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Up In Flames (Club Chrome 3)

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“Is this what you had in mind?” he asked, his voice at her ear.

“Stop wasting time and just do it,” she told him, gasping as he pulled her hair a little tighter. A flood of warmth filled her belly at the total loss of control. “Fuck me, already!”

“Such a dirty little mouth,” he mused darkly. “Maybe you need a cock to wash it out.”

Angel closed her eyes, shuddering at the idea of her mouth stretched over that massive cock but he changed his mind, releasing her hair and suddenly, she was filled to the point of near pain as he entered her abruptly. He pumped into her like a man possessed and it was all she could do to hang on for dear life. He pummeled her G-spot, hitting it hard and fast, rough and wild, and she was dazed by the building tension, almost afraid of coming so hard again. But there was no denying what was coming. She thrust against him, meeting him as he pounded her, his hands gripping her hips so hard, she knew he would leave finger bruises later but she didn’t care. His name, locked behind her lips, shot from her mouth in a cry that was half-prayer, half-condemnation as her second orgasm ripped through her, clenching every muscle and rendering her speechless yet again. He roared as he joined her, coming so hard, she imagined jets of his seed bursting through the latex barrier and splashing her womb. She collapsed against the arm chair, limp and unable to move as he slowly withdrew, stumbling away from her as the sounds of the wet, used condom being pulled off his cock filled the room with their harsh breathing. She lifted herself from the armrest and watched as Pyro walked with uneven steps to toss the condom and then, without another glance at her, disappeared into his bedroom.

Angel squeezed her eyes shut, still reeling from what he’d done to her.

He’d delivered what he’d promised — absolutely nothing but soulless sex.

Good, she told herself. That’s just the way she wanted it.


Pyro’s legs felt stripped of muscle and bone, leaving him with jelly as he made his way to his bed and climbed into it, his eyelids dragging hard. It was as if his orgasm had unlocked the gates to his ability to actually sleep and he was barely able to keep his eyes open. Pulling the covers over his naked body, he barely registered the fact that Angel had climbed in beside him. He was too tired to care. Too bone-weary to tell her to sleep on the couch. Besides, what was the point? They’d already broken the seal. There was no turning back now.

He slept hard until around six in the morning until movement in the bed woke him with a start. It took him a split second to remember what’d happened and with who and as he turned to see Angel, still dead to the world, sleeping beside him, he was struck by two things: 1). The overwhelming sense that he’d gone and done the worst possible thing he could do by messing around with Ashley’s kid sister; and 2). The immediate boner that didn’t seem to share the same moral quandary.

He shifted in the bed and he could still smell sex from his groin. He pushed at his over-eager cock and tried to focus on the reality of the situation. He’d gone and done it — fucked Angel when he knew he shouldn’t but damn, he’d been a man possessed. Seeing her like that, willing and ready, had crushed whatever sense of self-control he’d had left. So much for letting off some steam, he thought grimly, scrubbing his face with his hands. He smelled like pussy. More specifically, he smelled like Angel, and damn, if he didn’t want to rub his fucking face in it some more. She whimpered in her sleep and his senses went on high alert without his permission. He scowled faintly at his reaction. Stop trying to play the hero — it ain’t happening. You don’t get to fuck the princess and then pretend like you’re not the villain in this show.

Everything about Angel was a contradiction. On the outside she seemed so fragile but there was something hard and unyielding about her, too, something that demanded everything he had to give and then some. She hadn’t balked or cringed at his rough treatment — hell, she’d purred like a kitty wanting more cream — and that was sexy as fuck-all, even if he didn’t want to admit it. He wasn’t sure who’d been in control during that ride. They’d both ended up sprawled on their asses, knocked out cold. Her skin, finally losing that sallow, pallid tone, was smooth and touchable, and her profile, so delicate and sweet, did something to his insides that set his teeth on edge. She was a long ways from the kid he’d known but he didn’t know this woman, either. You don’t know anything about her aside from the fact that she’s hiding something, a voice reminded him and he had to agree. Everyone had secrets and usually, he was fine with letting those secrets remain private but Angel had given up her right to privacy when she’d come banging on his door, begging for his help. Something didn’t pass the sniff test, that was for damn sure and he was going to find out what Angel didn’t want him to know.

But first…his hand strayed to the smooth, soft skin of her belly, drifting lower until he found the petal soft lips of her pussy. Gently, almost tenderly, he inserted his finger, smiling like a predator with its prey in sight, when she inhaled sharply in her sleep and moaned with a tiny thrust of her hips, driving his finger more deeply inside her slick heat. He bent to suck a sweet nipple into his mouth, closing over the exposed flesh and sucking like a baby, tenderly, sweetly, all the while slowly working his finger deep inside her. She groaned and her fingers threaded through his hair as she became more aware but she was too close to the edge. He could hear it in her quickened breathing and the way she moved with tiny, shuddering jerks that she would come within seconds if he kept up his steady rhythm. “Come for me, Angel,” he whispered in her ear, enjoying the mewling gasps and whimpers as she fought against the orgasm barreling her way. “Now, baby. Come.”

Angel cried out and stiffened as she climaxed, jerking when he withdrew his finger and sucked off her juices. Now he was harder than stone. Ordinarily, he would’ve just had her suck him off but that wasn’t what he craved. He had to be inside her. Rolling on top, he pressed his cock against her wet slit and her eyelids fluttered open with drowsy awareness as he grabbed her arms and pulled them over her head, capturing her hands with one of his, freeing his other to grip her jaw firmly as he kissed her deeply. She responded eagerly, quickening his need. She moved beneath him, insistent, almost begging for his cock. “You’re a hungry little thing, aren’t you?” he said, sweat breaking his brow from the effort it took not to just drive his cock into her pussy and lose himself to the pleasure. “You want this cock?” She mewled a soft yes and he suppressed the wild arc of pleasure that followed her admission. “Tell me how much you want me to fuck you, sweet girl.”

“I want you,” she whimpered, thrusting her hips against him. “I want your cock, Pyro. Please.”

“You’re so pretty when you beg,” he said softly, admiring how sensually beautiful she looked stretched out beneath him. “Do you beg often?”

Her gaze cleared and she met his hot stare with one of her own. “I never beg.”

Her answer thrilled him for reasons that he didn’t want to examine too closely. “You’re begging for me,” he reminded her in a low tone as he nuzzled her breast. “I can make you scream my name if I want.” He lifted his head. “Say it, baby. Say my name.”

“Pyro.” His name drifted on a sigh coated with sex and danger and he was the one deeply affected. He couldn’t wait any longer. But as he positioned himself to impale her, she stopped him with a panicked, “Condom first!” and he realized she’d just saved them both. He grunted and rolled off her to sheath himself and then wasted no time in penetrating that sweet heaven, going balls deep inside Angel until he no longer knew where he ended and she began. They moved together, rapturously in sync, until he thought he might explode from the building pressure to spill. He pounded into her giving flesh, driving himself deeper and deeper until he couldn’t hold back a moment longer and exploded, losing all sense of time and reality as he careened into total pleasure — a heartbeat’s worth of black-out bliss as his toes curled and every muscle reacted in concert to the overwhelming sweetness of an epic orgasm. He rolled away from Angel to lie gaspin

g on his back, unable to think past the throbbing pleasure robbing him of his mind and he drifted into nothingness for the time it took for his body to recover.

When he came to his senses, his cock had gone soft and the condom was slipping as his member returned to normal but he was too stunned by how he felt to pull the used latex from his dick before it fell completely off and leaked all over the place. He was no stranger to sex. But he’d never felt anything like this. Ever.

Not even with Ashley.

It was worrisome — and freaked him out more than a little. He rose with difficulty and caught the condom right before it’d slipped completely off and tossed it. Naked, he strode to the window and stared out across the city, wondering what he was doing and how he was going to stop. Pyro risked a glance at Angel, who was tucked in a fetal position with a soft smile on her face, and realized there was no putting the genie back in the bottle now. He’d had a taste of the forbidden fruit and he was already hungry for more.

That presented a big problem.

A. Big. Fucking. Problem.


She hadn’t expected to feel anything emotionally for Pyro so when it happened, Angel didn’t know how to react. It was just sex, she told herself fiercely. He was just one of many men she’d had to use in her lifetime. And it wasn’t as if he wasn’t getting anything out of the deal. She refused to feel any sort of guilt for what had to be done.

But Pyro was changing the game. “So all bets are off,” he told her. “You’re going to tell me what you’re hiding.” He pushed away from the window to stand near the bed, still gloriously naked and looking like a Spartan warrior with his muscles and tattoos. “Don’t waste my time with more lies. I can see right through you and you’re hiding something — something big.”

A part of her yearned to tell Pyro the truth. Quite possibly that soft sappy center of her that couldn’t seem to get enough of his special brand of loving but the reality was she couldn’t trust him. Certainly not with her daughter’s life. “What makes you think just because we’ve had sex that you have the right to boss me around?” she asked coolly. “Nothing has changed. Except I’m open to having sex with you while I’m here. I enjoy that part— I don’t enjoy you poking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”

“Well it doesn’t work that way for me. Either tell me what’s going on or you can hit the road.”

Angel narrowed her stare. He was bluffing, she was sure of it but there was only one way to find out. Angel swung her legs free of the bed and pulled her shirt on. “Fine,” she said with a shrug. “I’ll be out of your hair today.”

He didn’t seem to like that answer. He was on her in two long strides, jerking her to him. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what kind of trouble you’re in.”

She barked a short laugh. “Sorry, not interested.”

“Is that how you’re going to play it? Not very bright, Angel. I can find out what you’re hiding. Just tell me now before I have to find out on my own.”

“Don’t threaten me. You’re right, I have my own agenda. Be thankful that I’m not involving you in it.” He looked torn between wanting to just let her go and shaking the truth out of her. The fact that he cared threw her a little. She softened. “Look, I don’t expect you to rearrange your life for me. I appreciate that you didn’t throw me out when I first showed up but the people who are after me are really bad. Honestly, I couldn’t live with myself if I got you mixed up with them. This is all my fault and this is me trying to take responsibility for that so, please let me do that.”

Pyro was unyielding and there was something about that quality in him that gave her an odd comfort even as it conflicted her resolve to do what had to be done. “I know how it feels to bear a burden of your own making. Let me help you. There’s no one out there more dangerous than me.”

Angel entertained the hope that Pyro was right, that he had the power to get Benton off her case and to save Mila but how could she possibly take that chance? This was a zero sum game. And she couldn’t lose. With a heavy heart she prepared to bait the trap. She pretended to relent, struggling with the truth when in fact she was simply setting things in motion. “The reason I didn’t take your money and run like you offered is because I can’t. Benton has something on me, something that I can’t afford to lose. If I don’t meet him at the designated place in a few days, he’s going to do worse than kill me. That’s why I can’t leave.”

“When are you supposed to meet this guy?” he asked.

“I don’t know. He’s going to call my cell when he’s ready. Until then I just have to sit tight.”

“Is he blackmailing you?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it. Suffice to say he has me over a barrel and I don’t have a choice.”

“You know he’s never going to let go. If he has something on you he’ll always use it. Scum like Benton, they never give up their ace.”

God, she hoped that wasn’t true. The idea of Benton keeping Mila as hostage for longer then he’d promised, it was more than she could bear. “I have to take that chance. I don’t know what else to do.”

“If you tell me what he has on you, maybe I can help.” His insistence was almost endearing. But she couldn’t buy into that. “Angel, you think this guy is so dangerous… I can promise you he’s nothing compared to the people I know. I could make this guy disappear.”

“It’s not just Benton. It’s his associates who are worse. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with them.”

He smirked.”Oh yeah, like who?”

She met his gaze without flinching. “Benton is working with dirty cops. The same ones who killed Ashley.”

As the information set in, a cold wall of fury slammed behind Pyro’s eyes. “Impossible. The cop who killed Ashley is dead. I know this because I killed him.”

Angel stared, shocked by his admission. “What? How?”

“Did you think I was going to let them get away with what they’d done? I’m a lot of things Angel but I would never let someone do what they did and get away with it. Ashley was my woman and she was pregnant with my kid. They deserved to die.”

A wave of bloodthirsty joy swept through her and she had to choke back tears. “All these years I’ve dreamed that the cops who killed Ashley had somehow met a grisly end but I knew it was probably too much to hope for. Do you think I’m a bad person that I’m glad they’re dead?”

Pyro shook his head. “No. What they did —they were worse than animals. They deserved what they got.”

She wanted details even though she knew that the knowledge wouldn’t comfort her in the way she wanted. They were dead, just like Ashley. And even though that knowledge gave her relief, she didn’t have time to savor it. “Well, apparently there were more involved and Benton is using me to get what he wants from them.”

“And just what exactly does Benton want from them?”

“Remember that drug I told you about? The one that’s killing people after getting them totally hooked?” she asked. Pyro nodded. “Well the dirty cops are the ones moving it on the street. Benton is the supplier and the cops clear the path for the distributors. We’re talking big money. Well, Benton’s tired of being the middle man. He wants a bigger cut but the cops aren’t budging on the original deal. They want me and Benton wants free from his deal so he can go solo.”

She wish she’d known that Pyro had avenged Ashley. The information put things in a whole different light. She’d always assumed that he’d just walked — bailed when things got hot—but knowing that he’d actually gone out looking for the bastards and had put them down, touched her in a way she wasn’t prepared. “How did you kill a cop and get away with it?” she had to ask.

“I told you I have friends. Dangerous ones. Now do you trust me? I can help you if you let me.”

“Why would you want to? I’m not your problem.”

“If you want to know the truth of it, it’s because I feel guilty for not trying harder to find you when you ran away

. You were just a kid. I didn’t know how to handle the fact that I had royally fucked up and so when you ran, I focused on what I could handle—killing the fuckers. I told you I wasn’t hero but I do have a fucked up sense of honor.”

Was it too late? Knowing that Pyro hadn’t simply abandoned her and Ashley twisted her thoughts into something she barely recognized. Maybe she was screwing up by not telling Pyro the whole truth. How could she know? There were no clear answers when only moments ago, her path had been marked.

Maybe she was fucking up but for now, she chose to stay the course. She just couldn’t take any chances.


Parros sensed Angel wavering. It was as if she wanted to trust him but there was something holding her back. Not that he could blame her, it wasn’t as if he’d been a pillar of reliability.” I wish I would’ve tried harder to find you.” Although, if he had, he certainly wouldn’t have slept with her. The fact was, he feels oddly possessive toward Angel when he had no right to.” So this guy is expecting you to show up when he calls. And then what?”

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