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“Clearly.” I look from her to the pile of coke. “Both of you, clean that shit up and then head to the VIP room. I’m holding a mandatory meeting right now.”

Without waiting for either of them to say another word, I walk out the door, stalking to where Carter stands behind the main bar.

“Boss man?”

“I want everyone in the VIP room in five minutes.”

“Um. Okay.”

Needing to get my head under control, I step outside. It’s nearly impossible to push down the thoughts I’m having.

This has gone far enough.

Things need to change, and they need to change now.

After taking a few more calming breaths, I head to the VIP room where I’m met with my whole staff minus Bailey. But that’s okay because she no longer works in the bar.

“First things first . . . and let this be a lesson to everyone here.” I turn toward Darla and Lauren. “You are both fired.”

“But—” Lauren starts to say, and I hold up my hand.

“Don’t give a fuck that you weren’t the one doing blow at the particular minute I walked in. You were next in line. Get your shit and leave.”

Each of the girls’ eyes go wide, but they at least have the decency not to object.

Now that I’m done with that, I turn back to the remaining faces of my employees, and I see the look in Carter’s eyes. He wants to object, or at the very least tell me not to be so hot-headed and let them work their shift tonight. But fuck that.

He knows what today is.

Today is the anniversary of Alexa’s death.

I am not going to allow drugs in my club anymore.

My rules were clear, and now I’m going to enforce them.

“From here on out. No drugs. I know I have said this before, but now I’m going to make myself real clear. If I catch you doing drugs . . .”

A few of the resident druggies don’t look too fazed, and I know why. It’s because even though I have said this over the past few years, I have never done shit about it.

I lock eyes with Carter. This will get my point across. “Zero tolerance. This has been the rule for some time, and I really hope you all fucking listen because starting this week, I will be implementing random drug tests. It’s your choice if you want to work here. But let me say one thing, this is the hottest club in New York City, so I won’t have a problem replacing you.” I study the crowd one last time before I go to make my departure. “For all your sakes, I hope you didn’t use recently.” And with that, I leave.

It’s a few days later, and I’ve been so busy I haven’t been able to spend time with Bailey. The whole threatening the staff talk just managed to create more work for me. It was necessary, but damn. It’s the last thing I have time for.

While I’ve been playing babysitter and testing the staff, Bailey’s been working her ass off. I have her running around the city, sorting shit for the restaurant. There’s so much to do, and if I’m being honest, I’ve loved watching Bailey step into her role. I’m proud of the way she’s taken charge.

I’m about to head to her place when my phone chimes with a message from Monica, of all people. I groan but stop short when I read her message.

Monica: Fire alarm is going off, and Carter needs you.

Fuck. Her timing is always impeccable. It’s as though she knew damn well I was heading to Bailey’s and is doing her best to cock block.

“Changes of plans,” I tell Stan. “Take me to the club.”

I then fire a text to Bailey, hating to disappoint her.

Me: Something came up at club, and I’m needed there now. Call you later.

It’s not even ten minutes later when I’m pulling up and heading inside.

“Dude, what took you so fucking long?” Carter is behind the bar wiping down bottles.

“I was on my way to Bailey’s. What the fuck is happening here that I had to stand her up?” I’m livid that this shit couldn’t be dealt with without me.

“The fire department came, checked everything out, and shut the alarm off. Some idiot was smoking in the bathroom, and it set off the alarms.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You called me out here for that? What the hell do I pay you to run the club for?”

Carter throws his hands up in the air. “I didn’t call you, man. I said we could handle it. Monica insisted the alarm company called you and said you insisted on coming. I thought you’d be here way before this, or I would’ve called you and told you not to bother.”

Fucking Monica. She called me and said Carter had instructed her to. My jaw clenches.

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