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Only Pleasure (Bound Hearts 10)

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A second later a hand between her shoulder blades pressed her chest to the bed and a hard hand gripped her hip. He began moving, caressing her, stroking and pumping inside her as the other hand gripped the back of her hair, pulling.

Erotic sensations danced over her skin. The prickling, heated pain at the back of her head only added to the pleasure and the burning sensations as each thrust buried him fully inside her, stretching her, taking her.

There were no words said. Kia could only cry out, plead with desperate whimpers, and take the surging lust building inside her.

The love. She felt the emotions whipping through her, the needs, the sensual pleasure, all wrapped into one, and when they exploded through her she prayed she didn't scream the words that were on her lips.

"I love you, Chase. Oh God, oh God, I love you. "

It was in her head. She bit her lips. Shook her head. She wouldn't say it. Fireworks were exploding through her body and mind, though. They were racing through her blood and tearing through her system as she heard his harsh exclamation behind her.

Then it was amplified. Another orgasm detonated as she felt him release inside her, his semen pumping into her, adding to the sensations, the emotions, and the love she knew she could never escape where Chase was concerned.

She collapsed beneath him long moments later. Exhausted. Her lashes heavy as he dragged himself to her side and pulled her into his arms.

She curled against him. It was where she had longed to be for so long. Just right here. She needed it, just right now.

It wasn't just the pleasure, she knew. It never had been, even that first night. It was about Chase. It was about this emotion that pulled a single tear from her eye and left her clinging to him.

It was for the love.

Chapter 22

"I don't need a babysitter in the office," Kia told Chase the next morning as he exited the elevator to the fourth floor of Rutherford's main offices and followed her through the sales force cubicles to her back office.

"You have one anyway," he informed her, his voice dark, hard.

He had been like that since they awakened. Darker than normal, more arrogant, if that were possible.

"Daddy can give me security if I'm putting you out. I'm sure you have things to do. " She kept her voice cool. If he didn't want to be there, then she'd be damned if she wanted him there.

"If you put me out, you'll be the first to know. "

His hand was riding at the small of her back. Behind her, he stood tall, broad. She could feel him, could feel the feminine eyes that followed him as they passed the cubicles.

He was a hell of a male statement in dark dress slacks and the long-sleeved white cotton shirt he wore beneath the black jacket.

The gun he had strapped on beneath that jacket was a hell of a statement as well. One that had stolen her breath when she watched him strap on the shoulder holster.

Shaking her head, she opened the door to her outer office. Her secretary was already in place behind her desk. Liza Ison's eyes widened in surprise as she jumped up from her desk.

"Ms. Rutherford. Mr. Rutherford said you might be late. "

The rounded, grandmotherly face never failed to give Kia a sense of balance as she walked in. That balance was knocked askew at the sight of the Christmas tree in the corner of the office, though, and the two little presents beneath it.

Chase hadn't mentioned putting a tree up at the apartment. But should she really expect him to?

"Kia. "

She turned at the sound of Marion Harding's voice as he rose from the comfortable chairs at the side of the corner office. He glanced behind her at Chase a bit uncomfortably. "I have the projections we were working on before you were attacked. Are you sure you feel like going over them? It can wait. "

Behind his glasses, Marion's brown eyes were faintly concerned.

"I'm fine, Marion. " She nodded. "Come into the office and we'll get started. Liza, I need some fresh coffee. Plenty of it. And please let Dad know I've arrived. He wanted to go over some files this afternoon. I need to know when he wants to do that. "

"Yes, Ms. Rutherford. " Liza, like Marion, cast Chase a strange look as they passed.

"Chase, stop looking as though you're going to hit someone," she informed him. She didn't have to see his expression to know he was intimidating Marion as well as Liza.

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