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A Proper Lord's Wife (Properly Spanked Legacy 2)

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“Don’t you like spring?” she asked.

“I adore spring, just as I adore kissing you.”

He leaned to do it again, nibbling her lower lip when she hesitated. His fingers strayed from her hair to her delicate shoulders, to the curving outline of her breasts. She drew in a breath as he caressed her nipples through her nightgown. So many lovely nightgowns she had, each more finely woven than the last, so all of them were see-through. Well, at least by moonlight.

“Shall we have candles?” she asked.

“Yes, lots of them tonight.”

They lit them together, a platterful atop her chest of drawers and a four-armed candelabra beside the bed. That finished, she turned to him with the usual intoxicating combination of shyness and lust. He was torn between placing her on her knees to suck his cock and turning her over his lap to inspect the marks from her switching. Well, he was already too strongly aroused so he opted for the latter. She whined softly when he pulled her across his lap and drew her nightgown up, but he silenced her with a quiet, “Let me look.”

She obeyed and lay still, and let him trace his fingers across her shapely, striped arse. Such elegant stripes. She probably didn’t think so, but he’d done a good job with her. Lots of soreness, but no blood or broken skin. She might complain at his discipline, but he knew what he was about.

“That’s a good girl,” he said when he’d looked his fill. He righted her and saw relief in her features. “Did you think I’d spank you again? For what cause?”

She gave him a dire look. “For the pleasure of it.”

“Hmm.” He pretended to consider this. “I have not spanked you for merely pleasurable reasons yet, but I suppose I might some time in our future. Would you enjoy that?”

She shook her head so fast it made him laugh.

“What if I could make you enjoy it?” He shrugged off his robe and helped her shimmy from her nightgown. “It seems a missed opportunity not to, with your bottom so often in the air.”

From habit, she turned onto her knees, but he stopped her—after a moment’s admiration—and rearranged her so she lay beneath him, her head upon her pillows. She reached for him trustingly as he dipped to kiss her. While he feasted on her lips, she caressed his shoulders and upper back and slid her fingers into his hair, so goosebumps rose along his skin. His mouth pushed against hers, forcing it open. Their tongues warred for a moment; his cock throbbed against her front as her hips bucked against him.

“Do you want me?” he whispered.

“Yes. Please. Very much.”

She started again to take to her knees, but he stopped her. “Let’s try a different way tonight, darling,” he said. “Facing one another.”

“Oh.” She looked surprised, then considering. “How interesting. I suppose that is possible.”

He hid a smile. “Yes, it’s possible. I’ll show you.”

She stared at him as he caressed her thighs and drew them apart. His well-trained coquette showed no bashfulness as he teased his fingers through her moisture, finding her favorite button. In fact, she opened her legs wider, moving her hips to accommodate his touch. He stroked, pressed, petted until she clutched the sheets in anticipation, but he wouldn’t let her turn from him onto all fours. He’d let her go on that way long enough. Let her see that mating like animals in rut was not the only option, as much as they both enjoyed it.

When he’d driven her to an appropriate frenzy, he slid his hands beneath her to grasp her bottom. She let out a little hiss as his fingers slid over her welts, but he hushed her and pulled her hips flush against his, teaching her a new way of connection. She was so hot, always so ready. He palmed his cock and began to push inside her, half atop her, half showing her how they were to join. You see how I’ll take you now, little Jane. I’ll fit perfectly inside you this way as well.

Her nervousness transformed to a croon of delight. He was still large inside her, but he fancied that she liked it. He began to move, holding her close as she clutched at his chest, his neck and shoulders. It felt different to take her this way, felt much more intimate.

“Do you like that?” he asked, stopping deep inside her.

“I love it. Please, more…”

She moved her hips to urge him to action again, but he enjoyed her squirming. She had no compunction about asking for pleasure which made her a very satisfying bedmate.

“Move with me,” he said, his voice soothing though his cock felt in a frenzy. “Let me lead you.”

She acquiesced and he rewarded her by grinding against her hips in a swirling motion that stimulated her hidden pearl. She surged toward him, gasping. He held her as she clung to him, and whispered enticements encouraging her to take him deep, to take him all the way. Soon he had her caught up in a steady rhythm punctuated by her sweet panting.

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