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Carter and I head back to Silver, where I call for an Uber.

“Sure you don’t want me to wait with you?” he calls.

“No. It says it’ll be here in less than five minutes. I’m good.”

He pulls me into a hug. “Keep your phone on you. I don’t like you being out here all alone.”

“I’m fine, Dad,” I mock. “This place is lit up like Fort Knox. I’ll be fine.”

He takes off, leaving me standing outside the front entrance. I’m mostly safe, given the area, but I don’t love being out here by myself. Two minutes later, a Town Car pulls up and stops directly in front of me. I look around, wondering what the hell this is about. I called for an economy car. This is beyond luxury.

“What are you doing out here by yourself?” Drew asks from behind me, causing me to jump.

“You scared the shit out of me,” I say, clutching my chest.

His eyebrows are pulled into the center of his forehead, and he doesn’t look happy.

“I’m waiting for my ride.”

“This late? It’s dangerous for you to be out here by yourself.”

“Carter just left. My Uber’s coming.”

He scowls, stalking toward the waiting Town Car. Now it makes sense. A moment later, he’s making his way back toward me, and it’s my turn to frown.

“What are you doing?” I ask as he sidles up beside me.

“Waiting for your car to get here.”

I look up at his stern face. “I’m fine, Drew. You can go. Your car is waiting.”

“And Stan will continue to wait until you’ve been safely placed into your car.”

I huff indignantly. “I do not need a babysitter.”

“Clearly you do if you think it’s a smart idea to be waiting in the dark at this time of the morning,” he barks. Then under his breath, he mumbles, “Carter’s ass is going to regret this.”

“This isn’t Carter’s fault,” I snap, turning toward him while crossing my arms over my chest. “I make my own damn decisions.”

“Poor decision-making then.”

“God! You’re infuriating,” I practically yell, stomping away from Drew to stand on the other side of the club.

“Bailey,” he says, his tone warning. “Get your ass back here.”

“You’re not my father,” I toss over my shoulder, sounding like an angsty teen. I cringe at how immature I’m being at this moment, but I’m unable to stop. I’m exhausted, and his alpha attitude is annoying.

“You’re coming with me, or else I’m throwing you into the back of my car and taking you home myself. You know what? That’s exactly what I’ll do.”

He moves forward, and I’m pretty sure he is going to make good on his promise, but then he stops. “I’m only not grabbing you because I know you’ll make a scene, and it’s four thirty in the morning. I don’t want to deal with the police.”

“Good call,” I seethe.

He blows out a frustrated breath. “Bailey, this is my club. You’re my employee. I’m responsible for what happens to you on my property. You shouldn’t be out here by yourself.”

“I’m not your responsibility. I left here well over an hour ago. Carter and I grabbed breakfast, and I called for a car. It’s not here yet, but it will be soon.”

I look down at my phone to give him an approximate time and groan. “It’s been canceled. What the hell?”

He runs a hand back through his hair roughly.

“I’m going to try another one,” I say, pulling up the Lyft app.

“No,” he says, sounding resigned. “I’ll give you a ride.”

My head shakes back and forth. “Not necessary. I’ll be fine here.”

“Are you going to make me throw you over my shoulder? Just get in the damn car, Bailey. It’s late, and I need some sleep.”

As much as I want to rebel against the idea, he’s right. I’m just as exhausted, and being stranded out here isn’t a good idea.

I walk toward the car, indicating I’ll cooperate.

“You’re welcome,” he says to my back.

Thank you would imply that I think this is a good idea. It’s not.



We ride in silence after Bailey gave her address to Stan. The car is large enough, and we have plenty of space between us, but the pull I have to her is stifling.

I’ve never had the urge to yank a girl on top of me like I do her right now. Especially with the cold shoulder she’s giving me.

And that right there might be the answer.

I see the way her cheeks color and her body shivers when I almost touched her. Yet she barely gives me the time of day.

It’s maddening.

The car pulls up to a run-down building in a shady part of town. In all fairness, it’s probably not that bad. I’ve just been afforded the ability to live in the best neighborhoods and in the best buildings, so Bailey’s apartment building looks like the slums in comparison.

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