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“Adults who can’t get served liquor,” Sam grumbled.

“We also still can’t rent cars,” I add, it being a stickler thing for me. I had a whole debate about it in Civics class recently, so it had always been a bit of a thing for me.

“Well yeah, but you know what I’m talking about Ryan; don’t be difficult.”

I just smirked and had a big ol’ gulp of the smoothie Sam made. The dude knew how to make ’em just right. Had a future running a Smoothie Shack if he wanted it.

“So... I don’t know how to put this, boys, so I’ll just say it how it is. I’ve been dating.”

Sam and I exchanged glances and nodded. We’d suspected.

He’d been home less often these last few years, and part of the reason may have been that his sons didn’t need a babysitter anymore.

The question was how?

He had a tiny window of opportunity in his busy schedule. He got to the school before daybreak and stayed into the night half the time.

How did he have the time while still being home every night to remind us that we were not just two random teenagers raising ourselves?

I guess our childhood ‘NO ONE CAN REPLACE MOM’ crying may have turned him off from being open about his relationships, but how did he have one and keep it a secret? The dude didn’t even have time for Tinder, let alone anything old people would actually do.

“And the reason I haven’t been honest with you is I didn’t want it to become a distraction through the end of your time in high school.”


“Oh,” said Sam at exactly the same time as I thought it. And in the same dubious tone.

“I didn’t want my romance to go public among the students at the school and be a source of gossip and fodder for wild imaginations. So it’s been completely on the down low. Most of the school’s faculty doesn’t even know about Nancy and I.”


Nancy was a common name, a nice name. I could imagine Dad with a woman called Nancy.

“We have have been getting along extremely well. And she wants to meet you guys, so she can get to know you as friends and potentially be part of the family.” Dad winked again.

Part of the family.

“Is it that serious?” Sam blurted out. “You must really like her.”

Dad nodded with the widest grin I’d ever seen on his face.

“That’s fine, Dad, I’m fine with you having a woman in your life. You should have a woman in your life.”

“Nancy, Ryan, call her Nancy. I’ll introduce you to her when you boys get back from your trip.”

Right. Nancy it is, then.

“It’s great, Dad,” Sam said. “Really. It is. I’m very happy for you.”

My dad had good taste and high standards. She’d have to be someone pretty special.

But I could barely concentrate on anything other than the pretty, special girl I shared with Sam.

Could we really share a girl every night? Not a girl in general, but specifically that girl, our Grace. Would she be up for it? Would we want to share? Was that a type of relationship that could even work?

“I’m glad you’re open to it, boys. Was half afraid we’d have another situation like we had back then. But it might be a bit easier now you’re older and going off to college. Not that I’m chasing you out.”

“Dad, seriously, it’s fine. We want you to be happy and not be some miserable, lonely old man in your golden years when we’ve left home. I’m sure the future students of our school will be happier if you’re happy.”

“Now, why do you think that?”

“I dunno, Dad.” Ryan shrugged. “It’s just some students already think you’re the evil headmaster.”

“At least I’m doing something right.” Dad grinned evilly. “Someone has to play the villain, boys.”

“And that role belongs to me this time,” Sam said, glancing at the clock. “Sorry to break up the tender family gathering, but I didn’t realize the time.”

“What’s up, Sam?” Ryan said, eyebrows raised. “You’re not spending the rest of the day packing for the trip? You do know we leave real early tomorrow?”

“That’s already done. I gotta go watch the game with Noah now.”

“With Noah Jones? I don’t understand how he has the time to watch sports, but I’m pleased he does take time to rest his brain. How’s his tech business coming along?”

“Noah can take time off because he’s like a machine. He doesn’t sleep,” I began.

Sam continued with what I was about to say. “He can get by on four hours a night. He makes more money than the average American wage while the rest of us are sleeping.”

“Business is going well then.” Dad looked impressed. “He always got top grades too, so you must be right about the sleep.”

“Yeah, well, even the genius entrepreneur needs downtime. So I told him I’d be there to make the game less boring.”

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