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After the Fall (The Fallen Men 4)

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“You know, there’s not a single fuckin’ thing I’d change about you?” I murmured, leanin’ over to wrap my hand around the back of her neck and kiss that red mouth. “Proud to be your man, babe.”

She smiled against my mouth. “Ditto, honey.”

I squeezed her thigh. “They’re both watchin’. Let’s get this done so I can getcha home to our bed.”

Her giggle was more breath than sound as I suddenly hauled her clean across the booth, hand tangled in the back of all that gorgeous hair so I could pin her to my mouth. She moaned, then crawled on top of me, straddlin’ me in the booth like she was one of the dancers who worked there.

Only none’a those women were worth a fuckin’ damn next to Cress.

I slide my hands under her ass, lifting her with me as I stood and then droppin’ her down my body slow, like the trickle of molasses, so I could feel every curve.

When we parted after another minute of long, wet kisses that would’a made me hard as steel if I hadn’t been so aware of our plan, Cress pulled away with a seductive little smile and strutted on her sexy as fuck red heels to the bathroom.

Waited a beat, watchin’ the round ass sway, then took off after her when she rounded the corner to the back hall.

There was no way I was leavin’ her alone in the club, not when Danner had flat-out threatened her and put his goddamn hands on her.

And when I went, I noticed Paula got up to follow from the corner of my eyes.

I strolled nice and easy across the room and made my way to the men’s toilets, pretendin’ to take a piss at one of the urinals while I wanted.

Wasn’t waitin’ for long.

The door pushed open with a breath of air behind me and then the click of heels and the somewhat familiar scent of cheap perfume before two hands smoothed down the back of my cut.

“King baby,” Paula purred. “Long time no see and what a shame that is.”

I tried not to stiffen against her repulsive touch, knowin’ she’d just had her hands on SS Danner.

“Paula,” I rumbled, turnin’ around. She didn’t step back when our bodies brushed together, her big tits against my chest, offered up in her low top like overripe fruit. “What the fuck’re you doin’ in here?”

“Couldn’t help myself,” she admitted with a low chuckle, moving her hands onto my chest, fingers smoothing over the patches on my cut, lingerin’ at 1%ers and the burnin’ winged skull. “Man like you’s hard to resist. Most beautiful guy I’ve ever laid my damn eyes on, you know that?”

Grabbed her questin’ hands in one’a mine and grinned wickedly when the door sighed open behind her.

“Matter of fact, I do. My woman tells me near every damn day.”

And then Paula was ripped away from me, the momentum carrying her straight back into the door of a toilet stall. She tripped over her feet and fell to her ass. Cress stood over her, fists clenched, eyes wild like a mustang on the run.

“Think I told you once before, you laid hands on my man again, we’d have a problem.”

Paula swallowed thickly, eyes swingin’ back and forth between the two of us. “Listen, no harm done, bitch. I barely got my hands on him!”

Cress squatted in front of her with an easy nodded, but there was coiled tension in every line of her slim form.

“You’re right,” she agreed, but then a hand went flashing out, catching with a sharp crack against Paula’s cheek. “That’s for bitch slapping me back in the day and for trying to touch my fiancé now.”

Paula tried to lurch off her ass to launch herself at Cress, and as much as I was a red-blooded male who loved a good cat fight, that was not the purpose of tonight. So, I stepped up between the girls and clamped my arms around Paula, pinnin’ her down at her sides.

“Listen up,” I told her. “Not into violence against women personally, but got a few friends who don’t care about gender and are mighty fuckin’ excited to meet Staff Sergeant Danner’s sweet piece. Now, nothin’ bad has to happen, Paula, if you go nice and easy, and answer our questions about your man and what you might’a been doin’, uninvited, in The Fallen clubhouse the night of Riley Gibson’s unfortunate passin’.”

Woman stopped strugglin’ in my hold instantly, and I could actually feel the cold sweep through her, the way she shuddered and balked.

“Wasn’t there,” she insisted, but her voice was threadbare with panic.

“Like hell you weren’t,” Cress snapped, steppin’ up to point a finger in her face. “I saw you myself.”

Paula didn’t breathe for a long second, and then, when she did, she screamed.

I wrapped a hand around her mouth before she could get much sound out, but we moved quickly all the same. I dragged her to the door while Cress peeked her head out to check for customers or staff, then I hauled down hall out the back service door to the alley.

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