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Gym Bunny

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She smiles as she works herself up and down my cock. “Am I cute?”

“You’re the fucking cutest. You’re daddy’s good little girl and he can’t get enough of you.”

Livia moans at my words. She moans louder as I pull her top down and suck on her nipples.

“That’s my good bunny,” I whisper, gathering her closer to me. She’s got her eyes closed now and is crying out louder and louder.

As she comes, I pull one of my hands away and give her one last smack, driving her higher. The sight of her arched against me is enough to send me over the edge, too, and I wrap both arms around her middle, bury my face in her tits and thrust up hard.

Finally, I sit back with a groan and smile up at her. “Perfect, bunny. How do you feel?”

Woozily, she wraps her arms around me and smiles. “So good.”

“Your punishment was not too scary or too much?” I ask, watching her carefully.

She shakes her head. “Scary, but not too scary. I like seeing you like that.”

I like being like that, for her, and I’m so happy that she trusts me after all she’s been through.

“Excited for the party tonight?” I ask.

We’re throwing a staff New Year’s Eve party on the roof at Dom Fitness, and partners are invited.

“So excited!” she exclaims, smiling wider.

I wrap both my arms around her waist and stand up, still deep inside her as I carry her to the shower. “Good girl. Let’s go clean up and get ready.”


The roof of Dom Fitness has been festooned with fairy lights and there are tables with food and drinks. There’s music playing when we arrive at ten and a few people dancing under colored lights. Livia looks incredible in a long golden dress and her hair in big curls, and I hold tight to her hand as we say hello to everyone. I give her a kiss and let her go as Amelia hurries over to give her a hug.

Dom comes up beside me with two beers in his hand, and passes me one. “My little troublemaker is leading your good girl astray.”

“She’s just testing her boundaries,” I say with a smile. It’s all part of the fun, and as long as Livia’s happy, I am, too.

As Dom and I talk, we hear Livia and Amelia to our right.

“I’m sorry you got in trouble. Was Dom really fierce with you?” Livia asks.

Amelia nods and clasps her ass in her hand. “I probably won’t sit down until next New Year’s.” But she’s grinning as she says it, and Livia laughs with her.

We work our way through a few drinks each and some plates of pastry puffs and vegetable sushi as the time approaches midnight. Livia and I dance together, my arms wrapped around her waist and hers around my neck.

“Do you remember the first time we danced together?” I ask her, remember running into her at the club six months ago.

“Of course. I couldn’t believe my luck that the big, sexy man from the gym wanted to dance with me.”

“I think you mean I couldn’t believe my luck that the beautiful girl who took my breath away whenever she walked past wanted to dance with me.”

We had a few bumps in the road along the way but we ended up here, together, and I couldn’t ask for more than this. Livia dancing in my arms and smiling up at me with love like she is now. I’m the luckiest man in the world.

At two minutes before midnight, we all hurry to the side of the building closest to the river and watch the sky, waiting for the fireworks to begin. With ten seconds to go, someone starts a countdown and we join in, shouting the numbers at the tops of our voices.

There’s a flash and a crack, and a shower of silver and pink sparkles in the sky.

Livia and I turn to each other and kiss, and the night is filled with whoops of joy and the snap and pop of fireworks.

“Happy New Year, daddy,” Livia whispers. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I say huskily. I scoop her deliciously against me and smile down at her and the colored fireworks light up her beautiful face. “Happy New Year, bunny. And here’s to all the Happy New Years to come.”

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