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I stroll into the kitchen like I might on any morning in my own home.

Sam had his hand on the blender when I entered the kitchen. A mix of vibrant colors, fruit and who knew what else packed the glass jug.

“Did you seriously just make Noah sneak out without stopping for breakfast?” Sam looked at me with disbelief. “That’s like... just being rude, Grace.”

“You knew he was here?”

“Uh, yeah?” Ryan shrugged. “The doors and walls aren’t soundproof or anything. We heard the two of you tiptoeing to the front door. We saw his sneakers yesterday and noticed they were still here this morning.”

“Gilt,” Sam added cryptically.

I mouthed a silent, oh, shit.

I suppose our parents knew all of this too, but I didn’t ask where they were. If they were still in bed, I didn’t want to have to think about it.

I’m caught out and guilty.

“Also,” Sam interjected, “we heard you. I don’t think we showed up too long after Noah got here. If we’d have seen you, we could have warned you that these walls are made of paper.”

Ryan laughed. “I know exactly what you’re thinking from the look of horror on your face. Don’t worry, the old folks stayed out until late, and you’d quietened down by then.”

“And Ry put on some music to help cover up for you. Whereas I was quite content to listen. So, you want some of this?” Sam tapped his hand on the blender, and I nodded.

Then all possibilities of talking were whipped out by the machine's loud whizz for a few seconds. Then Sam poured a thick drink into three tall glasses and brought them to the table where Ry was already sitting.

“I’m sorry,” I said and joined them.

“What are you apologizing for?” Ryan looked genuinely confused.

“Yes? Why?”

“I’m... I...” I wanted to say sorry for cheating on them. That I wasn’t a dirty slut. That it was only my second time with a guy, ever.

“We almost knocked on the door and asked if we could join the two of you.” Sam winked, and his broad grin chased away all my sense of anxiety. These guys were crazy and fun just as they’d always been over the last four years of our friendship.

“Eh, I held him back. I figured Noah’s first time should be something special.”

Wait, Noah really had been a virgin? I’d assumed that was a groundless rumor based on everyone knowing his family were fairly religious. He’d been surprisingly adept for his first time.

I thought that was just a rumor put about because of his involvement in the school Christian society. Hell, because his whole family was heavily involved with the church one way or another.

He sure didn’t seem like a virgin.

“Shame you sneaked him out of the house like that after his first time. He could have had a celebration breakfast with us.”

“Really, you guys are making me feel bad.”

“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’m sure Noah is fine about it all. And he’s probably got shit to do today. He’s a busy guy.”

“Yeah,” Ry chuckled to himself. “Like plan your church wedding. Buy you a house, research everything he needs to know about... well, everything.”

“Are you guys mad?”

Again I saw them exchange confused glances.

“Mad at me for sleeping with Noah? Mad at him for staying the night?”

Sam gulped his drink while Ryan placed his glass down.

“Why? We aren’t mad at either of you. Do what you want, Gracey, you’re a free agent. Just... well, Noah loves you. You know that, right? He wouldn’t sleep with you if he didn’t want to marry you and look after you for the rest of your life.”

“Yeah, Ry’s right. It’s big deal for Noah. And he’s our best friend, so we don’t hate him. We can’t begrudge him,” Sam continued. “We’d absolutely like to be with you if you’d have us, Gray. But if you’ve chosen Noah, well... He’s a good catch. You have good taste and you’ve done well to get him.”

What does a girl say to such an outburst of sensible maturity from her teenage pals? “Um, Thanks.”

Ryan grinned. “Noah’s the best catch. Honestly, if I wasn’t straight, I’d totally do him.”

“Ry, I’m pretty sure Noah’s straight too, bro. So that would be a hard no.”

The boys laughed, and I found myself joining in. This easy casual banter was something I’d missed out on as an only child. Now, I felt the brothers welcomed me in to their family as a sibling.

“He’s straight. I’m straight. You’re straight, Sam. And we all want Grace. She likes all of us. One big happy family. What do you say, Gray?”

“To what?”

“Forget it. Enjoy breakfast, sister.”



I can’t explain why my subconscious dragged me toward Brandon.

Brandon grabbed me on the shoulder as I mindlessly wandered into the soup kitchen and crashed straight into him. “Careful, Grace. And what are you doing here? You don’t have a shift here today.”

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