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The Darkest Assassin (Lords of the Underworld 14.6)

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With his gaze glued to hers, he shut and locked the door, then prowled closer. An-n-nd her nerves jacked up once again. A predatory ember crackled in those eyes, and determination stamped on every deliciously hard inch of his body.

“Take off your clothes,” he rasped, his low, husky words infiltrating her ears, amplifying the sensations plaguing her.

See Bjorn make Fox break first. No, no. He wielded incredible sex appeal…but so did she. Toying with the collar of her shirt, she purred, “I’m happy to take off my clothes. As soon as you admit defeat.”

“Keep your clothes, then. Keep mine, too.” He tore off the robe, putting his bronzed skin and bulging strength on spectacular display, then tossed the garment her way. “You have only to speak two words—I surrender. Then, all of this is yours.” He waved to indicate every inch of his incredible form.

I want it. Give it to me!

Look away, look away! Anywhere but my own personal Temptation Island.

Pride demanded she fight her attraction until the bitter end. Somehow, Fox found the willpower to say, “Counteroffer. You say those two little words, and all of this is yours.” Yanking her tank and bra overhead, she kicked off her boots. She shimmied out of her leathers and panties.

Suddenly, they were both naked, standing only a few feet apart. His breath caught while hers disintegrated, the sight of him blowing every circuit in her mind. Beyond beautiful. At this rate, I’m going to lose in a matter of minutes.

“I think we should change the rules,” she blurted out. “We agree to make a move at the same time. Then, the one who climaxes first is the loser.” And, simultaneously, the winner.

“Agreed,” he rushed out, as if he feared she would change her mind at any moment.

They wasted no more time. As she pressed a kiss at the corner of his mouth, he gripped her hips. A split second later, she soared through the air and landed atop the bed. Fox laughed as she bounced, that laughter genuine and as intoxicating as champagne. Face it, Bjorn’s desire made her giddy.

He pounced, shooting onto the bed to pin her down. Dark but playful, wicked but sweet, he stared down at her. Her laughter died in an instant, and she gulped. Never had he looked so fierce.

Not just beautiful. Mesmerizing. He owned this moment.

Continue on this path, and he’ll own you, too.

Stupid Distrust! He will not ruin this for me.

Fox had never willingly ceded control to anyone, for any reason. Now, she wondered if Bjorn hadn’t, either. She’d seen his dealings with Alana, and he’d mentioned being captured. He might need control.

But. There’s always a but with me. She sighed. Their relationship had begun on uneven footing. He’d burst into her life, determined to slay her. He’d negated her ability, imprisoned her, and set her up for a whipping. What had she done to him? Besides murder ten of his people, of course.

Winning the bet might put them on equal footing at last.

One minute ticked into another, neither of them looking away. Neither of them making a move, either. The way he looked at her…

As if I’m the most beautiful woman in the worlds. As if I’m…special. Her stupid heart filled with something akin to rainbows, nearly bursting. She wasn’t sure she’d ever been special to anyone…ever.

The more time that passed, the more his eyelids hooded with desire, and the more her awareness of him intensified. The dark stubble on his jaw beckoned her hands. One touch…maybe two. His muscled chest beckoned her mouth. One taste…to start. His erection beckoned her hands and her mouth.

The man beguiles me.

Lust heated her inside and out. Her blood began to boil, steam wafting. That steam caused pressure to build inside her, stealing her breath. Meanwhile, Bjorn low-key panted.

A realization jolted her: He’s mine, and for the rest of time, I will not share.

Oh, she’d known he belonged to her. At least in part. She just hadn’t known she’d planned on keeping him forever.

She wouldn’t win his heart just to escape, and she refused to settle for a temporary arrangement. Not with him. She wanted to win his heart because…because… Do it. Say it. Because she was falling into major like with him. There. She’d done it, said it, breathed life into the thought, giving it an opportunity to wipe out her doubts.

I am. I’m falling. I’m falling into like with him hard. She wanted him today, tomorrow, and every day after that. Long-term, baby! Excitement bubbled over, spilling through her.

You saw the way other Sent Ones view you. They’ll never approve of you. Being with you will get Bjorn exiled. He’ll grow to hate you, and rightfully so.

What sucked the most? The bastard wasn’t wrong. She ground her teeth.

Expression softening unexpectedly, Bjorn glided the pad of his thumb along her bottom lip. “Distrust is doing his best to make you walk away from me, yes?”

“Yes,” she croaked. The fact that he’d sensed her change in mood only made her lo—like him more. Not yet ready for the L word.

Yet! Yet? I will not fall in love—ever. I won’t! Like was acceptable. Love? No. Even the thought of it made her panic. Love invited pain and disappointment, giving the other person power over you. She’d much rather return to her emotionless state.

A lock of hair tumbled over his forehead, the dark strands a startling contrast to his bronzed flesh. As she grappled with a desire to smooth the lock away, he said, “Let’s teach the demon a lesson. Every time he strikes at you, we’ll strike back with pleasure, something he surely despises.”

Snort. Tricky Sent One, trying to work the situation to his favor. “Excellent plan. Gentlemen first,” she teased, rubbing her knee along the side of his body.

Just like that. Their good humor took a nosedive, their bodies too achy to be ignored any longer.

“You are the most exquisite creature in all of creation,” he rasped. “Outwardly delicate but inwardly tough, a contradictory and intriguing combination. You madden me.”

Her breaths accelerated. On fire for him, she said, “All week, I’ve imagined you perched above me like this. You play with my breasts, pinch my nipples, and slide your fingers deep inside me, preparing me for something much, much bigger…”

With a moan, he lowered his head. With a groan, she raised hers. Their lips met in the middle, their tongues thrusting together. There was nothing gentle or tentative about the kiss. No exploring. Only fierce, unstoppable need. They devoured each other. She breathed for him, and he breathed for her.

A passion-flush spread lightning-fast, heating her cells. How had she gone so long without this? Unable to remain still, she rubbed her sex against his shaft. Oh, the bliss! Every point of contact sent a new shockwave through her. Soon, her every thought revolved around the next hit.

Addicted. Want this three times a day—at least!

He laved the pulse at her neck, pressure mounting, the need for release all-consuming. Still, she tried so hard to be gentle with him. No clawing. No biting. If she caused him pain, guilt would destroy her. After everything he’d suffered with Alana and his captivity, he deserved only pleasure. But…

She muttered a curse. Carnality just took the wheel, driving her every thought to one of three conclusions. “Yes. Please. More.”

“More. All. Everything.” He lifted his head to kiss her lips. Their tongues twined together again and again.

No clawing? No biting? No way. She raked her nails along his scalp, then down the center of his wings, finally sinking the sharp tips into his ass to yank him closer. Yes, yes! No! His erection hit the center of her desire, nearly wrenching a climax from her. Must hold out. Must!

He hissed in a breath.

“Sorry,” she croaked, plucking her nails free. She fisted the sheets. “Didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Not hurt.” A ragged growl rumbled from him as he wrenched his face from hers, drowning out a stream of protests from Distrust. “Put them back.”

Them? Her nails? “No. Must resist.” Gah! Sound

ed like she was speaking her thoughts…while her mind was blank. But, oh! None of the guys she’d been with in the past were as strong or intense as Bjorn. Having tasted the perfection of his passions, she doubted any other male would do. “I could hurt you,” she tried to explain between panting breaths.

“I love your reactions to me. Love earning them. Do not deprive me of such bliss.”

Darling man. “You know what this means, yes? I’m next level girlfriending, and you owe me.” Once again, Fox sank her nails into his ass. She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles. She drew his earlobe between her teeth and whispered, “I won’t fight my reactions to you anymore. I’ll surrender. If you’ll do something for me.”

“Anything,” he said. “I will be the one to surrender.

She almost smiled. Almost. “Fuck me, Bjorn. Please.”

* * * *

Sweat beaded on Bjorn’s brow, Fox’s words echoing inside his mind. His muscles knotted with strain, and his heart pounded against his ribs. Beneath him lay the sexiest female in the history of ever. Tangled dark hair framed her delicate features. One lock even curled around her nipple, playing peek-a-boo with his gaze.

She is the incarnation of desire…

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