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The Darkest Torment (Lords of the Underworld 12)

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The unfamiliar voice registered, along with the fact that the word had been spoken in a language she’d never learned or even heard before, and yet she’d understood it. Brows knitting together, she spun in a circle. No one stood around her.

But both dogs stiffened.

—Demon girl comes—

Again, the unfamiliar voice took her by surprise. This time, however, she realized the words had been spoken inside her head. But they didn’t originate with her and the only other beings with her... She looked at the dogs. No, no. Impossible...yes?

The dogs scurried in front of her as she pivoted. Biscuit growled at Fox, who opened the door and leaned against the frame, and Katarina actually felt his burst of anger. This is weirder than weird.

“You’re good with them,” Fox said.

“I love them,” she replied. It was as simple as that.

Both Biscuit and Gravy smiled up at her, as if they’d understood her words. Did they?

Fox rubbed her temple. “Do you love Baden? Wait. You know what? Never mind. Don’t answer that. I won’t believe you.” She laughed, the amusement tinged with bitterness. “The demon, you know.”

Katarina petted the boys behind their ears. “It comes with a heaping side of paranoia, does it?”

“If you knew the number of conspiracy theories I have running through my head at any given time...”

“Are you hoping Baden will take the demon back?” Because, even if he agreed to it, Katarina would fight tooth and nail to stop the repossession. The man had enough to deal with already.

“Yes. No. I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.”

Compassion welled a second time. More than before. Katarina couldn’t do much to help the girl, but she could offer a distraction. “Since you’re here, I could use your help gathering a few supplies for the dogs.”

“Give me a list, and I’ll round up everything personally.”

“Wonderful.” She voiced everything she wanted. “But, uh, I also need a few personal items.” To begin her seduction—training—of Baden. “Like a masseuse.”

“Not a problem. I have one on staff.”

Even better. “Does he...she?...have a portable table?”

“He. And yes.”

A male. The best-case scenario. “I also need lingerie. A lot of lingerie, and make sure it’s super slutty. Something you’d imagine a prostitute would wear. High class! No, scratch that. Low class. Oh, and I need toiletries. Preferably vanilla scented. And condoms. A lot of condoms. Those don’t need to smell like vanilla. A swimsuit—do you have a pool? Never mind, doesn’t matter. A string bikini. Shouldn’t you be writing these down?”

—We fetch for you?—

An-n-nd there was the unfamiliar voice, louder and clearer than before. She peered down at the dogs. Both stared at her expectantly, waiting for her response.

They were speaking to her, weren’t they?

Such a daft thought and yet, the suspicion niggled at her.

“No,” she told them, just in case. “No need to fetch.”

They sighed with disappointment.

“You converse with your dogs?” Fox asked, frowning.

“You don’t?”

The woman smoothed her dark hair from her cheek while giving Katarina the dreaded side-eye. “I’ll have the items delivered to you by the end of the day.”

“Or sooner.” Baden could return at any moment. “Like, say, within the next two hours sooner.”

“I’ll do what I can. Just...don’t hurt the warrior. If you do—”

“I won’t.”

“But if you do—”

“I really won’t. him.”

“—I’ll kill you,” Fox finished.

As the dogs growled at her, she turned on her heel and strode off.

Katarina kneeled to pet and praise her students. They’d sensed a threat and reacted, remaining calm, staying by her side. Now they wagged their tails and kissed her liberally.

This world she found herself in was different than any she’d ever known, but this, these dogs, they were her norm. And Baden...he was just hers. For now.

* * *

Baden flashed to Hades. The king sat upon his throne, dictating instructions to Pippin, who stood beside him, chiseling in the stone tablet.

“—head removed, limbs severed, chest opened and—” Noticing Baden, Hades changed course. “Well?”

Baden tossed the cœur de la terre at him. “Another point.”

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