taylor,” he mused, brushing a wispy bang from her face.

“You made me that way.”

“It’s hard to argue with that logic. Next time stay put or I will find a way to keep you there.”

Letting her go, he reached into the cupboard behind her to fish out a mug. The rich smell of coffee was already starting to permeate the house. He eyed the pot impatiently before turning to the stove.

“What’s for breakfast?” he asked.

“Scrambled eggs and bacon. Quick and easy.”

She watched him, admiring the graceful power in his stride, as he moved across the kitchen and opened the butler’s pantry.

“English muffins, bagels, or toast?” he asked, arching a brow in her direction.


He grinned at her enthusiasm. “All right,” he said, tossing a package her way. “You toast. I’ll take over the cooking.”

Before long, the crisp smell of bacon and warm bread wafted through the kitchen. Bright sunlight streamed through the wall of bay windows lining the back of the house, chasing away both shadows and early morning chill. Tiny buds were already starting to speckle the trees and infuse the grounds with vibrant hints of green. Her smile faltered as she remembered Henderson standing over her, his watch both vigilant and kind, while she’d spent hours cleaning out the flowerbeds and getting the yard ready for spring. Neither of them had any idea that a few short hours later, she’d be lying paralyzed in the back of a van as he bled out beside her.

He’d saved her life that night, and in the end, he’d given his. Tears threatened as she remembered the sincerity in the head of security’s voice while he’d whispered his strained apologies in the dark.


Concern lined Sebastian’s face. Unaware that he’d been studying her, her cheeks flushed with shame. She forced a grin for his benefit, but he knew better. Frowning, he set the spatula down and opened his arms. Taylor abandoned her post in front of the toaster oven and surged into the comforting reassurance of his embrace.

“What is it? What upset you?”

She buried her face against the side of his neck. “I was just thinking about Henderson…about all the men that died that night trying to protect us.”

“Shh,” Sebastian soothed, stroking her hair. “It’s done, baby,” he said, rocking her gently in his arms. “I promise you, I will do everything in my power to assure nothing like that ever happens again. I know it was horrible, but those men died trying to do their job. Henderson gave his life to save yours. It’s an honorable way to go, and it’s what he would have wanted.”

She searched his eyes. “Do you really think so?”

“I know so, sweetheart.”


ing the air, she cast her attention to the stove. Thin tendrils of darkening smoke rose from the smoldering skillet. Her eyes darted back to his in panic. “The bacon is burning!”

Sebastian cupped her face in his hands. Leaning down, he rested his forehead against hers. “I don’t give a damn about the bacon, or anything else for that matter, Taylor. All I care about is you.”

“Well, maybe you don’t give a damn about breakfast, Baas, but I do.”

They both turned at the husky intrusion of Josh’s voice. Still finger combing his disheveled raven hair, he leveled them with a reproachful look and hurried over to cut the heat down. The sharp sizzling sound echoed through the kitchen as he quickly scraped the meat out of the skillet. His soft curse filled the air.

“What the hell is wrong with you, anyway?” Josh muttered, shaking the hot grease splatters from his hand. “Not giving a damn about bacon is a lynchable offense to some people.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes and turned back to Taylor. “Do you see what I have to put up with?”

She grinned, plying him with a look of mock empathy. “I do,” she said, nodding.

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