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Seduced By Fire (The Submissive 4)

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Author: Tara Sue Me

The side door eventually opened. Sasha slipped out and sat down beside her. “They want to speak to you,” she whispered.

“They do? Why?”

“It’ll be fine. Just go on. ”

Julie stood up on trembling legs, stopping only when Sasha grabbed her hand and whispered, “I only did what I thought best. I hope you know that. ”

Julie squeezed her hand and walked to the door. Deep inside, she knew Sasha had acted out of a good heart. That didn’t mean she wasn’t still upset at the way she handled the situation.

Her heart raced as she entered the side room, but she didn’t want to look anything less than calm, cool, and collected to Daniel. Even if she was the exact opposite.

A row of chairs was placed in a semicircle in the middle of the room. Daniel sat in one, but stood at her entrance. He gave her a tentative smile. She took a deep breath.

“Daniel, I—”

He held a hand up. “Jeff. Leave us. ”

She’d forgotten about the other guy.

Jeff stood up from his chair. “That goes against protocol. ”

“I know. ”

“You helped write the protocol. ”

“I know. ”

“So then, you understand why I strongly suggest someone else be present. ”

“Jeff, I heard you, but with all due respect, I’m going to politely tell you to leave one more time. ” It was a no-argument-allowed, don’t-even-think-of-disagreeing voice.

It appeared as if Jeff gave serious thought to disagreeing, but he eventually nodded. “Right. I’ll go help Dena with the roundtable. You take as much time as you need. ”

Daniel only turned his attention back to her when the door closed. His eyes looked tired and there were crease lines in his forehead. “I’m sorry. I never imagined you finding out like this. ”

She thought about going and sitting down next to him, but decided to stay where she was for the moment. “How did you imagine me finding out?”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “I do like your spirit. ”

“Are you avoiding the question?”

The smile left. “Come, sit down. ”

“First tell me what’s going to happen to Sasha. ”

Though she was still irritated with Sasha, she knew how much her friend enjoyed the group. It would be upsetting if they kicked her out. Surely, she hadn’t done anything to warrant that.

Daniel seemed to sense her concern. “Very well. Nothing’s going to happen to Sasha. Assuming, that is, your story matches hers. ”

Her mouth dropped. “You brought me in here for an interrogation?”

“I think ‘interrogation’ is pushing it a bit, but yes, I have to question you. And it was either in here or out there. Personally, I thought you’d prefer it be just the two of us talking instead of doing so in front of the entire group. ”

In front of the entire group? He would do that? Her heart rate had slowed a bit. At his suggestion he could question her in front of the group, it started pounding again.

It was as if Daniel sensed her unease. “You have to understand how important we hold each other’s confidentiality. Our lifestyle isn’t commonly accepted. If I . . . we found out that she had told you about me, about anyone . . . ”

“She didn’t. She’s actually invited me several times to come in the past. We were closing the shop tonight, she mentioned she was coming. ” She shrugged. “I didn’t have anything to do. And I’ve always . . . ”


“Wondered. ” There. She’d said it out loud. To Daniel even.

But he showed no reaction to her confession. “That’s pretty much what Sasha said. Except you know, of course, that she was aware I’d be here and she knows you and I are . . . involved. ”

“Yes, I know. I’m still pissed at her about that. ”

“As your friend, I can see how you’d be upset, but as a senior member of Sasha’s BDSM group, I understand why she went about it the way she did. ”

“Which brings us back to my original question. How did you imagine me finding out?”

He sat back down in his chair. “Come sit with me, please?”

Warily, she crossed the floor to him. When she took the chair beside him, he held out a hand. She placed hers on it and their fingers intertwined.

“I was going to tell you Saturday night. ”

She believed him. Though he hadn’t told her everything about himself, she knew enough about him to know he wouldn’t lie.

“Why did that woman call you ‘Master Covington’?”

“Dena? The blond submissive?” At her nod, he continued. “It’s a title used by the group’s submissives when addressing the senior Dominants. ”

She gave a sigh of relief. “I thought you and her, maybe, you know. ”

The hand holding hers tightened a bit. “No, we’re not. I’m not with anyone right now except you. ”

Her heart gave a little flutter and she squeezed his hand back. His thumb stroked her palm.

“Now,” he said. “About that wondering part you mentioned. ”

“I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it right now. Just seeing you here. Finding out you’re a Dominant. It’s just . . . I need to let it sink in. ”

“Fair enough, but will you answer one question?”


His thumb continued stroking hers. “When you were wondering, what role were you in? Were you a Domme, with a submissive worshipping you? Or was it you who kneeled? Did you find your strength in control or yielding?”

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