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A Proper Lord's Wife (Properly Spanked Legacy 2)

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She turned in her dressing room and regarded her striped backside in the mirror. She did not like switches. Still, his punishments were effective, for she knew she would never, ever venture out without an escort again. She hated that his despised techniques worked on her. Perhaps he would mold her into a perfect lady and wife.

Perhaps then he’d profess the abiding love she craved.

If anyone knew about marital love, it would be June. Lord Braxton had been so happy standing at the altar with her, he’d practically cried. After she ate her breakfast, Jane returned to her sitting room and took up pen and paper to write to her older sister.

Dearest June,

How are you? I’m doing well here at Somerton. To answer your question, I have found a great many interesting places to observe nature.

Here she paused and cringed inwardly, remembering how this had so recently earned her a punishment.

Townsend is very encouraging that I should do what I like during our days in the country, as long as I am careful and take someone along with me whenever I go exploring. When I stay inside, there is a great deal to do. He has a beautiful, grand library and also a vast greenhouse I’m allowed to poke about in.

Bouncer and Mr. Cuddles are both well. They stay in the kitchens where the air is warmer and less dry than the stables. I take them both outside on mild days. Bouncer enjoys nibbling grass in his enclosure and Mr. Cuddles is content to curl up on my arm or shoulder beneath my cloak. He sticks his head out to see the sun and darts his tongue out to sniff the air! When I walk about with him and the servants see me, they stare and goggle and pretend to swoon, but in truth I think they like him as much as I do. Even Townsend has visited the kitchens to reach into his box and stroke his head, which makes Bouncer jealous.

To answer your other question, yes, Townsend has been a kind husband on the whole. He is rather picky about rules being followed, but they are fair rules, so I try not to mind. He is not like your Lord Braxton, hanging upon my every word and bowing at my feet. (I know I’m exaggerating, don’t scold me for it.) But really, June, I don’t know if Townsend loves me just yet. That is the only thing.

She stopped a moment as tears blurred her eyes. She blinked them away, for she’d meant to be businesslike, like her husband at his letters.

I wonder if it is natural for new husbands to be a bit stand-offish, she continued. Especially considering we barely knew one another before we wed. Do you have any sisterly advice on winning a husband’s heart? I do promise I am happy and well, just a little uncertain if Townsend is as happy as me, but maybe that is normal.

I hope you will reply soon, and that you and Braxton are enjoying your first winter together.

All my love,


Within a week’s time, she received June’s reply, delivered on paper that still held the scent of her sister’s favorite perfume.

Dearest Jane,

I’m glad to hear all is (mostly) well at Somerton. Braxton and I are weathering this first winter with plenty of cloaks and blankets and fond embraces. Does Townsend embrace you often? If not, you must entreat him to do so. A wife needs her warmth.

I think you mustn’t worry about him loving you, darling. No one could know you and not love you. He may be slow to express it, as men in general are doltish in the area of feelings, but his regard can only grow with each day he spends in your company. If he will pet your snake, then he will come to love you! One step at a time.

My advice is to smile often, enjoy the freedom he grants you, and for goodness sake, brush your hair when you come in from the windy outdoors. Jests aside, if he is kind to you, that is an excellent basis for a marriage. Try not to compare yourself to Braxie and me, for we’d known one another a long time before we wed, and a great deal of affection already existed between us. In time you and Townsend will feel this same affection within your hearts, I am sure of it.

I wish the very best for your marriage and if you need any more sisterly advice, you need only write me the specifics. Keep me posted as well on the adventures of Bouncer and Mr. Cuddles, the oddest pet duo in all of history. Hugs and love to you and your dashing Townsend.

Your loving sister,


Alas, Jane’s mind was no clearer by the time her flux passed and her husband resumed his nightly visits. In fact, the pause necessitated by her courses made their passions flame even higher, so she felt even more caught up in a cycle of need and desire. She told herself not to worry, that Edward would not leave her or reject her at this point, but with her history of rejection the fear managed to crop up at the most inopportune times. There were occasions he was very affectionate, but other occasions where he withdrew from her company and stared off into the distance, as if reconsidering every decision in his life.

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