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Seduced By Fire (The Submissive 4)

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“Punctual, I see. ”

She wasn’t sure if the no-talk rule of the previous weekend still applied, so she decided to be quiet until told otherwise.

“Come stand next to me. ”

He had changed, she noted. Or more aptly, he’d taken his sweater and shoes off, but left his jeans on. His eyes traveled over her body as she approached.

“So beautiful without those clothes. ” The back of his hand brushed her breast and she leaned into his touch. “Mmm, you’ll have to earn the pets, kitten,” he said, removing his hands.

She almost whimpered; she wanted his touch so badly.

“Next time I have you meet me in here,” he continued, “I want you kneeling, like this. ”

He dropped to his knees, butt resting on his heels. His hands each cupped a knee, and his head was bowed. He looked up. “You try. ”

She knelt like he had, trying to get her body in the same position. Daniel came behind her, straightened her back, ensured her shoulders were square. Then he stood before her and separated her knees a bit with his foot.

He was silent for so long, she almost looked up. In fact, she’d decided to do just that when he finally spoke.

“A submissive is not weak because a Dominant controls her. A submissive is strong because she surrenders her power to him willingly. ” He rested his hand on the top of her head. “It is not a power a Dominant should take lightly. Rather he should guard it as he would his life and when he returns it, she should feel her power increased because of his care. ”

Kneeling before him like she was, it finally made sense to her. It did take strength to submit. While it was difficult on some level to be on her knees before someone, it also felt oddly right. She took a deep breath and allowed all the preconceived notions she?

?d held to disappear.

Daniel must have sensed a change in her somehow, because at her exhalation he simply whispered, “That’s my girl. ”

His words washed over her body, spreading warmth, almost as if he’d touched her.

Then his hand stroked her shoulder and playful Daniel was back. “Stand up and come with me, kitten. ”

He led her to the padded table she’d looked over the weekend before. Interesting, but nothing scary. It looked rather like a twin-sized bed, covered with leather. He patted the surface. “Hop up. ”

Much like he did when she knelt for him, he positioned her the way he wanted her. This time on her back.

“There are straps out to your side. Reach out, grab, and hold on. Keep your legs here,” he said, separating them slightly. “Your job is to not move. Understood?”

She took a strap in each hand and took a deep breath. “Yes, sir. ”

“Relax,” he said, softly brushing her cheek, his thumb trailing along her eyelid. “Close your eyes and concentrate on the sensations and not moving. ”

His hands moved in an unexpected massage, lightly across her face, down her shoulders, and up her arms. Then back the other way. Over and over he caressed her as she sank deeper into the leather.

So caught up was she in the sensation of his touch, she jerked when his finger unexpectedly grazed her nipple.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he said, and his hands were gone.

She had to fight not to open her eyes in an attempt to find him. Surely he hadn’t left. But he wasn’t touching her and it was so quiet.

The seconds dragged on.

“Let’s try again,” he said, low and soft, and right by her side.

Once more he started his sensual massage and when he next brushed over a nipple, she remained still.

“Good girl. ” There was a flicker of warmth where he’d touched her and then his mouth replaced his fingers, sucking.

She whimpered, but remained still.

“Such a good girl,” he said. “I think my kitten needs a reward. ” His lips trailed across her skin until he reached her other breast and he suckled that nipple. He teased her with his lips and tongue, gently palming one side of her while kissing the other.

Then he bit oh so slightly on her nipple and it felt so good, she lifted herself up for more.

He didn’t say a word, but moved away and she was empty and alone and cold without him. She tried to feel his presence, but she had no sense of him, couldn’t judge where he was. The very air in the room stood still.

Steeling her body, she willed him to return and vowed not to move again.

But there was nothing but silence.

Just when she’d convinced herself the session was over, he stroked her hair and she sighed.

“Better now?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, thrilled to have his hands on her again.

He kept himself contained to the upper part of her body, never venturing past her waist, but setting every nerve ending she had aflame as he worked his sensual magic on her skin. It felt as if every caress reverberated between her legs, and she wondered if she could come from breast play alone.

“You’re being so good, kitten,” he whispered against her skin. “I’m going to keep going. ”

Though she pretty much knew what he meant, it still took all the strength she could muster up to stay still when he haphazardly dragged a fingertip from her belly button, down lower, tracing between her legs. The second pass was heavier. The third time, he dipped a finger into her.

She sucked in a breath, but remained still.

“Such a good girl. ”

He added a second finger and began stroking in and out of her body. Every stroke had him going just a bit deeper, and her body tensed with the effort to be still.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I can do this.

She had almost convinced herself of it when his thumb started brushing her cl*t with every inward thrust. Her legs trembled. She couldn’t do it.

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