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After the Fall (The Fallen Men 4)

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King’s laughter tasted sweet in my mouth as he took mine, kissing me so thoroughly I forgot we were being watched by a group of bikers until a few of them hooted and wolf whistled.

I broke away, but King only let me go so far with his hand firm on the back of my neck. “Not a long engagement, babe. You sure that you’re cool with that.”

I grinned, buzzed on the maple syrup bourbon sours Eugene made especially for me. “Tomorrow couldn’t be too soon.”

“I’m so happy for you two,” Loulou said, waddling over with her big belly bared by a black cropped tee that read “Biker Mama” in red script over her swollen breasts. She looked so ready to pop; it was a wonder she could stand. Also, she was crying big, pretty tears that freely rolled down her face as she leaned over her belly to hug me.

“I’m sorry, I’m a mess,” she complained, dashing at her wet cheeks as King wrapped an arm around her and tucked her into his side. “These damned babies put pressure on all of my insides, so I swear, I even feel it in my tear ducts.”

“Sure,” King agreed easily even though he rolled his eyes at me over her head. “It’s just the pressure you’re feelin’.”


I giggled behind my hand and then palmed the skin stretched tight as a drum over her warm belly. “How are my little niece and nephew you doing?”

There was a ripple like a current sucking out the tide under my hand, and I gasped at the same time Loulou winced.

“What was that?”

Lou’s gorgeous face, angelic almost, collapsed into a stubborn frown. “Nothing.”

“Loulou…that felt like a contraction.”


“Um, yes,” I argued, looking up at King with wide eyes.

“No. It wasn’t. Besides, what do you know about it?” she snapped.

I recoiled as if she’d slapped me because if anyone knew how much I yearned for King’s baby, it was my girl, Lou.

“Not cool,” King growled softly. “Don’t snap at my woman just because you’re scared. Now, tell me the truth here, Foxy. You havin’ contractions?”

Sweat beaded on the top of her brow, and she wriggled on her swollen feet, hand to her belly, eyes glazed as another contraction rolled through her.

She sighed. “Maybe.”

“You need to go to the hospital,” I demanded instantly. “Why the hell didn’t you tell anyone?”

“I didn’t want to steal your thunder! It’s a big night for you guys. King finally manned up and put a ring on it.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the sassiness of my former student. Much like me, she’d changed so much over the years it was crazy to look back and see the old Louise as the same woman now carrying Zeus Garro’s babies.

“Honey, seriously, that’s whacked,” I said gently. “You having these babies is about as exciting as it gets for every person here, even and especially, King and me. I’ve been waiting nearly nine months to meet Angel and Walker.”

“Zeus isn’t here,” she whispered, and I saw that fear germinating in her gaze.

She didn’t want to do this without him.

King and I locked eyes over her head, and he gently uncurled her from under his arm to walk away, already pulling out his cell to call Zeus.

I wrapped my arms around Lou and felt her tremble as she clung to me.

Instantly, Ares was at our side. He was too young to be at the party so late. It was well after midnight on a Thursday, and things were devolving as only biker parties could into a series of erotic and illegal tableaus. But Ares wasn’t a normal kid, and his eyes said he’d seen a lot worse than a man going at a woman on the pool table in the middle of a party.

His big eyes were dark and solemn as he took Loulou’s hand and put his other gently on her belly. “Are they okay?”

Lou smiled tremulously and put a hand in his thicket of curls. “Yeah, Ares baby, they’re going to be okay. Just a little early it seems.”

“Cool. I can’t wait to meet them,” he admitted with a little smile as he stared at his hand on her belly and gave it a little pat.

“Cool,” Loulou agreed, relaxing a bit in my arms as I stroked her hair, and Ares worked his particular kind of calming magic. “They’re going to love you.”

“Probably be the best loved babies in the world,” Ares said with a shrug, completely oblivious to the profound way they moved through Loulou.

She hissed as another contraction hit.

I let out a relieved sigh when King stalked back into the room until he got close enough for me to see the stricken expression stamped on his face.

“Z called,” he said hollowly. “Apparently, Reaper’s got Harleigh Rose, and he wants to make a trade for Zeus.”

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