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She looks beautiful. That’s not to say she doesn’t always look beautiful. But today, she looks like a kid in a candy store.

Without the real-world looming overhead, she’s different.

Full of life.

Here, with the hotel in front of us, it’s like all her worries have faded away.

The only thing looking back at me is happiness.

“Come on. There’s so much to see, and we only have a few days.”

I fling open the door, and she does so too.

As soon as I step out, a valet steps forward to take the car, and the porter unloads the luggage we have.

Reaching out, I take Bailey’s hand in mine and start to walk toward the doors that will lead us to the lobby.

Together, we walk to the front desk where a young woman about the same age as Bailey greets us with a warm smile.

“Good afternoon. Welcome to The Berkley Hotel.”

“Hello. How are you today?” I say in response, realizing immediately how ridiculously happy I sound. I don’t consider myself an asshole, but this is next-level excitement. To have Bailey all to myself overwhelms me in the best way.

“Very well. Thank you for asking. How can I be of service?”

“We have a reservation under the name Lawson.”

The young woman looks down at the computer and starts to type. “Yes, I have you right here, Mr. Lawson. Two nights. Presidential suite, is that correct?”

“Yes.” I nod.

I don’t need to look at Bailey to know she is staring at me. Her sharp intake of breath gave away her surprise.

“I will have a bellman escort you to your suite. If you need anything, a reservation or help planning an activity, please do not hesitate to contact me. It would be my pleasure to assist you.” She walks around the desk and speaks to the bellman.

Together, we follow him through the hotel until he’s opening the door to the suite on the top floor.

I finally peer over at Bailey to see her eyes are opened wide. As much as she knows about me, I don’t think she understands just how much money I come from.

Billions if you include family money.

It’s refreshing to see that she doesn’t. It validates what I’ve known all along. She likes me for me and not my money.

I know she’s here with me for the right reasons.

As soon as the bellman puts our suitcases down and leaves, Bailey turns to me.

“Holy crap, Drew. This place is insane.”

My lips spread into a broad smile.

“Thought you would like it.”

“Like it? I love it. But this is too much.”

I step up to her, slide my thumb along her jaw and bring her face up so she looks at me. “Nothing is too much.” And before she can say another word, I silence her with my mouth.

With our lips still touching, I lift her into my arms and walk us out of the foyer, through the living room, and into the bedroom. Once inside, we make our way to the bed, never separating.

Holding her tight, I lean forward and place her down in front of it, and only then do I stop kissing her.

“Undress,” I rasp out, making quick work of removing my own clothes.

Once naked, I crawl up between her spread legs until I’m hovering above her. A shudder runs through her body as I settle on top of her.

I take the second to meet her gaze, and the look in her eyes makes me want to thrust inside her. Her chest heaves, and her eyes are glassy with desire. I watch her with hungry eyes, like a predator stalking his prey and waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.

Time stands still as I align myself with her core.

She lifts her pelvis in invitation, an invitation I’m not going to turn down, so I thrust.

A soft sigh escapes her mouth once I’m fully seated. Holding still, I reach my hand around to cup her face, and then with our eyes locked, I start to thrust.

I move inside her.

In and out.

Never breaking eye contact.

In and out.

Never once looking away.

It feels different right now. Watching her watch me is different, and for some reason, it makes me push harder, move deeper. Claim her in a way I’ve never claimed her before.

She doesn’t break the stare. Not when she clenches around me. Not when she shudders with bliss. Not when she comes undone.


And when I follow her over the edge, I’m still looking into her eyes.

Owning her.

Body. Mind.


Only then do I stop. Only then do I burrow in the crook of her neck, panting as we catch our breaths.

A few minutes pass as we both come down from our high. I lean up and kiss her on the lips before separating us.

I leave her sated in the bed and walk over to the bathroom. Turning the faucet on, I wet a washcloth and return to clean up the mess we made.

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