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Claiming Beauty (Taking Beauty Trilogy 2)

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Dammit! I thought, my body betraying me.

“Thank you,” I said, nodding. I wanted to get away from him, but I didn’t want to screw up this opportunity either.

My own line? At fucking Armani? It was too good to be true. But as far as I could tell, he was genuine. I wasn’t entirely sure if he was trying to get into my pants or not, but that didn’t really matter to me, because it was never going to happen.

The last thing in the world I would ever do is betray Bear. I loved him with all my heart and I couldn’t wait to tell him about this new development. So maybe Levi wasn’t his favorite person, but I was sure he’d still be happy for me.

Not that anything was a done deal, at this point. It was all just talk right now.

But a tiny spark of excitement was born and I couldn’t help but practically skip back to my apartment. I’d left my portfolio with Levi and he’d said he would get back to me as soon as he talked to some other people. Sure, I dismissed the way his hand lingered on the small of my back after he hugged me goodbye. It didn’t mean anything unless I let it mean something. I wasn’t about to do that.

I made my way home feeling much better than I did yesterday.

Chapter 18

“What’s wrong, my love?” Bear asked. He’d called me as soon as I texted him canceling our dinner date. I’d been feeling sick about an hour after I left my lunch with Levi this afternoon.

“I’m not sure,” I said. “I think I ate something that didn’t agree with me.”

“That’s too bad,” he said, his voice sweet and concerned. “Do you need me to come over? Do you need anything?” I smiled, in spite of the queasiness in my stomach. He was so fucking sweet, it almost hurt.

“I’ll be okay, babe,” I said. The last thing he needed to do was worry about me. He had enough on his plate. “How did your meetings go?”

“They were successful. The guy I told you about has agreed to invest in the fishing resort at the island, and you know how happy that makes me. My vision is finally coming to life! I can’t wait to go back there with you, Beauty.”

“I can’t wait, either,” I said, smiling into the phone. Our time at the island was something I’ll always treasure, and it warmed my heart knowing he felt the same.

“How’s the business progressing?” he asked. “Is it time to start looking for a retail space yet? I’ve been emanating to tell you that I own a building on the West side of Central Park that has a nice spot that’s open. I think it could work well. You should take a look at it.”

“Okay, thank you, I will,” I said. “Everything’s progressing, even if it’s slower than I wanted. It’s hard doing everything yourself.”

“Of course,” he said. “It takes longer. Surely there are some tasks you could hire someone else to do? Or, are you a control freak when it comes to business like me?”

“That’s not the only place you’re a control freak,” I teased.

His laughter was like dessert to my ears. I loved knowing I’d made him laugh, that I was able to return all the good feelings he gave to me.

“That’s a good point,” he said. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do, love.”

“You say that every day.”

“I mean it every day.”

“I know, thank you,” I said. I was stalling. I wanted to tell him about my lunch with Levi, but for some reason, I was holding back.

This is silly, I thought, just spill it.

“Hey, babe,” I said, keeping my tone light and casual as possible. “You remember the guy I met at the club the other night?”

“No, what guy?” he asked.

“Levi Valenti, from Armani.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, what about him?”

“Well, he told me to call him, to talk about fashion, he wanted to see my designs.”

“You don’t need Levi Valenti, Chloe,” he said. “You have me.”

“Well, of course. But I did call him just to see what he had to say and we had lunch today.”

“What?” he said, a twinge of anger lowering his voice. “Seriously? You had lunch with Levi?”

“Yes, I’m serious,” I said. “And he liked my designs, Bear! He’s going to show them to his boss.”

“Oh, that’s absurd,” he said. I frowned at the phone. This was not the reaction I was expecting. He’d been so supportive up till now.

“Why is it absurd?” I said, defensively.

“Levi is a nobody. He only got that job because he was fucking Georgio Armani’s cousin. He weaseled his way in and everyone knows it. He’s so far up Armani’s ass, it’s ridiculous. Georgio told me he wishes he’d never hired him.”

“You know Georgio Armani?!” I asked, my voice rising.

“Of course, Beauty,” he said. “I know lots of people.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me that?” I asked.

“Who cares?” he asked. “Listen, sweetheart, you don’t need anybody. Not even Georgio Armani and certainly not Levi Valenti.”

“But they’re one of the biggest fashion houses in the world, Bear! You can’t discount that.”

“I’m not. Chloe, listen to me. All you have to do is put in the work. I’ll give you all the money you need. You can build your own house, Beauty. Then, if you do that, nobody else can tear it down.”

I tried to muster a smile, but it was hard, because all I was thinking was that he could tear it down if he was the one financing it.

He’d definitely burst my bubble, even though he was trying to build me up. I understood where he was coming from. He had a different perspective than I did. He’d always done everything on his own. It was a part of what made him who he was.

But I wasn’t him.

And to be perfectly honest, I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable with the idea of him financing my career one hundred percent. I hated thinking about it, but marriages crumble and ours wasn’t exactly built on a solid foundation.

What happened if we didn’t make it? What happened to my business that I was going to work my ass off for?

“What happened between the two of you?” I asked.


“You and Levi. Why don’t you like him?”

“He’s a hustler,” he said, exasperation filling his voice. “He grew up in the Bronx, got a scholarship to Yale. His girlfriend took a liking to me and Levi never got over it.”

“So, you stole his girlfriend?”

“No, Beauty. I don’t have to steal anything. If something is for the taking, I take it. There’s a difference. If she wasn’t available, I never would have touched her. Levi wasn’t taking care of her, so she left him. I didn’t steal her, she came willingly. It was for the best anyway.”

“I see.”

“Are we done talking about that prick? Can we talk about yesterday?”

“Yesterday?” I asked, the old woman’s warnings echoing in my ears.

“Yes, you never told me how the remote control toy worked out. Next time, I think I’ll have you wear a camera so I can see your reaction.”

“It was an adventure, that’s for sure,” I said. I couldn’t help but smile. I didn’t want to be upset with him. It was irritating that he was letting a past transgression with Levi get in the way of something that might be good for me, but he was incredibly hard to be angry with.

“I had a wonderful time, imagining what was happening. It was a really powerful feeling knowing I could give you so much pleasure without even being in the room. We’ll have to do it again very soon.”

“You got me good a few times,” I said. “Unfortunately, I was sitting in a restaurant at the time.”

“That’s absolutely awesome,” he laughed.

“I’m glad you had fun,” I said.

“I’d have more fun if I could see you tonight,” he said, the sexy growl resurfacing in his voice. “You sure I can’t bring you anything?”

“I’m fine, babe, thank you,” I said. “I’m just going to drink some tea and go to

sleep. I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.”

“Okay, Beauty,” he said, his voice a warm blanket on my heart.

“I love you, Bear.”

“I love you, Beauty. Forever and ever.”

Chapter 19

Two Days Later…

Technically, I lied.

But in reality, I was just avoiding the truth till a later time.

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