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Unbelievable (Beg For It 4)

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“It’s going to be a whole week before you see me again, Caroline. I want you to touch yourself and think about how it’ll feel when I taste you.” I bent down and sucked on her neck, plunging my finger into her deep. She threw her head back and moaned, pushing her pussy against the palm of my hand. “And how it’s going to feel when I first enter you.” I drove my finger in again, this time using my thumb against her slick, needy clit.

She clutched my arm with her free hand, as if clinging to me so she wouldn’t slip and fall. But I wanted her to fall. Sometimes the best rush came from letting go. I’d be right there to catch her afterwards.

Working into a good rhythm now, I circled and stroked, thrusting in my finger, slowly drawing it out before thrusting in again. “I’m going to love listening to you scream and feeling you come on my cock.”

“Ah!” she cried out and I could feel her muscles tightening, her ass and thighs tense with the need for release.

“Will you like that, Caroline?” I teased her, mercilessly working her pussy. She groaned in response, thrusting her hips toward my hand. “I’ll fuck you so good. But I’ll only let you come after you beg me for it.”

She whimpered, fisting my shirt in her hand, her hips working, urgent, in rhythm with my thrusts.

“Will you beg me to come?”

“Yes,” she moaned, panting, so close.

“Are you going to beg me now?” I growled at her.

“Yes! Yes, please! Please, I need to come.”

I thrust two fingers inside of her deep and pushed against her clit full and commanding. Leaning my head closer to hers, oh so slowly my tongue traveled up her neck to the lobe of her ear before whispering, “Come for me.”

She screamed, her head thrown back, her fingers practically trying to rip my shirt off my back she grasped it so hard. And she came and came on my fingers, bucking against me, giving me exactly what I wanted, so sweet and slick and wanton.

After her shudders had subsided, I cradled her, dazed and blissful, in my arms. I took my fingers from her pussy and brought them to my mouth to suck and lick her sweetness. She tasted like ambrosia, nectar of the gods. Why had I decided to wait to have her? My decision now seemed just shy of insane. There was only one thing to do. I’d have to tease and torment her enough in the intervening week to make it worth it.

I held her to me, feeling her heartbeat slow as she sighed. Kissing her hair, I confessed, “It’s going to be a long week, Caroline.”



I couldn’t get the smile off of my face. I tried, too. I didn’t want to be that obvious. Subtle was what I wanted, not arousing suspicious.

But when Hannah came by Tasty Bakes the next day, she knew right away.

“You like him!” She was used to a whole lot of “ehh” from me, shrugging my shoulders, unenthusiastic over men. Now, she looked at me with surprised delight. “Naughty wench! What did you two do last night?”

I thought about making something up, something that wouldn’t cause a huge splash and become the talk of our small town within minutes. Hannah stood awaiting my news, and Shelly, too. She’d actually arrived early for her shift, so the broadcast system was effectively in place. The problem was, I wasn’t good at lying. So I told the truth.

“He flew me to San Francisco in his private plane!”

“What?!” Much jumping and squealing ensued, as I told them about the insane restaurant and the twelve-course meal that we were served. We didn’t even have to order!

“What does something like that even cost?” Hannah asked.

“I have no idea! I never even saw a menu.”

“My last date was at Subway.” Shelly sounded forlorn. “And he asked me if I had some extra change to cover the cost of his cookie.”

“Oh, please, Evan and I never even went out,” I commiserated. “This blew my mind.”

“And how was the dress?” Hannah looked at me with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, the mad scientist wondering how her creation had performed.

“It was pretty fun to wear it.” I busied myself with taking out supplies, pouring and mixing, but that didn’t cover up the blush that stole over my cheeks. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way Colt had looked at me in that dress, feasting on me, delighting in what he saw. And then the way he’d touched me…

“Oh my God!” Hannah exclaimed, punching me in the arm. “Did you join the mile high club? On his private plane?!?”

“No,” I was able to answer honestly, though my blush only intensified. Wow, that orgasm had been hot. The dirty things he’d said to me had turned me on nearly as much as his wickedly talented fingers.

“I’m so jealous!” Shelly groaned. “But, wait, what about the shop? And his plans to tear it down and build a parking lot?”

“Well, nothing’s been figured out yet—”

“What?” Shelly looked disturbed.

“He’s not being a jerk,” I insisted.

“So, he’s called off his plans?” Shelly asked.

“No, he told me he’s still going to build the resort here.” I hesitated. It sounded worse now in the light of day with my friends. He’d been so convincing last night. But then again I’d been in a deeply aroused daze most of the evening. “He wants us to come up with alternate plans. For the store and for the resort.”

“Like, a different location?” Hannah wondered. The store she worked at was only two doors down so they’d have to move as well.

“That’s bullshit,” Shelly declared.

“He told me to think big, tell him what it would take to make it worthwhile to move.”

“Sounds like a line to me.” Shelly threw a kitchen towel on the countertop. “Too good to be true,” she declared, heading back out front to help a customer.

“What do you think?” Hannah asked me. She looked serious, but it was hard to take her too seriously. She wore a large pink cowboy hat studded with rhinestones.

“I don’t know.” I paused, hand to my hip. It was hard to think with the smile that kept bubbling up, fizzing over me like a soda that had been shaken. I guessed I should be feeling more cautious, maybe even reserved and suspicious. But I felt giddy.

“You like him,” Hannah said again, a smile playing across her face as well. “Just be careful.”

I had to give her a look. This was a woman in a pink rhinestone cowboy hat talking to me, after all. “How many times have you told me, ‘You only

live once’?”

“I know.” She shook her head. “But it’s easy to give you advice when you’re being a stick-in-the-mud. Now that you’re off jetting around in private planes—”

“OK, I’ve only done that once,” I corrected her. “And I still know this thing with him isn’t going anywhere.”

“Remember that,” she cautioned me, swiping a scone as she turned to head back to work. “The word fling isn’t exactly in your vocabulary. And you’ve got to know that’s all this is.”

She wasn’t trying to deflate my buoyant mood. Neither of them were. But they succeeded anyway, pushing all that exuberant excitement into a side dish next to a large main course of reality.

It had been fun to have a night out in a red Marilyn Monroe dress and high heels. I’d never felt so flirty and sexy, and I’d definitely never had an orgasm like that before. Hotter than the jet fuel in his plane. Wow, I had to fan myself for a moment.

But both Hannah and Shelly made sense. I shouldn’t get too carried away with this. I needed to stay smart and come up with a proposal—what would it take to make it worth my while to have my store bulldozed to the ground? I’d start with the moon and the stars and go from there.


I got his first text message that night.

Colt: Can’t stop thinking of you in that red dress.

There, just like that, my smile came back. Another text arrived.

Colt: And how you’d look out of it.

Cue the blush. Oh my goodness. Colt was next-level seduction. He made everyone else who’d ever hit on me seem like a schoolboy. I was the first person to declare him soundly out of my league, but for some reason he seemed interested in leaving the majors and hanging out with a player on the farm team.

My super suave sexting reply?

Me: Hi Colt.

I didn’t know what to say to this man. But my lameness didn’t seem to deter him. He kept sending me little messages throughout the day, giving me a laugh, making me flush.

Colt: Are you working with those hippies to come up with a proposal for the resort?

Funny, I was sure we all seemed like hippies to him. And he hadn’t even met my parents. If you googled “hippie” I believe a picture of them came up. I hadn’t started thinking about the resort yet, but Nora and I were meeting later that day.

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