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The Greek's Innocent Virgin

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The prospect that Rachel had lied to him about her innocence made his insides tighten in fury and pain until he was nauseous with it.

Hadn't Andrea suckered his uncle into believing she was far more innocent sexually than she really was?

Was Rachel set on ensnaring him just as her mother had ensnared Matthias?

She had let him make love to her even though he had clearly stated marriage was not on offer. Why?

A curse erupted from his throat as he remembered something else from the night before. They hadn't used anything for protection the night before. She had never even mentioned it, not when he'd clumsily told her he wanted her without strings or later when they made love. He dismissed as irrelevant the fact he had said nothing himself.

It was only one step further in his admittedly agi­tated thought process to decide that had been her plan all along. She hadn't asked for a commitment because she'd planned to trap him into one. Rachel had been even more devious than her mother, for he had never been fooled by Andrea.

Rachel had taken him in completely.

When he thought of his decision the night before to marry her, the sickness inside him grew.

She was a professional player of extraordinary skill.

Rachel came out of the bathroom wrapped in Sebastian's oversize robe.

She'd woken up alone, but had tried not to be bothered by that fact. He was a businessman and had spent days away from his com­pany. He would have a lot to catch up on. For all she knew, yesterday's reason for the urgently called meet­ing still existed.

She would not see it as a dismissal of her impor­tance in his life. No man could make love as tenderly as he had to her and not feel anything but lust.

He'd been so gentle with her, and her heart swelled with the memory. As far as first times went, it had been ideal. Amazing. Beautiful. Wonderful. Her face creased in a goofy smile as the superlatives rolled through her mind.

Sebastian Kouros was the perfect lover.

And she didn't want their relationship to end, but she had asked for no promises and he had offered none. If she told him the truth, about her feelings and her past, would it make any difference?

He had to know she was nothing like her mother now. Rachel had come to Sebastian a virgin. She did not sleep around and she loved him. She was almost positive she'd told him so at one point during their lovemaking. Dared she repeat the words in the cold light of day?

Could she stand the definite cost she would pay for her cowardice if she did not? Sebastian would let her go back to America believing she didn't want any­thing more than an intense sexual encounter, when in fact, she wanted it all.

She doubted he loved her, but he felt something deeper for her than mere lust. Was it enough to build a relationship on? Would he even want to?

She would not know unless she came clean with him.

Besides, love was honest. It didn't hide behind pride or a fear of the past.

There was so much she hadn't told him about her past, things that would let him know she was not and would never be like her mother. After her experience as a teenager, she had rejected Andrea's way of life completely and Sebastian was bound to believe her when she told him. He was a smart man. He would understand.

He would believe she truly loved him when he re­alized she had been able to let him make love to her after that trauma.

She got up and headed for the door, ready to tell him everything, only to be brought up short when Sebastian walked into the room, his expression grim.

"Are you all right?" she asked, wondering if an­other time would be better to discuss their feelings and their future.

He didn't look very receptive.

Almost immediately, she chastised herself for being a coward. Sebastian owned a multinational corpora­tion. There would always be events that were bound to cause a deterioration in his mood. She had to be­lieve her emotions and his could rise above that.

"I am fine." His gaze flicked over her, a strange light in his gray eyes. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes." She took a deep breath. "Sebastian, there is something I need to tell you."

"Is there?" He didn't sound all that receptive ei­ther.

"Yes. Please, will you hear me out?"

His lips twisted in a parody of a smile. "I believe I already know what it is."

"No, I don't think you do." He was more intelli­gent than any man she'd ever known, but even Sebastian wasn't a mind reader.

"It is related to the matter of your virginity," he guessed, his voice curiously flat.

Shocked, she stared at him, incapable of speech for several seconds. How could he know?

"Andrea told you?" she asked in disbelief, but un­able to come up with another scenario that made any sense.

"Yes. I figured it out through your mother."

That was an extremely odd way of putting it. "Sebastian, I'm talking about what happened to me when I was sixteen. Do you know about that?"

He paled and bitter anger crossed his features be­fore he wiped them of all expression once again. "You are about to tell me you had a traumatic ex­perience with a man, no?"

She nodded, but found it was harder to talk about than she had expected.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, her knees feeling wobbly. "I can't believe she told you. She made me swear never to say a word."

"And now you are going to tell me that you did not believe you could respond to a man, but I have brought out your womanly passion." The total lack of emotion in his voice bothered her.

"Yes," she said nervously. She wished she could tell what he was thinking.

“Ne, yes, I am not easily fooled."

He was talking about it all so dispassionately and yet, perhaps that was how he was dealing with it. If he cared about her and after last night, she believed he did, he would be furious about what had happened to her. He was a traditional Greek man, possessive and protective. This was probably as hard for him as it was for her to discuss.

"I know you very well." His words confirmed her hopes.

She nodded, choking on emotion. "Yes, you do and maybe that is one of the reasons that I love you so very much."

His face contorted as if in pain and he spun away from her. "Tell me something, Rachel."

She hadn't expected him to match her declaration. Men like Sebastian didn't give in to their feelings very easily, but she hadn't thought he would dismiss her completely either.

Perhaps his turning away did not signify that. "Anything."

"You are aware Matthias had denounced Andrea and planned to divorce her?"

She didn't know what that had to do with her and Sebastian, but she sighed. ' 'One of her friends E-mailed me with the news."

He whipped back around to face her, the ice in his eyes sending shivers down her spine. "So, this knowledge is what prompted the big seduction scene last night."

"What big seduction scene?" Nothing was going the way she had anticipated and he was confusing her.

"The dinner, your willingness to be close to me even after I told you I would not offer marriage. It all adds up now. You came to Greece knowing your mother had been cut off. You didn't want your meal ticket to end so you made a play for another rich man."

"What are you talking about?"

He sliced the air with his hand. "I am talking about you, the innocent virgin,'' he said the words with ma­jor scorn, "allowing yourself to have sex for the first time with me, the meal ticket."

She couldn't believe he was saying these things, more and more horror filling her with each passing word until she was as cold as his eyes. She wrapped her arms around herself, but it did not help a cold that had started in her heart and was radiating outward.

"You believe I made love with you because I was looking for money?" She wanted to scream the words, but they came out a harsh whisper instead.

"You think I came to Greece for my mother's funeral intent on seducing you?"

Not only was the suggestion a sick one

, it also in­dicated a colossal ego she'd give anything to deflate until he felt as empty as she did right now.

"You knew about the divorce."

"I didn't know before I came to Greece. I found out yesterday."

“Who told you, a Mina bird?'' he asked deridingly.

She tried to explain about the E-mail, about how it had been waiting in her in-box with all the others, but he simply stood there in stone-faced rejection as if her words impacted him not one iota.

' 'You expect me to believe Andrea did not call you in a temper and tell you the truth, but that one of her friends sent you an E-mail you conveniently received posthumously?''

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