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Only Pleasure (Bound Hearts 10)

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Kia didn't flinch. She stared at the door, then back at Chase as she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

"First, you couldn't take me alone. Now, you take me alone, but I don't want you to spend the night in my bed, according to you. " She waved her hand back at him. "Give you a way out, and what do you do? You step in and slam the door closed. " Her smile was one of angry mockery. "I thought women were the ones who had trouble making up their minds, not big tough private investigators. "

His eyes narrowed on her. "You've enjoyed every minute we've spent together," he informed her harshly. "You can't cry foul now, Kia. "

"I'm not crying foul, Chase," she assured him. "I thought you got the message the other night. I want more. I'm not a doll to be taken out for your enjoyment and content to sit on a shelf until you're ready to play again. If that's what you want, go hire a call girl. They won't give you near the problems over it that I will. "

"You knew this was just for the pleasure," he snapped.

She could see the anger in his eyes now, the pulse of hunger and of dark intensity.

"Well, as far as I'm concerned, the pleasure involves more than kinky sex," she retorted. "There's more to the pleasure than that, Chase. And if there isn't, then I don't want a part of it. I want more than you're offering; you don't want to give it. Fine. Walk the hell out of my life and stay out of it. "

Perhaps she was being unfair to both of them, but the needs rising inside her overwhelmed her. She wanted more. She ached for more from him, despite her promises to herself that she wouldn't let this happen. She was tired of staring into the night, wondering if tomorrow he would deign to hold her, talk to her, just be with her for more than the sex.

She needed that from him. She needed that in ways she couldn't combat any longer.

And that was exactly what he should do. He should walk right out that door and out of the damned building and have the hell done with it.

Instead, he was standing there, staring at her, seeing something in her eyes that had every male instinct inside him standing up in warning.

"And what will you do when I walk?" he snarled. "Find someone else so you won't have to sleep on that damned couch every night?"

He couldn't believe the words that burst from his lips, or the anger that seemed to ignite inside him. Damn her, he knew it was time to let her go. Knew it was time to walk the hell away before he hurt her, and yet he was still standing here. Still pushing both of them.

She inhaled sharply. "You think this is just because I don't like that damned bed?" She threw him a disgusted look. "How very good you are at salving your own pride, Chase. And whether or not another man fills it is none of your concern. "

The hell it wasn't.

Chase had been ready to walk away. He had known, clear to his soul, that after tonight he had no choice but to break this off. Now, breaking it off was something he knew wasn't going to happen. Letting her go wasn't going to be an option.

He glowered back at her, watching as her chin lifted defiantly. Her shoulders were straight, her entire body braced for battle and humming with stubbornness.

And she was making him harder than ever.

"It's very much my concern," he growled. "Tell me, Kia, do you have my replacement picked out?"

Her eyes narrowed, satisfaction curling at her lips and fury burning inside her.

"Actually, I do. It's an electric blanket and a vibrator. I've decided, Chase, there are definite benefits to both. "

Shock exploded through his system. It wasn't even another man? She wasn't even replacing him with flesh and blood?

"Have you tried it yet?" he snapped. "It's not going to be as satisfying as you think it will. "

She shrugged at that, her expression tight with anger. "I've gotten along fine with my vibrator for two years. It's never cheated on me, yelled at me, or made impossible demands," she said. "It's never refused me, nor does it have commitment issues. And you know what, Chase?"


"As long as I keep it in batteries, it never fails to keep me company all night long. A definite improvement over my dismal lovers, don't you think?"

"Dismal?" He said it slowly, feeling it now. He could feel it. Damn her. That darkness creeping at the edge of his senses, that pounding, primal need that he only fucking felt around her.

This was why it rose inside him like a damned animal fighting to be free. Defiance. From the moment he had met her it had glittered just behind her gaze, hidden, mysterious, daring him to find it.

"Dismal. " She punctuated the word by propping her hand on her hip and regarding him with angry eyes. "You're a sex god, Chase. You have all the right moves, all the right words, and you can make a woman come until she's certain her brains have liquefied in the rush. But guess what?"

"What?" he growled.

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