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The Darkest Assassin (Lords of the Underworld 14.6)

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Realization: she’d gotten lost inside her head. Did she want to die? Sunny repasted the smile on her face. “Ever Randy, hmm? Does anyone call you ER for short?”

“Only if they wish to die,” he replied, his tone dry. Despite the dryness, he thrummed with tension. Did her nearness rattle him?

“So he’s cute and ferocious. Good job, Sunny.” She patted herself on the shoulder, playing her role. “I picked the best slab of beef in the deli.”

He winged up one brow. “So I’m a piece of meat to you?”

“Yes, pork chop. Yes. But in my defense, I only think it because I’m right.” She leaned over and patted his cheek, the urge to slap him almost impossible to ignore. “You should come with a warning label. Or eyeball condoms.”

“Why? Do you plan to stuff your eyes inside my sockets?”


“Sorry, but I think I’ll pass.” He crossed his arms, his shirt pulling taut over deliciously flexed muscles. “No, you know what? I’m feeling daring today. Let’s go for it. Gotta try everything once, right?”

A laugh slipped from her. What the hellebore! A prince of darkness would not amuse her. “Sorry not sorry I sent your companions away. When I want something, I go for it.” Truth!

He moved his gaze over her once again. “And you decided you want me?”

His tone…she thought she detected a hint of certainty and uncertainty. How odd. “I spent a whole five minutes planning your seduction. That’s six minutes longer than usual.”

“That means you’re only twenty-four hours behind me,” he replied, ignoring her screwed up math.

Did he make a joke…or a statement of fact? Did he just admit to attending the conference to find her?

So. There’s a chance I was wrong. A chance he knew or suspected who she was, and he’d come to stop her—forever.

Rage flared anew. Soon, it would be appeased…

For now, she forced another smile. The jerk had yet to invite her to join him, or express a desire to leave with her. Playing hard to get? Time to take their banter to the next level to give him an excuse to act. “If you were a pizza topping, you’d be hamburger and jalapeno, because you’re grade-A beef and hot. I’d be ham and pineapple because I’m salty and sweet.” No. No way I just openly compared us to pizza toppings, as if we’re taking a Facebook quiz.

Okay, so she didn’t just suck at flirting. She sucked, period. But wait! He smiled a genuine smile, not one of those smirking grins, as if she’d truly amused him. The sight made her belly quiver.

Only a second later, he jerked as if she’d punched him, his smile vanishing. He tossed back the remains of his drink, his movements powerful, aggressive and seductive. The quivering worsened. What is he doing to me?

As he slammed down the glass, a blank mask covered his features. “You may go.” He’d blanked his tone, too. “We’ll chat later, when it’s your turn.”

Her turn for what? Interrogation? Maybe he suspected every female codebreaker of being the one hunting his family. And leave him? Hardly. Now that she’d breathed in his magnificent scent, experienced the caress of his voice and the lethal seduction of his gaze, she wanted him dead sooner rather than later. More dangerous than I realized.

There had to be a way to override his desire to wait. Oh! Oh! “Your loss, baby. I’m super horny.” Horny to end his life! “I’m probably dying and only an orgasm will save me. I’d planned to invite you to my room for a couple hours of…you know… thought and reflection.” She traced a finger between her breasts and purred, “I heard you say you do your best thinking naked.”

His pupils enlarged, spilling over all that pale blue. A sign of sexual yearning. But he didn’t null and void his demand.

Daisy! She had one last ace to play. If he still turned her down, she’d hide out, then follow him to his hotel room. “Fine, I’ll go. Thankfully, you aren’t the only slice of beefcake on the menu. Enjoy the rest of your evening. I know I will.” She blew him a kiss and pivoted, revealing her best feature: a rounded aster. Argh! A rounded ass-ter. Freesia! Stupid magic filter. She had a freaking rounded butt, okay?

He sucked in a breath. “Or stay for a few minutes,” he croaked.

Relief washed over her, cool and soothing. As hoped, her butt had succeeded where her wit had failed. One step closer.

Tremors plagued Sunny as she eased into the chair across from him. He watched her, intent and intense, absentmindedly tracing a finger over the rim of his glass.

Ignore the tingle of awareness. Ignore the crackle of need. Ignore the sizzle of want.

Without looking away from her, he raised an arm and snapped his fingers. A waitress came running, offering him a fresh glass of whiskey. One he polished off in seconds.

Sunny planted her elbows on the table. “So. What should we—”

He slammed the glass onto the table, silencing her. Then he stood and extended a helping hand. “I’d already selected the night’s entertainment, and I never rearrange my plans. On the other hand, I’m a giver, incredibly generous, and your life hangs in the balance. So, I will do this for you. I will give you an orgasm.” He waved his fingers at her. “Come. Let’s go to my room.”

“No. Let’s go to my room,” she insisted, smiling a real smile this time. She’d done it! She’d won him over!

He jerked again, but he also gave a stiff nod. “Very well. We’ll go to your room, and I’ll ensure you survive the night.”

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