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The Collar (The Submissive 6)

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He nipped her ear and then backed away and walked to his cabinets. He took two floggers, hesitated, and took two more, then turned to face her. “Close your eyes.”

He was so unfair.

He knew how much she enjoyed watching.

“Now,” he said. “Or else I’ll call another submissive to come over, and you can watch me get her off.”


She closed her eyes.

He could move so quietly, she might not hear him when he approached her again. She forced her body to relax, but she still jumped slightly when the first blows fell.

He was using a light flogger and the blows were soft. For Jeff that only meant he was warming her up so she could take more and for longer. Bound as she was in the middle of the room, he had access to both sides of her body and he made use of it. Across her thighs, lighter across her belly, a touch harder on her breasts.

There was no pain with his light touch, and she relaxed her muscles, gave herself over to him.

“There you go,” he said, obviously noting her surrender. “That’s it.”

She fell into a rhythmic breathing pattern and barely noticed when the flogger started landing harder. He picked up speed, or maybe he was using more than one; she couldn’t tell. And to be honest, she really didn’t care. All that mattered was the thud of the tails hitting her skin and the warmth that slowly spread throughout her body. She hummed in bliss.

“You’re fucking beautiful.”

His voice sounded fuzzy, and some part of her recognized that he had switched floggers. The thuds were landing harder. She gasped as one came precariously close to her clit and then moaned when it didn’t hit again.

“Please,” she begged.

“Not even close to being finished.”

As if to prove his point, there was a switch of floggers and he went back to the lighter one. So light it almost tickled as it brushed between her legs. She shifted her feet.

“Need to come, Sir. Please.”


He let her come down from her endorphin high, but just slightly, and then he worked her back up and she was flying again. Fuck, she missed this. She spent too much time working with newbie Doms who didn’t know what they were doing.

He leveled off with his strokes and kept her where she was, once more working all sides of her body until she toed the pleasure/pain line and balanced between almost too much and never quite enough.

“Want to come?”

The leather struck between her legs and she rose on her toes. “Yes, Sir.” She made a garbled sound when it flicked her clit. “Please, Sir. Touch me. I need your hands.”

She wasn’t sure where those words came from, and they must have surprised him as well, because there was a pause in his strokes. Idiot. She felt the high leave and she started the descent back to reality.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” Why did I open my mouth? “I didn’t mean to…. I’m sorry….” She was babbling. She couldn’t help it. What had possessed her to say that?

“Look at me.” His command left no room for disobedience.

She didn’t want to see him; she was too afraid of what she would find in his eyes. But she looked anyway, and there was nothing to be found but masculine lust. He cupped her ass and pressed his hips against her, his erection rubbing her just the right way, even through his jeans.

“You want to feel my hands?” he asked, starting a rocking motion that would probably have her climaxing within seconds, all the while looking straight into her eyes.

“Yes, Sir.” Fuck. The roughness of his jeans against her was almost more than she could take.

“Come for me.” He kneaded the flesh of her backside roughly and held her in place as he rolled his hips into her and pressed hard against her clit.

She sucked in a breath as she came. “Oh, fuck. Yes.”

He stayed where he was as her climax passed. His arms moved up her back and held her close to his chest. When the last tremor left her body, he gently removed her wrists from the cuffs and swept her into his arms.

For a second, she thought he was taking her to his bed, but instead he carried her to the guest room. Once there, he placed her on the bed and held her close to his side. And though it felt decadent to be in his arms again, something was missing.

His strong hands held her close and his thumb brushed back and forth against her skin, but unlike last time, there was no sweet kiss, no soft words murmured. She could have kicked herself for saying what she had about needing his touch. All that had done was further prove how awkward and distant they’d become around each other.

She shifted slightly, and in doing so, brushed against his still-present erection.

That was what was missing. And it made her angry.

“Forget something?” she asked.

He looked unconcerned at her outburst. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“How many times have we played together?”

“Are you looking for an exact number?”

“A lot,” she said. “And guess how many times you’ve still had a hard-on after the scene was over?”

“Dena.” He said her name in that low, warning way of his.

“One.” She rolled out of his arms and propped herself up on her elbow. “Today. What exactly are you trying to prove?”

“If you want to discuss the scene, it’ll have to wait until you’ve calmed down. Right now I’m going to take a shower.”

He moved to get off the bed, but she put a hand on his chest. “Are you going to jerk off in there?”

His eyes narrowed. “Move your hand.”

“Look at you. Your cock’s so hard, it’s got to be painful in those jeans. Bet you’re ready to take them off and stroke yourself into some relief.” She scooted closer to him. “Will you think of me when you do? Pretend they’re my hands?”

He tried to roll away, but she moved quicker than he did and pushed him back on the bed and straddled him.

“Did you tell yourself that if you didn’t come in the playroom, you’d somehow be proving something about us?” She reached out and touched his chest. “You still going to think that while you’re in the shower, fucking a memory?” Her fingers trailed downward. He was breathing heavily. “Is it easier to fuck my memory than the real me?”

His hand grabbed her wrist just before she slipped her fingers into his pants. “Stop. I told you I wasn’t fucking you.”

She leaned down and dragged her lips across his belly, noticing he’d broken into a light sweat. “Fine. My mouth. Your cock.”

“I said ‘no.’”

With a quick jerk, her hand was free. She unbuttoned his jeans and stroked his erection. “You’re trying to prove some asinine point to yourself. But I know you. You want me. That’s why you’re breathing so hard and why you’re gritting your teeth. Want me to stop? Safe word.”

She teased aside his boxers, wanting to feel skin, knowing she was taunting him. It’d serve her right for him to say his safe word.

“You think you know me?” she asked, wrapping a hand around his cock. “I know you just as well. One word and I’ll stop. Say it.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. She braced herself for him to say red. Instead, he grabbed her hair.

“Suck it,” he growled.

Waves of sweet relief and victory surged through her as she moved down his body, taking his pants down as she went. His erection sprang toward her and she took it in her hand.

“Remember the time you had me suck you off during the presidential debates?” She didn’t wait for him to answer, but continued talking, all the while stroking him. “I’d done something to piss you off, and you thought you were punishing me. You held off for nearly an hour.”

“Best thing you can do with that mouth is fill it with my cock.”

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