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I suspected there was nothing Sam wouldn’t try, and he had a dirty, adventurous mind. While his cock pumped her pussy, he fingered her asshole. I had no doubt she loved it, judging by the way she called out for more.

“Next time, Gray, I’m going to fuck this ass, and I might fuck it while my man, Ry, fills your cunt. You’d like that, wouldn’t you.”

“Yes. Yes. Yes!” She practically screamed her delight at his crude words.

That was an eye-opener for me, as I wouldn’t have dreamed of saying such things to the woman I loved. It just went to show that we weren’t just a bunch of similarly horny guys. We were very different, and each man brought different things to the bedroom and the relationship.

I never expected I’d have an audience of three other guys the first time my cock entered my girlfriend. But that was how it was, and I wouldn’t change a moment of it.



We work in the bedroom, but there has to be more than that, especially with a baby on the way.

A big spread of macaroni salad, fancy potato chips, hot dogs, and hamburgers, with all the fixin’s, was already strewn out and looking all tasty.

It was meant to be a big family gathering, a meeting of the Millers and the Bakers, and an informal celebration of their families’ forthcoming joining. They were having some big summer cookout dinner for all of them to sit down together.

We, meaning Noah and I, would be the interlopers in this situation, but between the five of us in our pentuple, we agreed it was for the best.

We’d talked for many long hours about the best way forward. There was no easy answer. The Millers and Bakers were teachers, so they weren’t close with our folks who were business people, so it wasn’t as if there would be any time when we’d naturally all come together.

It would take a little getting used to. Noah and I felt like intruders, like we didn’t fit into their extended families, but we had to make an effort.

I was jealous. Our parents never went out of their way to be so fancy; it was usually a bunch of bags on a counter and making your own from there for summer cookouts.

“Oh hey,” Gracey’s mom called out as the twins and Grace made their way to the back porch table. “You got back from your hike together in time. Your father thought you’d be an hour late, and we’d set all this up for nothing.”

Yes. We went hiking. That was our excuse for wandering off and spending some quality time together. I supposed we did get a lot of exercise in the process, so that possibly explained why we were all so sweaty and hungry. We sure had worked up an appetite for food while we satisfied other basic needs.

“We wouldn’t miss all this for the world, Mom. We made sure to be back in time.”

“Good, good, now have a seat.”

Noah and I peeked around a corner, waiting for the opportunity to reveal ourselves.

Today was when we intended to let the truth out, or tell their parents at least.

For Noah’s and my folks, we’d get to it eventually.

We figure that with them, the daughter of the potential bride and expectant mom, getting their approval was the first, most daunting, and most important hurdle for us.

The twins and Grace sat close together, moving some of their chairs to be so. Lucky bastards got first pick this time around, but I figured Noah and I would have our revenge soon enough.

“It’s so good that you’re all getting along together now,” Ms. Miller continued as she started to prep a burger. “I was worried for a bit that you all hated one another and would get into fights all the time.”

“Mom, really, I told you then, and I’m telling you now. I’ve never gotten along with the brothers in any way other than exceptionally well. You were just reading a context that wasn’t there.”

“I worry about you, dear. It’s just a mother thing. If you’re getting along with the boys, that’s a good thing. I can take comfort in that they’ll back you up if you ever happen to get a not so lovely boyfriend.”

Oh, I was sure they would. Each of us, the other three would nearly kill him if he stepped too far out of line. The unspoken pact of violence was there between us, but I doubted any of us would ever violate it. None of us wanted to harm Grace or do anything that would remotely hurt her.

“Yeah, about that, Mom.” Grace took a deep breath, knowing she would have a lot to explain. “Uh... we got a lot to talk about. First, uh, do we have two more chairs?”

“What do we need two more chairs for?” Mr. Baker said. “There’s five of us. Why do we need more?”

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