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Campus Player

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Even though he’s denying there’s a problem, I get the feeling he’s not being truthful with me, and I hate it. Hate that he might—for some reason—be lying. Rowan has never been anything but honest. The realization doesn’t sit well with me.

Mike and Dave continue with their slapstick comedy, but I can’t get back into it. And I find myself unable to brush aside the suspicions that gnaw at me. “Are you worried about the game tomorrow?”

He jerks his shoulders and shifts on the couch. There’s a slight tightening to his jaw. “Not really. Their defense is crap, so we’ll turn that to our advantage.”

Okay...then what’s the problem?

It can’t be stats. Rowan aced the last exam. Who would have thought a simple game of strip statistics could make such a huge impact?

It goes to show that with the proper motivation, anything is possible.

After five minutes of silence, I grab the remote and click off the television.

Rowan shoots me a questioning look as his brows draw together. “I thought you wanted to finish the movie?”

“I’m not into it.” Anymore. “We can watch it another time.”

“All right.” Interest ignites in his eyes. “Got something else in mind?”

A smile curves my lips as I twist in his arms before crawling onto his lap. “Hopefully it’s something that’ll hold your interest more than the movie.” I run my fingers through his hair before pressing my lips against his. “What do you think?”

“Umm, yeah.” His voice deepens. “I can say with a hundred percent assuredness that this will do the trick.”

“Good.” I run my tongue across his top lip before giving the same attention to the lower one. Rowan has an amazing mouth. Soft and plump. Perfectly kissable.

Why did it take so long to acknowledge my attraction to him?

Now that I’ve given in to the need coursing through me, there’s no going back.

He groans as I keep up the sweet torture. Whatever is going on in his mind, I want to banish it. His cock stiffens beneath his athletic shorts as I grind against him.

“You’re killing me, Demi.”

The funny thing is that I’m not just torturing him, I’m doing the same damn thing to myself. I’ve never felt this way before. Sure, I’ve always enjoyed sex. Most of the time it felt good. A couple of the guys I’ve been with made sure to prime the pump before diving straight in. But those encounters were always hit or miss. It hasn’t been that way with Rowan. He always takes his time to make sure I’m practically begging for it when he slides deep inside me.

Sex has dominated my thoughts more in the last month than ever before. That has everything to do with Rowan and how he makes me feel. Not only physically, but emotionally. This relationship is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s on a whole different level. A deeper one. We have so much more in common than I allowed myself to believe.

And I’m not going to lie—his smoking hot body doesn’t hurt either. I’m obsessed with running my hands over all those perfectly sculpted muscles. He’s turned me into a complete hornball. It’s almost embarrassing.

My fingers itch to touch him. Giving in to the need, I grab the hem of his shirt before dragging it over his torso and tossing it to the floor.

“You have an amazing chest,” I whisper, fingertips gliding over sinewy muscle.

He tugs at my shirt, quickly divesting me of it. “Trust me, I’m a real fan of yours, too.”

My lips lift as he cups my bare breasts. I arch into his palms, loving the feel of him holding me. His touch is always reverent.

“Is Sydney going to be home anytime soon?”

“Nope. She and Ethan were planning to hit a party and then spend the night at his place.” I grin. “Which means we have the apartment all to ourselves.”

A matching smile lights up his face. “Guess I won’t have to muffle your screams of pleasure.”

“Don’t get cocky.” I roll my eyes as a punch of heat slams into my cheeks. “It was one time, all right?”

“Please, woman,” he grumbles, “it’s a point of pride. Just let me have it.”

I chuckle and press my lips against his. “Fine. You’re a stud.”

His eyes narrow. “Why do I get the feeling you’re placating me?”

“What? Me? No way.” The moment my fingers settle on his thick length, he thrusts against them. I’m about to pull the material down when the apartment door crashes open, and loud voices fill the quiet space.

“If that’s the kind of girl you want, then you can have her! We’re through!” There’s a pause before Sydney snaps, “And this time, I mean it!”

I yelp, my fingers tightening around Rowan’s dick.

He grunts with a wince. “Damn girl, I’d like to use that appendage in the future.”

“Sorry!” I release him, hands flying to my naked breasts as the apartment is flooded with light.

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