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Kostas's Convenient Bride

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She still thought there was more to it, but telling Andreas that his father loved him was going to go over like a lead balloon.

Love was not something Andreas Kostas wanted to consider as a motivation for life. But that didn’t stop Kayla from being helplessly, hopelessly in love with him.

Maybe not so hopeless if he wanted to marry her.

He wasn’t offering a love match, but he was offering his commitment, the kind of commitment that Andreas Kostas would never break. She really wasn’t worried about him falling in love with someone else, because she knew that if he said he wouldn’t look outside their marriage for companionship, he wouldn’t.

His business took up far too much time and energy for him to have any left over for liaisons. And Kayla intended their home life to be everything Andreas dreamed of it being. Everything his mother had taught him to value.

“Okay, I’ll marry you.” She sighed and considered how deeply she loved this man. “And you do not have to make that deal with Sebastian for me to say yes. I would have regardless.”

“As I explained to both of you, I will not entertain a deal now that does not allow you to maintain a stake in the company.”

“You could go public with the shares, hire a CEO to take over for you.”

“That would not make the same guarantees for our employees that Sebastian has agreed to do.”

Not unless Andreas kept a controlling interest. “You really have been trying to look out for everybody.”

“As head shark, that is my job.”

She laughed, but the sound was cut off by his lips. When the passionate kiss ended, she asked, “What are you doing?”

“Celebrating your answer in the best way I know how.”

And they did.

* * *

The next morning, Kayla woke up next to the man of her dreams with the certain knowledge that he was hers. No matter why he wanted to marry her, they were going to wed and that meant a lifetime commitment for Andreas Kostas.

His handsome features were relaxed in sleep, the square jaw not too big-shark-businessman intimidating, his eyelashes sweeping under his eyes in peaceful repose. For once, he did not look ready to conquer the world, vulnerable in sleep just like any other man. Not that Andreas Kostas was average by any definition.

Larger-than-life, he’d been filling hers right up since they first met eight years ago on a university campus.

And now their lives would be joined. He wasn’t interested in marrying a socialite or someone from an ancient family. Not even another shark, of the female variety. Andreas wanted to build a real family with Kayla.

Maybe some things were bigger than the concept of romantic love.

Green eyes opened, alert at once in a way she rarely woke up. “You are watching me in my sleep.”

“That’s usually your gig, I know.”

He flashed her a very sexy smile. “It is so pleasurable to watch you when you’re all soft and quiet.”

She shook her head. “Crazy man.”

“I assure you, I am as sane as the next man.”

“Other men do not come off favorably when compared to you,” she teased with the truth.

Andreas’s gaze flashed emerald. “Good to know.”

She sat up, pushing the sheet away. “I guess I’d better get packing.”

“Why?” He gave her naked body an appreciative look filled with heat.

She stood, slipped her arms into his robe, knowing he wouldn’t mind sharing, and walked toward the door of his bedroom, away from temptation. “Because I’m sure you’ve already told Bradley to arrange our flight.”

“You know me well.”

She looked around the luxurious suite’s bedroom with something akin to sadness before meeting his eyes again. “I suppose my vacation is over.”

“Who said?” Sitting up against the elegant fabric-covered headboard, he gave her a devil’s grin. “Our flight isn’t until the day after tomorrow.”

“What? Why?” Her hand fell away from the door handle.

“I wanted a chance to do some more sightseeing with you.”

“You? Sightseeing?” she asked, trying to understand this stranger looking so sexy in the bed. This was not Andreas as she knew him.

“We went the day before yesterday. You enjoyed yourself.” His tone implied he thought that was all the explanation need.

She was still flummoxed. “I did.”

“You are on vacation.”

So she’d tried to convince him. “I thought you didn’t believe in vacation.”

His dark brows drew together in a frown. “I never said that.”

“No, you’ve just spent the last six years without taking one.” What else was she supposed to think? Even she had taken time off occasionally, especially when she’d finally been able to launch the shelter she’d always dreamed of.

“Well, I’m about to be married. Start a family. Vacation is something I will have to get used to.”

She almost laughed at the way he said it, like taking a vacation was a painful condition he would have to learn to live with. “Time off to explore new places is supposed to be a good thing.”

“Is that not what I’m saying?” The look of confusion on Andreas’s face was cute, if a six-foot-four-inch business mogul could be called cute.

She guessed it was, as impossible as Kayla found that to believe. “Okay, sure. So, we have two more days?”

“I thought we could take a tour of Central Park today.” He tilted his head, like he was trying to read her reaction. “It is said to be a highlight of visiting New York.”

“You’ve been here several times for business, you never visited Central Park?” And he wanted to take her there?

“I had no reason to do so.”

“But you do now?”

“You will enjoy it.”

She wasn’t sure how to take that, other than to move back to the bed, climb over to him and lay her lips against his, her kiss filled with all the sense of joy and gratitude coursing through her. Happiness soon turned to passion, her body responding to his nakedness, her near nudity and his wondering hands.

It was a couple of hours before they were able to shower and sit down to breakfast.

* * *

Andreas had been right, the pedicab tour of Central Park was amazing, their driver a font of information about New York and the history of the park, his storytelling almost as mesmerizing as the way Andreas insisted on holding her hand and dropping random kisses on Kayla’s temple, cheek and even lips. About halfway through the tour, their guide explained they’d need to walk up to the folly if they wanted to see Belvedere Castle firsthand, as no conveyances were allowed on the narrower path.

Keen to experience all that she could, Kayla looked up at Andreas. “Can we?”


The trip up to Belvedere Castle was through a gorgeous English-style garden, worth the walk in itself, Kayla thought, and then said so.

“Agreed.” Andreas stopped her in the middle of the gar

den area. “Are you going to want to sell our condos and buy a house, so we can have flowers?”

“A place for our children to play would be nice, but yes, I’d like flowers.”

“Your collection of African violets on the windowsill in your condo gives you away.”

She shrugged. “Plants make it more homey.”

“Your presence always makes my condo feel more homey.”

“You’re awfully complimentary all of a sudden.”

His expression went serious, his green gaze darkened with sincerity. “It is not sudden.”

Unable to hold his gaze, and frankly uncomfortable with the conversation, Kayla made a show of examining the gardens. “This park really is amazing.” She snapped a few shots with her camera phone. “So beautiful.”

Andreas was looking at her, not the roses. “I know beautiful.”

“Don’t be silly.”

“Speaking the truth is not foolish.”

She rolled her eyes. “You really don’t have to come over all complimentary now, Andreas. I’ve already agreed to marry you.”

“When have I ever not thought you were beautiful?” he asked, obviously affronted. But giving her no chance to answer, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Deeply. No affectionate peck like while riding in the pedicab was this one. He laid claim to her again with his lips, right there, in front of the other tourists and park visitors.

She found herself responding, and as uncaring of their audience as he obviously was, she buried her hands in his perfect businessman’s haircut, tugging at his hair in her ardor.

After several pleasurable moments, he groaned and set her away from him. “We must stop, pethi mou, or there will be no continuing this excursion.”

She reached up and patted down the tufts of hair her wandering fingers had caused. “Okay, but you owe me.”

“A debt I will always enjoy paying.” He took her hand. “We’d better get going. The pedicab driver is waiting on us.”

She nodded.

They were at the folly, when Andreas spoke again, his words surprising her. “When my father came to get me, he gave me no time to pack, telling me he would provide anything I needed.”

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