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The Biker's Needs (Satan's Beasts MC Nomad Chapter 2)

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“Why does it matter?” Ape asked.

Colonel slammed his hand down on the table. The entire diner went silent. One look from Colonel and they all started to eat again.

“I’ve had it with this bad attitude, Ape. It’s not justified and to be frank, it’s really starting to piss me off. We need to know as we’re club. I need to know where you are and what the fuck you’re doing. Now, I don’t give a shit what you think. Piper is here to stay. Where were you?”

He took a deep breath. “I met a woman last night. I was at her place. I’ll be bringing her by for you guys to meet.”

Skull whistled. “Do we think another chick will be claiming the back of a bike?”

“Not happening,” Ape said. He’d lost his appetite. “I’ll meet you guys later. I’m heading over to the motel.”

Climbing out of his seat, he left the diner.

He’d already had a coffee and pastry, and he’d pick up a sandwich as he made his way back to the motel.

“Ape, wait,” Piper said.

He tensed up.

“You don’t have to follow me.”

“Look, I get it, you don’t like me. Tell me what I’ve got to do in order to get you to like me.”

He spun around to face her. “First, you don’t need me to fucking like you, Piper. Don’t even for a second think you have to do or change anything to get people to like you. If they don’t like you, screw them.”

She frowned. “Okay, but … we’ve been riding together for a couple of years and you still don’t like me. I don’t care about everyone else, but you’re family. You’re club. I want you to like me. I don’t like it when you and Colonel fight.”

Ape folded his arms. “What makes you think I don’t like you?”

“I don’t know? I guess, I’m not really sure. The way you can’t seem to be in a room with me for more than a couple of minutes without glaring at me or leaving.” She pointed at him. “Look at you now.”

“I’m waiting for you to disappoint.”


“This is all a fun adventure for you. Sure, you’ve lasted a lot longer than some of the other women, but when are you going to give in to the reality? We’re not settling down. You won’t have a home or kids. This is going to be the life.”

“And that is the life I want. I don’t want kids or a home. I’m in love with Colonel, and call me selfish, but he’s the only man I want to be with. The only person I love.” She laughed. “Is that your problem? You don’t want to get attached because you think I’m going to break his heart?”

“Just … don’t, okay?”

“I won’t. I promise. I look forward to seeing your date.”

He shook his head. “I’m still heading back to take a shower.”

Piper pulled out a set of keys. “I cleaned the tub in our room if you’d like to feel like you’ve actually had a wash.” She giggled. “See you later, Ape.”

She turned on her heel and walked away.

He wasn’t going to be okay with her.

With keys in his hands, he walked away, whistling to himself. He’d left his bike back at the motel and he rather liked the walk, seeing some of the moms quickly move out of his way, scared his rebellious ways will rub off on their kids.

He stopped at a bakery, picked himself up a sandwich, and headed back to have a quick wash.

What he tried not to think about was Charlotte. Her sweet laugh, charming smile, and of course her smoking hot body.

The way she looked riding his cock.

He certainly tried not to think about how good she would look riding on the back of his bike. That would be a complete mistake, allowing himself the luxury to even think of having her there. Her arms wrapped around him as the wind rushed through her hair. This town had her trapped and he knew he could set her free.

It was stupid.

Women were not supposed to be on the road. Piper had lasted longer than he thought she would, but she’d leave. It was why he never allowed himself to be with a woman long enough to get attached.

All that would happen would be a broken heart, and he wasn’t going to leave a woman he loved behind.

Whatever was happening with Charlotte, it wouldn’t last, and he was more than okay with that.


Two of her clients had canceled on her. That didn’t come as much of a shock, seeing as Calum said he’d make life even more difficult. Her out-of-town clients who’d heard of her work through gossip, they’d still stayed, and there was nothing he could do about that.

Charlotte locked up her shop and took a step back.

This hadn’t been her dream.

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