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Going Under (Going Under 1)

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Dad had not questioned me about seeing me kissing Jessie at the hospital, but I was positive he would have told my mom. I decided Payton’s presence could be the ideal buffer for this conversation, so I decided to go for it.

I told her, “Mom, I have some news for you and Dad. I broke up with Forbes this weekend.”

She relaxed her pasture and leaned back into the chair, positioning herself as she did when she was in the counseling mode.“Would your break up have anything to do with a certain young man you were seen kissing in the emergency room earlier this week?”

I knew my dad wouldn’t have kept it from her. “Yes and no. I say no because I don’t think I’ve ever had girlfriend type feelings for Forbes, but I say yes because I didn’t see that until I met Jessie.”

She seemed pleased with what I was sharing with her. “So, the mystery boy’s name is Jessie?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I’ve been feeling a little left out since I was the only one that hadn’t met this Jessie,” she confessed.

“I’ve asked him to come over next weekend if you and Dad are free. I want you to meet him because I know you’ll both think he’s as wonderful as I do,” I reassured her.

“We’re both off next weekend, so I think that will work, but I’ll need to check with your dad first,” she agreed, then asked, “Is he cute?”

Was he ever! I think I wanted to have babies with him just so my kids might have a chance of getting his eyes.

I giggled at my silly thought and said, “Mom, he is so gorgeous. He has the most captivating blue eyes I’ve ever seen.”

My mom smiled as though she was happy for me. “You look so giddy. You’re beaming just talking about him. I’m glad you’ve moved on from Forbes even if it might be a little awkward with the Hendersons. I’ve known for a long time that he didn’t have the it factor for you and I can tell by the look on your face that this new guy in your life certainly isn’t lacking it.”

I decided to get it all off my chest and put it out in the open. “I’ve been so scared that you and Dad would be upset with me for breaking up with Forbes.”

“We love the Hendersons, but we would never want you to date their son if you didn’t want to. We knew it was only a matter of time before someone else would come along to strike your fancy and it looks like the time is here.”

I felt so relieved and triumphant. This was actually happening and unexpectedly going well at the same time. I got up from the couch and went over to hug my mom. “Thank you, mom. I feel so much better now.”

My dad walked in and said, “Did you miss us that much while we were gone?”

I walked over to my dad to hug him. “I missed you, too.”

While I hugged my dad, my mother said, “Don’t be fooled, sweetheart, because that isn’t what this is about. Your daughter just told me she has broken up with Forbes and has a new guy in her life. Just like you said, so you were right.”

“Aren’t I always right, DeeDee?” my dad asked, calling my mom by his pet name for her.

“Not the times when I am right,” she playfully argued.

“Okay, I’ll let you have that one,” my dad conceded.

My mom and dad decided to get the unpacking done instead of putting it off and I waited until they were gone from the room to start jumping up and down with joy. “I can’t believe how easy that was.”

“You’re so lucky your parents are cool like that. I wish mine were more like yours.”

“I know. I have great parents, even better than I thought and I can’t wait for Jessie to meet them.”

* * *

The week at school went just as I thought it would-Jessie and I were the talk of the school, but I didn’t care. I no longer had to hide my feelings for him and I proudly showed him affection every opportunity I had, letting the world know he was mine.

Saturday evening arrived and my confidence about Jessie meeting my parents had progressed into full blown certainty. I had talked with my mom throughout the week, giving her little tidbits of information about Jessie and my apparent happiness with him seem to make her happy.

Seven o’clock arrived and I waited anxiously for Jessie to arrive. I stood by the window in the living room watching for his truck, nervously pulling the curtains back every few seconds.

“Claire, you’re going to jerk the drapes off the rods if you don’t leave them alone,” my mom warned.

“Sorry. I’m just really excited and anxious and nervous. I really want you to like Jessie because he means a lot to me,” I admitted.

My mom smiled and gave me a reassuring hug. “I know, Claire. Stop worrying. If you like him, I’m sure your dad and I will like him,” my mom said, trying to put my mind at rest.

I heard his loud truck in the front of the house and my heart was beating a million miles a minute.

“He’s here,” I said as looked out the window. “Will you let me bring him in the kitchen to meet you so it doesn’t feel so formal?”

“Kitchen it is,” my mom laughed because she thought I was being silly.

“Where’s dad?” I panicked.

“His office.”

I straightened my dress and stood at the door waiting for his knock. When I heard the three thumps, I casually opened the door to find Jessie standing there not quite looking like my Jessie.

He was wearing a checked button up shirt with the sleeves rolled just below his elbows and khaki cargo pants. I knew the longer sleeves were to hide his tattoos and my heart leapt because I knew his choice of attire was all in an attempt to gain my parent’s approval although I never wanted him to pretend he was something he wasn’t.

“Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” I whispered.

He smiled and held out his hands. “Does this pass inspection?”

I stepped outside the door and gave him a quick kiss and said, “You always pass inspection.” I reached up to wipe the evidence of our kiss from his lips and asked, “So, are you ready for this?”

He swallowed hard. “Ready as I’m ever gonna be, Princess.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes, telling me he wasn’t so sure.

“Don’t worry. You’ve got this,” I encouraged. “I love you, so there’s no way they won’t love you.”

I opened the door and took his hand in mine, pulling him inside. His resistance made me feel like I was dragging the sacrifice to the alter, but everything would be fine in a minute and then he could relax.

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