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Leo (Vigilance 3)

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“That’s good, sweetheart. You stay right there, and I’ll be back.”

It only took a few seconds for him to return with a warm washcloth. He insisted I lie still while he wiped me down. He touched me gently, and he was especially careful as he pressed the cloth to the tender skin around my hole. I felt very well used, but that was what I’d wanted. When he finished cleaning me up, he massaged my legs and my feet, his thumbs pressing into my arches and making me groan. By the time he stopped, I felt like I could melt into the mattress.

He tossed the cloth in the direction of the en-suite bathroom, then he stretched out next to me and pulled me into his arms. “Tired?”

“Mmm. Yeah.”

He drew me closer, and I laid my head on his chest. I’d almost drifted off to sleep when my stomach growled loud and long. Leo chuckled. “Hungry too, I see.”

“I didn’t eat much lunch, and I was going to have dinner when I got home, but then… this happened.”

“You definitely need to eat. I took a lot out of you.”

“Literally,” I said.

He chuckled. “Pizza?”

“Sure. I’m easy.”

He laughed at that. “No, I don’t think you are, but I’m up for the challenge.”

As he left the room to get his phone, I stared after him, eyes glued to his gorgeous ass. What did he mean by that? I hadn’t been a challenge at all. I’d given in to everything he wanted.

Leo returned and leaned against the doorframe, still completely naked. I could hardly believe how amazing his body was—his wide shoulders, the thick dark hair on his chest, his cock which still looked large even when it had softened.

“What do you want on your pizza?” The question startled me, and I raised my eyes to his. He had a smug smile on his face. “I don’t want you to think I mind you looking, but I’ve got to put our order in.”

“Pepperoni. I’m basic like that.”

“No reason to get fancy.”

Before I could complete the order, someone banged on the door.

Leo frowned. “Stay here.”

I started to protest, but Leo shook his head. “No arguing.”



I retrieved my gun from the counter where I’d placed it when we’d come in. I didn’t bother to dress. I didn’t want to waste any time before finding out who it was.

To reach my door without calling from the front desk, whoever was out there had to have bypassed security. Any of my fellow members of Vigilance were capable of that. They preferred to keep their visits quiet, but they would’ve called or texted first. Considering how jumpy we all were, we knew better than to arrive unannounced. In our line of work, that was a good way to get shot.

Not that I had a habit of putting bullets through people in my apartment doorway. The building supervisor would frown on that, but I’d do whatever I had to, especially with Ezra there.

I looked through the peephole and saw Six. He worked for the Marchesis and was one of the men they’d sent to watch the building.

“Just a minute,” I called.

I grabbed my pants, stepped into them quickly, and fastened them as I opened the door. I stepped out into the hall to talk to him. I trusted the Marchesis—and therefore the people who worked for them—but I still didn’t want Six in my apartment with Ezra naked in my bed.

“What’s up?” I asked as I pulled the door closed behind me.

Six seemed unconcerned that we were having the conversation in the hall. “We found a couple of guys sniffing around. They’re in our custody now. I didn’t know if you wanted to question them personally.”

Normally, I would, but I didn’t want to leave Ezra alone, and I couldn’t take him with me. The last thing I needed was for him to see the man I became when I was interrogating someone who’d threatened me or people I cared about,

“Is Devil available?” Devil was Lucien Marchesi’s cousin. Joe, Devil’s former-cop husband, often worked with Vigilance now, and Devil was known to enjoy a good interrogation.

Six smiled. “I don’t think he has anything heavy on his agenda, and he’s restless as hell counting down the days until he and Joe can take their delayed honeymoon. I’m sure he’d enjoy taking care of this problem for you. I noticed you had someone with you when you came in.”

“He’s under my protection.”

Six raised his hands. “That’s none of my business. I just understand you not wanting to leave him.”

“Right. He works for me, and he’s in Swain’s sights now.”

Six inclined his head. “Noted. You let me know if you need somebody to watch over him. I’ll make sure he’s safe.”


“I’ll tell Devil to call you when he’s got some information.” Six headed back downstairs, and I stepped into my apartment.

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