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Claiming Beauty (Taking Beauty Trilogy 2)

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“Sure,” I said. I didn’t know, but if he said so, I believed him. “They didn’t think my designs were too ‘West Coast’?”

“No way,” he said. “Everything can be adapted. We can change fabrics and colors and make it more sophisticated, if that’s what you mean. Everything is so casual on the West Coast, isn’t it?”

I nodded again, my head spinning.

“So what are you saying exactly?” I asked.

“I’m saying, get me more stuff to look at. You’re in the running for a job at Armani. If all goes well, we’ll bring you in, give you space and time, and let you work your magic with an entire team supporting you in every way. We’ll make you the next face of the Armani’s women’s line, Chloe!”

“That’s huge,” I said. “Levi, this is crazy! I can’t thank you enough.”

“No thanks necessary, love! You’re the one making my job easy by being so talented. And you practically fell into my lap! I should be thanking you!”

He reached over, grasping my hand and squeezing it, the heat rolling off of his palm shooting right through me.

A wave of queasiness washed over me.

“Excuse me,” I said, sliding out of my seat and racing to the ladies room.

Breathe through your mouth, breathe through your mouth, I told myself as I ran inside. I ran into a stall and sat down, putting my head between my legs. My legs were shaking and my palms were sweaty and I was fighting to keep my food down.

I should have stayed in bed, I thought to myself. Raw fish probably wasn’t the bed thing to be eating right now.

After a few moments and a lot of deep breaths, I felt a little better. I made my way back to the table and explained to Levi that I wasn’t feeling well. Like a complete gentleman, he escorted me outside and after I refused a ride all the way home, he hailed me a cab and gave me a gentle hug goodbye.

I promised to be in touch soon and half an hour later, I was at home.

My bed had never felt so comforting. I sank into the soft downy comforter, my head melting into the memory foam pillow, the mattress enveloping me in warmth and softness.

I feel asleep hard and fast, dreaming of Bear’s kisses, his masterfully sculpted abs, and his perfect cock that I hadn’t felt inside of me in way too long. If I didn’t feel better soon, I was surely going to die from missing him.

And that cock.

That perfect, skillful cock.

I missed it like I’d never missed anything and I awoke the next morning, finally feeling better and desperately needing to see the love of my life.

Chapter 20

Bear’s voice was thick with sleepiness when I called him early the next morning.

“Beauty,” he growled. “Good morning, babe.”

“Good morning,” I said. “I can’t take this anymore. I need to see you.”

“Are you feeling better?”

“For the most part. When can I see you?”

“I’m swamped at the office all day. Dinner tonight?”

“Okay,” I said, disappointed that I had to wait so long.

“Sorry, love. Pick somewhere to go, okay? Maybe sushi?”

“No!” I cried, my stomach churning at the thought of last night’s dinner. “I think I need something simple.”

“Okay, whatever you’d like, love.”

“Thank you. I miss you.”

“I miss you, too, babe. Everything okay?”

“Yes, I just miss you. I can’t wait to see you tonight, babe.”

“Me too, Beauty,” he growled. “Have a wonderful day, love.”

“Thank you, you too,” I said, hanging up the phone.

I started my morning with a cup of tea, the nausea hanging on but a little better today. I ate toast and jam, which thankfully stayed down, but only made me even hungrier. By the time I’d cooked eggs and bacon, I was ravenous. I devoured my breakfast and then set to work.

I finished the dress I was working on by noon, feeling ecstatic about the progress I was finally making. I started another one, hoping to finish it within days, so I could take it to Levi. I wanted to give him something new, something I’d just done, to show the level I was working at now.

Tonight, I’d tell Bear about my dinner with Levi. I knew he wouldn’t be too happy about it, but I didn’t want to keep anything from him. Besides, the news was so big there was no way I’d be able to keep it from him. I was bursting to tell someone.

Marie, I thought, grabbing the phone and calling her.

She answered right away. I hadn’t talked to her since she’d gone back home and a wave of emotion hit me when I heard her voice. I missed her so much.

“Chloe!” she answered. “Hi, baby!”

“Hi, there!”

“How’s New York?” she asked.

“Cold. Still cold.”

“I don’t know how you can be cold when you have that big hunk of man to keep you warm.”

“I’ve been kinda sick. I haven’t seen him in a few days. I’m definitely cold.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. Just a virus or something, I guess. I’m feeling a little better today. We have a date tonight.”

“I wish I was there,” she said.

“Me, too,” I replied.

“I’ll come back and visit again soon. I can’t wait to experience more of New York.”

“I think you got the best part already,” I teased, referring to our little sexcapade.

“You might be right,” she said. “May be hard to top that.”

“I’m sure Bruce will give it a try,” I said.

“Fuck, I hope so. Did you see that man’s cock?” she asked.

“I did,” I said. “It’s huge.”

“Well, he’s no match for Bear. That’s guy’s sporting a monster between his legs. No wonder you’re so enamored.”

“I love Bear for his personality, not for the size of his cock, Marie,” I said.

“Oh, please, you know the love of the cock came before the love of the man!”

I laughed, unable to stop myself.

“Stop,” I said, finally, clutching my queasy stomach. “I called to give you some news.”

“Oh, yeah? Tell me!”

“Well, do you remember that guy Levi from the club? He works at Armani and he wants to show my stuff to his team. I might be the face of the next women’s line at Armani, Marie!”

“Armani! Are you fucking kidding me?” she exclaimed. “That’s incredible!”

“I know!”

“Wait, I’m confused, though,” she said. “I thought you were going to open your own store? And aren’t you supposed to be planning a wedding, too? Oh, my god, did you even tell Matilda yet?”

I rolled my eyes.

“No, I haven’t told Matilda. Bear and I are going to tell her together. She’s busy with her new job and boyfriend, she doesn’t care what I’m doing. Typical Matilda, right?”

“I guess,” she said.

“Anyway, the wedding is on hold. Well, not on hold, but we haven’t even set a date yet. It’ll happen. We’re going to have a long engagement, I think. We’ll see.”

“Have you even talked about the wedding since he asked you to marry him?”

“Well, no, but he’s been very busy.”

“You went to a fucking island together for a week, Chloe. You didn’t talk about it then?”

“No! Marie, God, can you just stop interrogating me? Fuck.”

“Okay, okay, sorry,” she said. “It’s hard to keep up, there’s so much going on with you. Now, what about the store?”

“I haven’t decided. I mean, yes, I’m opening my own store, but then I met this guy and this Armani thing just happened and now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

“How so?”

“Bear wants me to keep going full steam ahead with the store. He’s not too fond of Levi.”

“Levi? That dreamboat you met at the sex club?”

“Yes, that’s wha

t I just said! Pay attention, Marie!”

“Well, for fuck’s sake, look at him! He looked like he just stepped out of GQ or something. Of course Bear doesn’t want you hanging around him. Even men like Bear get jealous. Especially men like Bear!”

“Hmm, you may have a point. They do have a bit of a history together. They’re definitely not friends.”

“Sounds like you’re playing with fire to me, Chloe,” she said. “Be careful.”

“Shit, I hope not. It’s fucking Armani, for fuck’s sake.”

“So what? Wouldn’t you rather be your own boss? Have complete creative control?”

“Yes, but…”

“But what?”

“Well, the thing about opening my own place is that I’ll be totally financially dependent on Bear for everything.”

“So what? Aren’t you already? He pays your rent, your bills, takes you out, buys you things. He’s going to be your husband, Chloe.”

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