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Claiming Beauty (Taking Beauty Trilogy 2)

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“Mom,” I said, my voice a squeaky croak. “Where am I?”

“At the hospital, darling. You’re going to be okay. You just fainted.”

“I did?” I asked, my mind spinning as I tried to remember what happened. I remembered Harlan showing up at my apartment and him trying to jump over the balcony and…

My head was spinning and the light was blinding me. I remembered nothing after I’d fallen over. “Where’s Harlan?” I asked.

“He’s out in the waiting room. I must say, I was surprised to see him here, Chloe. I thought you two were finished.”

“We are!” I insisted. “I just fainted? That’s all? Really?”

“Yes. That’s all. The doctor’s think you were just dehydrated. They did some blood tests just to be sure.”

“Oh, okay,” I said, nodding, wondering what the hell Harlan had told them. The last thing I wanted to do was get him in trouble. I knew deep down Harlan was harmless.

“Can I leave now?”

“No,” she said, putting her hand on my arm to keep me down. “Not yet. They want to keep you here overnight for observation.”

“Seriously? Mom, I’m fine,” I protested, sitting up. My stomach heaved and I fell back into the pillows.

“Seriously,” she replied, her mouth a firm, motherly line.

I smiled and shook my head.

“Fine. Whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I really am fine though. I’ve just had a little virus or something the last few days.”

“Of course you’re fine, sweetheart,” she said, patting my hand. “Now, I’m going to go down to the gift shop and get you a few of those romance books you like. You like the one’s with the bad boys, right?”

I blushed and nodded. The last thing I wanted was to read about the latest toe curlers.

“Yeah, Mom,” I said, not having the heart to tell I’d never read another book like that. She walked to the door right as a nurse walked in.

“I’ll be right back,” she said.

“Hey Mom?” I called.


“Thanks for coming,” I said, as I realized how happy I was to see her.

“Of course, Chloe,” she said. “You’re my daughter.”

I smiled and took a deep breath.

I was alive.

Harlan hadn’t shot me.

Whatever else life threw at me, I could handle.

The door closed behind Mom and the nurse put some paperwork down next to me, as she sat on the side of my bed. Tiny spectacles perched on the edge of her button nose, her grey eyes peering out from them. Her greying black hair sprouted from her head like wires.

“How are you feeling, dear?” she asked.

“I’m okay. A little dizzy, I guess,” I said.

“Your boyfriend sure is worried about you,” she said with a smile.

“My boyfriend?” I asked, Bear’s face flashing in my mind.

“The tall, skinny guy pacing in our waiting room? He rode in the ambulance with you.”

“Oh. Harlan. Right.”

“Yes,” she said, patting my leg. “Must be nice to have someone love you like that. I remember young love, you know. Seems like so long ago, but my Frankie and I are still together, thirty-two years later.”

“That’s a long time,” I said.

“It is, isn’t it?” she asked, beaming. “I’m proud of it, you know. Took a lot of hard work. I don’t know how many times we broke up, or threatened to. Hell, sometimes, we’d go weeks without talking to each other, but you find a way to work things out, you know? You give in a little, you try to see things from their perspective, even when they’re wrong. And they’re wrong a lot, aren’t they?” she said, winking.

“Yeah, I guess,” I smiled.

“It’s hard, but you still have your youth, and that’s important. Make sure you take care of yourself. You’re going to need your strength.”

“I am?”

“Yes, darling. Didn’t the doctor come in? He must have told your boyfriend while you were sleeping.”

“Told him what?”

“Oh, sweetie, you don’t know?”


“You’re pregnant, honey. That’s why you were so sick. Just a few weeks along, but it affects some earlier than others.”

My jaw dropped and all the blood drained from my face.

“I’m wh-what did you say?”

“Yep. Preggo!” she cried, patting my hand.


“You know, hon…knocked up? Bun in the oven? Expecting? Eating for two? Harboring a fugitive? With child? Baking a baby? In the family way?” she winked.

“Okay!” I said. “I got it!”

“Isn’t it wonderful? Well, I’ll just let you get some rest now, darling. You just push that button right there if you need anything, now, you hear? I’ll send your boyfriend in to see you in a minute…”

I fell back onto the bed, clutching my stomach and staring down at it, feeling like I’d just been hit by a tsunami.

“No…” I whispered, as the door closed behind the woman.

Bear’s face flashed in my head and huge hot tears fell down my cheeks. I cried out, throwing myself back on the bed and turning on my side, my body convulsing with violent wracking sobs.

Chapter 28


Max drove like a bat out of hell. As soon as I’d gotten the call from Harlan, I rushed out of the meeting and had never been more thankful for having Max waiting for me at all times.

“It’s Chloe,” I cried, as I flung myself into the back seat. “She’s at Beth Israel, Max, get me there fast!”

Max wasted no time. It wasn’t long before I was rushing into the lobby. I saw Harlan at the end of the hall and I ran up to him.

“Where is she?” I demanded. “What happened?”

“She fainted, man, she’s going to be okay, she’s with her Mom right now,” he said.

“What do you mean she fainted? Where?”

“At her apartment.”

“Why were you there? I thought you left town?” I asked.

“Bear, I’m sorry,” he said, his scraggly hair hanging around his face. He looked skinny and stricken, his eyes sad and guilty. “I fucked up. I came back. I’ve just been so upset. I love her so much. You understand, don’t you man? She’s amazing.”

“What did yo

u do?” I demanded, resisting the urge to punch him.

“I showed up and we argued. I got upset and I was going to jump off the balcony, but she pulled me off. She’s fucking incredible, man. She could have run. She could have bolted. She could have called the cops, but she didn’t do any of that.”

“What else happened?”

“I lost it. I broke down. She tried to get me to leave but I wouldn’t. Then she fainted.”

“What!” I yelled, grabbing him by the shirt and pushing him against the wall.

“She’s okay, man!” he yelled, throwing his hands up. “She just fainted!”

“What do you mean she fainted?”

“She just fell out, like one minute she was standing there and the next minute she was unconscious.”

“Jesus!” I said, pushing him away and walking away from him. I needed space between my fists and his face.

“I called an ambulance right away. They brought her straight here. The nurse and doctor said she’s gonna be just fine. Like I said, she’s in with Matilda, but you can see her soon, I’m sure…”

I closed the distance between us again, rage rushing through my veins, as I threw him against the wall again.

“Listen to me, Harlan. Listen very fucking carefully. The only reason I’m not going to kill you is because you called an ambulance for Chloe, do you understand? Otherwise, you’d be dead right now. Do you hear me?”

“Y-yes-yes, thank you,” he muttered, his eyes wild with fear. I tightened my grip on his shirt and lowered my voice.

“Now, are you still listening.”

“Yes,” he muttered. He was sweating profusely by now. He had no idea how close he’d coming to dying today.

“You’re going straight to the fucking airport and you’re going to get on the first flight out of here. I don’t care where you go, just fucking get out of New York and don’t ever fucking come back, do you hear me?”

“Y-yes, I do, man, I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t care about your apologies, now fucking go—.”

“Bear?” I turned to the sound of a voice and came face to face with Matilda.

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