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Hard Rider

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“Is it hard

on you? Fighting with him so much?” she asked.

“No, not at all.” Fucking Ian. Why did she insist on talking about him?

“Rhone thinks it’s hard on Ian,” she replied.

“If he wasn’t so fuckin’ uptight, we wouldn’t fight so much.”

“I see,” she replied, sipping the drink I handed her.

“Can we stop, please?” I asked.

“Stop what?” She looked over at me and licked her lips again. My cock throbbed painfully and I shifted in my seat. I was getting tired of this patient guy routine very quickly.

“Let’s stop pretending, Catherine,” I said, lowering my voice. I reached out, pushing the strand of hair away from her cheek. “Stop wasting time. Stop acting like this night isn’t going to end with us tangled up in the sheets together.”

“Liam, I’m not here for that, I —,” she began, her eyes wide with surprise at my blatant words.

I interrupted her with a kiss. I couldn’t help it. Before I knew it, my lips were smashing into hers. I needed her. I needed to feel her next to me, to taste her like I’d been imagining doing, to sink myself inside of her and never leave.

“Liam, stop —,” she said, pushing me away again. If it weren’t for the lust in her eyes, I’d think she wasn’t into it. But she was. I knew it. She knew it.

There’s only two things in this world that I’m an expert at.

Reading a crowd and reading a woman.

“Catherine, I’m tired of pussyfooting around, luv. We’re grown fuckin’ adults. We’re all alone. Nobody’s going to know, if that’s what you’re worried about,” I reached back behind her head, tangling my fingers in her hair and gently pulling back until she gasped, her lips open and inviting me inside. “Tell me you don’t want it, Catherine. Tell me you don’t want me to fuck you.”

She looked at me, her eyes wide with a mixture of desire and hesitation.

“Say it, Catherine,” I said, pulling her hair back just a tiny bit harder, her back arching up against me, her heavin' tits threatening to escape from her dress. She moaned, a low, guttural moan that shot right to my cock.

“Liam…” she whispered.

“Tell me you don’t want my cock, luv,” I growled. “I’ll leave you alone. Never touch you again.” I pulled a little harder on her hair and smiled as I watched her nipples harden beneath the fabric of her dress, jutting out in little points. “Look at those beautiful nipples, Catherine.”

“Liam, it’s not right…” she whispered.

“Say you don’t want me, luv, and I’ll stop,” I couldn’t stand seeing her neck so exposed any longer. I dipped my head down, raking my tongue along the edge of her collarbone. She shivered beneath my touch and I knew I had her. I growled with desire.

“Say it,” I said, pulling back harder on her hair.

“I can’t,” she cried. “I can’t…”

“Why not, luv? Why can’t you say it?” I teased. “Tell me. Say it, you know I want to hear it.”

“Fuck you, Liam,” she hissed.

“That’s not what I wanted to hear,” I said, laughing, and closing my fingers around her hair a little tighter. “Come on, luv.”

“Fine, you bastard!” she seethed. “I want you to fuck me. Is that what you want to hear?”

“Ahhh…good girl,” I whispered slowly. “That's a good girl…”

I captured her mouth in mine at last.

She kissed me back passionately, her lips parting, our tongues tangling together as I released her hair and gently pushed her back on the couch. Her body melted under mine and I pressed my cock against her center as her hips pressed up to meet me. Her arms snaked around me, pulling me closer as we kissed, my body aching for what I’d been waiting for since I’d first laid eyes on her.

Chapter 19


Holy fuck. Liam stood over me as I lay on the couch looking up at him. He undressed slowly, his shirt falling to the ground, exposing his muscular, tattooed torso, his gaze fixed steadily on me the whole time.

I said I wasn’t going to fuck him. I wasn’t even going to kiss him again. But as soon as he buried his hands in my hair, he’d found my weakness. I melted under his touch, his words, his demands. Throwing all caution and professionalism to the wind, I submitted to him, giving in and giving him exactly what he wanted.

Now, here he was, putting on a show for me that I knew I’d never be able to turn away from again. I stopped protesting. I stopped pretending I didn’t want his hands on every inch of my flesh. I stopped saying no and I said yes.

When he made me say it, it turned me on even more. By the time his fingers found the buttons of his jeans, I was buzzing with desire. I reached up, pushing his hands away from the buttons, and pulled the buttons apart myself. He laughed, a slow, knowing laugh, that sent chills up my spine.

I pushed his jeans apart, reaching in and pulling out his magnificent cock. Hard as a rock, and big as a snake, I wrapped my hands around him and stroked it slowly, Liam’s groans making me smile.

“Catherine,” he grunted and I lowered my head, taking him into my warm mouth, sliding the length of him along my lips smoothly. His velvety skin pulsed against my tongue, and I slid along the underside, his breath catching above me.

“That’s enough,” he said, pulling away. He reached down and scooped me up from the couch, carrying me through the suite until he deposited me on the bed. I sat on the edge as he pulled my dress over my head.

He paused, watching as I reached between my tits to unclasp my bra, pushing it away until I heard him gasp.

“Oh, luv,” he murmured. He pushed me back on the bed, his naked body pressing against me. I opened my thighs and wrapped them around his hips, pulling him closer. My body ached to feel him inside of me, his cock pressing against me deliciously. His mouth found its way to my hard nipples, enclosing them with his warmth. I sank my fingers in his long, black hair, pulling him closer as he gently bit my nipple.

“Liam,” I gasped. His teeth bit harder and I cried out.

“Ah, good girl,” he said again. Every time he said that, my panties became a little wetter. He was electric. He was on fire. His kisses burned me and I wanted nothing more than for him to set my entire body ablaze. I didn’t care what he did to me, as long as he did it for a very long time. I was hungry for him. It had been forever since I’d been touched like this, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

His mouth trailed over my breasts and down my stomach, his breath hot against my skin. Slowly, he raked kisses across my quivering flesh until he reached my panties. His tongue darted under the black lace, and I gasped. Sweet anticipation washed over me and I lifted my hips up towards him hungrily. His fingers grasped the sides of my panties, slowly pulling them down, exposing my pussy to his devilish eyes. I looked down at him, his eyes meeting mine just before he lowered his head, his tongue darting out and licking my clit.

I moaned as he began devouring me, my head falling back on the bed as pleasure washed over every inch of my body. I opened my thighs wider, wanting more and more of his sweet assault.

“You taste like peaches, luv,” he murmured, his mouth sucking my clit hard as I cried out in ecstasy.

“Liam, my god,” I gasped, his mouth working against me, pulling the pleasure from my body until I was writhing under his tongue. It was impossible to keep still but I tried, wanting to feel every tiny movement of his mouth, my body begging for more. Just as I was poised to crash over the edge, he stopped.

“Liam!” I exclaimed, looking down at him. He was like a fucking sex machine standing over me, his cock in his hand as he looked down at me with savage desire filling his electric blue eyes.

“Patience, luv,” he said, walking away.

“Wait!” I cried, my pussy on fire with unfulfilled desire. He came back quickly, and slipped on a condom. He winked at me when he saw the relief on my face.

“I would never leave you unsatisfied, luv,” he whispered. He lay over me, his mouth finding mine aga

in, kissing me passionately, leaving me breathless, his cock pulsing against me with its seductive promise of pleasure.

Once again, I wound my thighs around his hips. Slowly, he shifted, bringing his massive cock against my entrance and sliding in so excruciatingly slowly I was sure I would die of pleasure. Inch by slow inch, he slid inside, his velvety warmth filling me up, his hardness throbbing against my quivering flesh. I shuddered at his size, his length, the immense strength of him as he moved on top of me.

“Oh, luv, oh, luv,” he murmured between kisses, his cock finally buried completely inside of me. I pulled him closer with my thighs, wrapping around him completely, my hands sliding along his back as he began moving against me. He was going so slowly, and as much as I loved it, I yearned for him to lose control, to fuck me wildly. He reached down between us, his fingertips finding my clit, pressing against it as he fucked into me, shooting sparks of pleasure through my body.

“Liam, please, don’t stop, baby,” I cried as I bucked against him.

“Never, luv, never,” he whispered in my ear. “Your pussy is like heaven, how could I ever stop fucking you?”

His cock throbbed hotly inside me, his pace quickening as he fucked into me over and over, his thrusts harder and faster as he began pounding into me. My pussy gripped around him, rhythmically pulsing against him with each thrust, our bodies rocking together with one mission, one goal, one common purpose.

I cried out, my head lost in a haze of pleasure and pain, his cock hammering into me. Our bodies melted together, the two of us lost in a tangling of tongues and hands and limbs. Deeper and deeper, his cock drilled into my pussy, faster and harder, until our bodies were working together like a perfectly oiled machine, the pleasure and the pain mixing together into one ecstatic release as we crashed over the edge. Shuddering, he stiffened, his cock swelling inside of me as we came together, our cries echoing through the room as we lost ourselves in the blissful magic.

Breathless, he pulled away and lay beside me, pulling me in close to his side.

“That was —,” I began.

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