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Only Pleasure (Bound Hearts 10)

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He would be better prepared in the future, he promised himself.

He should have learned his lesson last summer. He had trusted Moriah and cared for her, and she had nearly killed Cameron and Jaci.

"I don't know how, baby. " He held her tight.

"Why would anyone want to hurt me?"

Drew. Chase knew of only one person who would want to hurt her, who had any reason to be angry at her.

Kia tried to force back the shudders that worked through her body as she stared up at Chase's face. His expression was pure, murderous savagery. She had never seen anything so dark, so vengeful, on anyone's face.

"Chase, I haven't done anything to make anyone want to hurt me. "

"Drew. " The word passed his lips like a curse.

She shook her head. "Drew wouldn't do this. "

"He hit you before, Kia. He nearly raped you before you threw him out. Don't tell me he wouldn't do this. " Fury lined his expression, filled his eyes.

"Chase, he doesn't have this in him. " She swallowed tightly, fear filling her. "To hit, yes. To be the asshole of the decade, certainly. But Drew wouldn't kill. "

"Don't defend him to me. " His hand rested on the back of her neck as he held her in place. "Damn you, Kia. He'd destroy you if he had the chance and you stand here defending him to me?"

"I'm not defending him. " She fought to keep back tears. "I'm trying to keep you from making a horrible mistake, Chase. There's murder in your eyes, and it's directed to the wrong person. Drew wouldn't try to harm me like this. He'd confront me, he'd hit me, he'd humiliate me. But he wouldn't try to kill me. "

And whoever had hit her a few nights before had attempted to do much more damage than simply stealing her purse, or hurting her. She could feel it. The knowledge of it was sinking into her bones.

Chase's lips thinned as he stared down at her.

"If I find out it was him, he'll pay for it, Kia. "

"As long as you wait on the proof. " She wouldn't ask for more; she knew it would do no good.

The darkness she glimpsed inside Chase went deeper than just sex. It went far deeper than his sensuality. It was at the core of him, and she knew on an instinctive level that it would never stay silent should anything or anyone Chase claimed be threatened.

She laid her head against his chest, accepting that about him. She had to accept him as he was; she always had. She had always known there were things about Chase that would never be comfortable.

The sound of the elevator sliding to a stop had her flinching at the sudden sound. Chase held her close to his side as she tried to pull away. He peered around the bend in the hall as Detective Allen and several officers stepped out.

"Carl. " He wrapped his arm around Kia's waist and drew her with him as the short, hard-eyed detective stepped into the elegant hall. "Her apartment's the last one on the right, corner apartment. " Chase nodded to the door.

"Jimmy, get started. " Carl motioned the uniformed officer behind him toward the door. "I want prints first. Do a thorough sweep. "

The dark-haired officer nodded quickly before he tightened his grip on the case he carried and headed for the door.

"Matt, check that security pad when he's done," Carl ordered another man. "I want to know how they got in. "

"Key code and locks were changed on that door the night Kia was mugged outside the building," Chase informed him. "She's been with me ever since. "

Carl Allen's brown eyes turned to her. He was a little portly, his expression a bit hangdog. His eyes were hard, but beneath that hardness, Kia convinced herself, she glimpsed compassion.

He had taken her statement in the hospital before Chase had taken her home with him the night of the attack.

"You doing okay, Ms. Rutherford?" That hint of compassion slipped into his voice. Maybe she hadn't imagined it.

She nodded slowly, as Chase pulled her more firmly to his side.

"I'm fine, thank you, Detective. "

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