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Good Gone Bad (The Fallen Men 3)

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A couple of guys were manning the kegs, but I pumped my own beer before turning to make my way back to Lila.

Only Rick was in my way.

I stared into his sneering face and scowled. “Get out of my way or I’ll beat you down like I did at the last party.”

“Bitch,” he spat just as someone walked into my shoulder and made me stumble back.

Rick reached forward to steady me and my drink.

“Thanks,” I muttered before quickly ducking around him.

I could feel his eyes like darts aimed at the back of my targeted head as I hurried away, but I put him out of my mind, determined to continue enjoying myself.

It was only twenty minutes later when my head started to feel like a boulder on my shoulders, the inside just as dead and heavy, that I saw him again lurking at the edge of the group I was in. His eyes were black in the low light, his grin a dark curl on his face as he started toward me.

“Here, sweetheart, why don’t you let me help you sit down,” he said when he stopped in front of me, his hands gently but firmly pulling me away from my group of friends.

Through the muck in my brain, alarm bells started ringing.

“Come on, why don’t you and I go over here and I can show you how to be a little sweeter to a man, huh?” he asked in a low, wet whisper he pressed to my ear.

Then his head dipped lower and he kissed me, his breath sour in my mouth, arsenic on my tongue. I tried to pull away and stumbled slightly.

“Lila,” I whisper-yelled because my lips were going numb.

She stopped mid laughter talking to one of the EBA boys a few feet away and turned to me with a frown. “You okay, H.R.? You don’t look okay. And what the fuck are you doin’ talkin’ to that shit head?”

“She’s fine, I think she’s just had too much to drink,” Rick told her with a small, hateful smile.

Only Lila didn’t smile.

She knew I was a biker chick.

I could hold my liquor.

She stepped closer as I tried to lift my hand to prop my aching head up.

“Call Lion,” I said weakly, but then my head seemed to tumble off my shoulders and I succumbed to the weight and the blackness.


I was on a date with a cute woman who ran the local library when I got the call from Rosie’s phone. It was rude to take it, but I did anyway because it was Rosie. Only, it wasn’t. It was her best friend Lila, her voice frantic as she told me what had happened, that Harleigh Rose had passed out in the arms of the boy she’d been arrested for assaulting six months ago.

I hadn’t seen her since that night, since I’d turned her over my knee and laid into that sweet ass, taken my fingers to her sopping wet cunt and made her come on my hand.

But there was no way my guilt or morals were going to keep me away from my girl when she was in distress.

That fucking fucker had tried to roofie her.

I said my abrupt goodbyes to my date, knowing that she liked me enough to reschedule at the same time knowing that I wouldn’t, and then I drove to the field with my police lights on, tearing through town well over the speed limit.

When I arrived, Lila had done what she was told, and the cops were there. I’d walked up to the paramedics leaning over a totally out of it Harleigh Rose and gotten debriefed.

She was going to be fine, she just needed to sleep it off and she hadn’t been assaulted, thank fucking Christ.

I turned to my partner Gibson, who was on call that night and demanded to know what was being done about the fucker who drugged her.

He’d hesitated before explaining that nothing tied Rick Evans to the drug and she hadn’t been assaulted so there was nothing to be done.

Nothing to be done.

Without another word, I’d collected Rosie from the paramedics, swallowing my fury as she curled into my arms and carried her to my car.

I told the officers on duty that I’d get her home safe and debrief Garro on what had happened.

And I would, but not that night.

She was staying with me so I could watch her through the night and make certain she was going to be okay.

I put her in the bedroom I’d come to think of as hers, the same one she kept a toothbrush in, the same one I’d spanked her in months ago.

Tenderly, I took off her tight jeans so she would be more comfortable and slid her into bed, brushing her heavy hair back from her face and giving in to the impulse to kiss her soft cheek. Hero jumped onto her bed, licking her face with a low whine before he settled against her.

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