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As I wipe at a spot on a table in VIP room three, I hear voices right outside, giggling about something. This place is full of waitresses gossiping about their trysts with high-end clients. Apparently, they didn’t get the memo that it only makes them sound like high-end prostitutes. I move closer to the doorframe to eavesdrop on their conversation. I’m interested in what has them giggling like schoolgirls.

“He doesn’t want anyone to know.” The hushed voice is hard to hear, but it sounds like Monica’s whiny vocals.

“How long has it been going on?” another voice chimes in. I recognize it as Ashley’s.

“Just about three months. I have a key to get in here at any time. We’ve christened this entire place.”

This information has me ramrod straight. She can’t be talking about this place, right? The only person who would have access to another key around here would be Carter.

“I came in early today to help him relax. Drew is insatiable.”

I round the corner, ready for blood. This is total bullshit. “Monica, you are delusional. There is no way Drew is sleeping with you,” I say tersely. She straightens at the sound of my voice and turns to me, a wide grin taking over her entire face.

“What’s got your panties in a twist, Bailey?”

“You spreading lies about Drew, that’s what,” I seethe.

“You’re new here, so let me clue you in. Drew is a playboy, and he happens to love playing with me.” She looks at Ashley and giggles again.

“That’s a lie,” I say through clenched teeth.

“You obviously don’t know how our fearless leader is. I have him so tied up he won’t even look in anyone else’s direction. You’re safe from him, Bailey.” She grins, and Ashley chuckles.

Her smug face has me on the edge of losing it, and tears begin to flow without my permission. This, right here, is exactly why any type of relationship, sexual or otherwise, is bad news for me.

“Are you okay, Bailey?” Ashley asks. Clearly, she has no idea why I’d be acting so irrational.

I shoulder past her, trying to make my escape. I need fresh air. I’m not paying attention when I run straight into a hard chest. I know without looking who it belongs to. The one person I really don’t want to see at this point.

He grabs my shoulder to steady me. “Whoa, Bailey.” He chuckles. I will myself to look up at him, and the smile immediately leaves his face. “Baby, what’s wrong?” he whispers so only I can hear.

How convenient. The fact that he’s trying to hide what we are from Monica stings. “Don’t call me that. Get your hands off me.”

“Calm down. Come to my office.” He looks panicked. Good. He should.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. How was your rendezvous with Monica today?”

The asshole looks confused. “What are you talking about? I wasn’t with Monica.” I watch as his face turns from confusion to realization to . . . amusement? “Bailey Jameson, are you jealous?”

He’s laughing at me. The dickhead is actually laughing.

“Fuck you, Drew,” I spit in his direction.

“Come to my office and take a breather. I don’t know what you heard from Monica, but I absolutely did not touch her. You can ask Carter. She ambushed me, and he came to my rescue.”

I consider what he’s saying. It does sound like something that slut would do because she isn’t exactly subtle in her ways. I brush his hands off me and stalk toward his office. I pass Monica on the way and watch as she takes in the scene, but I have a one-track path straight to my answers. However, what Drew says has me stopping in my tracks.

“Monica, have you met my girlfriend, Bailey?”

My heart skips a beat. Did he just say that?

“What?” Her tone is cold. Deadly.

“Bailey and I are dating.” Monica’s face is red in anger. “Come on, baby. We have stuff to do.” He grabs my hand and walks away from a gaping Ashley.

I’m walking on air at this point. When we reach the office, I hear the door shut and lock behind me.

“We won’t be interrupted.”

“Girlfriend? Since when are we labeling this?”

“What? I thought you’d like that touch. Did you see her face? She got exactly what she deserved,” he says vehemently.

“Tell me what your history with her is?”

His back straightens. “Bailey, I don’t think you want to know everything about my past.”

“Um, yes. Yes, I do. If it involves you sleeping with half the staff I work with, I absolutely want to know. It’s not fair that I have to listen to this shit, Drew. We may not technically be in a relationship, but I don’t share. If you’re sleeping with other people, then you aren’t sleeping with me. Period.”

He smiles. I want to wipe it off his face. “Since the moment I met you, I haven’t touched another woman.”

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