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“I just want to get to work. But there is something else . . .” My words falter into the silence as the door slides open and Jackson saunters in.

“I’m Jackson,” he greets, offering me a hand, which I shake.

“It’s good to meet you,” I tell him. Once we’re all seated, he pulls the folder over to where he’s sitting beside Mark.

“You mentioned when you called there was something you wanted help with?” He looks up at me, and I nod. The thought of them aiding me with finding Autumn makes me nervous. I need this, more than anything, and I’m praying that when I explain the situation, they’ll be happy to venture on this assignment.

“My father’s been working undercover most of my life. He’s been mostly absent when he’s been on a job, but this time, it’s gone south. I was informed he’d been killed while trying to take down a trafficking ring. He’s always had connections through his days when he served, as well as after when he took over my grandfather’s position in the FBI. They were both retired SEALs.”


“My friend, my best friend, the girl I love,” I start my explanation with a raspy tone, feeling my heart thudding against my ribs. “She’s gone missing, and I know the man who killed my father had a hand in it. I can’t go to the cops, because they don’t or won’t have the resources to find him.”

Mark and Jackson look at each other. I can tell they’re shocked at my admission, but I need to tell them everything.

“Do you think your father was involved in her being taken? Or would this be after they killed him?”

“I think they’ve taken her to send me a message. When I spoke to my dad’s colleague, he told me this man, Christopher Marlin, has been in contact. He has my girlfriend, along with a number of other girls. His threat is to sell them or kill them if I don’t take the ransom money. I want this man.”

“He must know you’re back. Can you get us more information on him? If we can get some of his more well-known whereabouts and where he was last seen, we can piece it all together. Since we have a name, we can start tracking.”

Nodding, I tell them, “Yes, I can call on my father’s colleague and get the information. Or try to. I’m not sure how much more they’d be willing to give me since I’m just the son. But I’m going to try.” Shaking my head, I fist my hands. “I know my father’s murderer won’t think twice about doing something to my girl to get back at me, and I want to find her. I need to find her. Time is running out, and I’m not sure she’ll even be alive if we can't track this asshole down.”

“If you have any issues, let us know. I can get intel from them as well. It may be trickier since he was undercover, but there’s no challenge we don’t enjoy.” Mark leans back, his elbow on the arm of the chair and his fingers under his chin, and I wonder if he’s considering how they’re going to go about finding Marlin.

Jackson looks at the iPad he brought into the meeting before he glances up and asks, “What about her family? Anyone been hurt or contacted for ransom?”

I shake my head. “No, her mother is beside herself. Autumn’s father passed away when she was younger. He’s made himself known by the video sent to Sunderland, so I have no doubt it has to do with me and my father. Revenge for Dad being a mole in his operation.”

Jackson nods. Mark nods. They look at each other, and I hold my breath. It’s as if I’m selling my soul waiting for them to decide if I’m worthy.

“And you’re interested in joining our team full time?”

“I am. That’s one of the reasons I came here.” I knew from the moment my training began, I’d never be a fully-fledged SEAL. I’m not my grandfather nor my father.

“It’s up to you, Muff,” Mark tells Jackson, chuckling when his friend shakes his head in frustration. They’re good friends. You can see the camaraderie between the men.

And I realize I want that type of friendship.

“If you work for us, you listen to our orders. No running off on your own trying to be a hero,” Jackson tells me with a serious expression, which is a stark contrast to what he just looked like when Mark let his call sign slip.

“I can take orders, but I’d like to be on the team that goes to find her. I’ll do anything I can to keep her safe,” I tell him earnestly. “I can’t sit back and wait.”

“Then you’ll be a great asset to the team. The men who work here don’t sit on their asses. They work hard,” Jackson says. “And Twilight over here will overlook the whole team that will be on your girlfriend’s case. If I’m happy with your work, you can join us as a fully-fledged team member.”

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