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The Flirtation (The Submissive 10)

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promise to be a perfect gentleman if you say yes. Mostly.


Lynne knew it was stupid, but she couldn’t help analyzing every word in his message. Was he canceling because he had heard from Anna Beth? If he had heard from her, would this be the way he would react? She didn’t think so. Besides, he asked her if she wanted to practice before the demo, and she didn’t think he would do that if he knew of her deception.

Though part of her hoped that he was canceling on Faye because he couldn’t keep Lynne out of his mind.

Either way, she had to decide if she wanted to do a practice run-through for the demo, which also meant an overnight trip. If she did decide to go, she would have to do something about her voice. Her mind was running through the possibilities even as she replied to Simon.


I completely understand that something has come up. As much as I’d prefer an evening with you, I will make do with my fantasies tonight. Speaking of which, I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but I came in my sleep last night.

Yes, a practice run-through before the demo would be a great idea, and I don’t mind it being an overnight.



She glanced at the clock and realized that if she didn’t hurry, she would be late. Without waiting for Simon to reply, she shut her computer down and got ready for school.

Something had seemed out of sorts at school. She’d noticed it the first day but had never been able to put her finger on exactly what it was. That day at lunch, she realized what it was. There was no one in her classes she felt close enough with to consider a friend. At least not the kind you would hang out with or invite to your place for dinner.

And she surely did not have any submissive friends in the city, though she wished she did. She could only imagine how nice it would be to have someone in the lifestyle whom she knew and trusted nearby. She took a few minutes to look around at her fellow classmates during lunch. Could any of them be submissive? Or maybe dominant?

It was silly to even think she could guess just by looking at somebody. After all, what did a submissive look like?

With a sigh, she threw her trash away and decided to go to the library to study. But if she’d been hoping to find peace at the library, that wasn’t to be. As soon as she found a quiet corner and sat down, she turned on her laptop to find an e-mail from Simon. Something told her not to open it, not just yet, but she couldn’t stop herself.


Normally, I’d tell you that you can’t help what you do while you’re asleep, but I have a bit of a sadistic side and it’s been under wraps for longer than it likes, so I’m going to let it out to play. As punishment for coming, you are to do the following:

—Take your panties off. Now. If you’re in public, you may go to the restroom to do so, but I want them off within five minutes of you reading this e-mail.

—You are not allowed to wear them anymore until I say you can.

—Write out what you can remember of your sex dream (I’m assuming you had a sex dream if you came in your sleep). Send it to me.

—Since I’m not there to do this, you will have to do it yourself. Sometime tonight, you will strip naked, take a hairbrush, and get on your bed. Once there, you will spread your legs wide and spank that naughty pussy with your hairbrush. You will give yourself fifteen hard strokes. I want that pussy sore and red, understand?

Let me know if you have any questions.


Holy fucking shit. Was he serious? And what did it say about her that his e-mail turned her on so much? She glanced around to see if anyone was watching her, but of course they weren’t.

Unable to even think about studying, she gathered her stuff together and headed to the bathroom.

• • •

Two nights later, she was kneeling naked in her bedroom, waiting for Simon to call into the video chat. This time, she’d drawn the curtains over the window so there would be no chance of him trying to pinpoint her location. Even so, she was the slightest bit apprehensive.

Tonight would be the first time he saw Faye after seeing her as Lynne. She didn’t think there was any way he would know they were the same people, but like most Doms she knew, he was extremely observant. With that in mind, anything was possible.

“Very nice, Faye.”

His voice brought her out of her mental wanderings. She’d told him that the sound on her computer still wasn’t fixed, so he wasn’t expecting her to answer. Instead she gave a quick nod of her head.

“Since you can’t talk, at least not to where I can hear, you’ll have to listen.” The roughness of his voice turned her on. She couldn’t help but question if he spoke like that as a result of her nakedness or because of what he had planned for tonight.

She nodded, so he’d know she’d heard.

“I want you to go get the hairbrush you used earlier in the week and show me how you punished that naughty pussy.”

Her head snapped up. He wanted her to what?

From what she could see on her laptop, he was staring straight at her and he had a wicked grin on his face. “You heard me. Now go.”

She nodded and started to stand.

“Negative, Faye,” he said. “I read your dream. I know what gets you off. Crawl to get the hairbrush.”

Her breath left her body in a big swoosh and her heart pounded so hard, she heard it in her ears. Hot damn. This was really happening.

“Now, Faye.”

She nodded and, as quickly as possible, crawled to the bathroom to get the hairbrush. It didn’t escape her attention that technically he wouldn’t know if she stood up once she made it outside of the camera’s view. But she didn’t want to. She wanted to crawl the whole way and pretend that Simon was watching and getting turned on by the way her ass moved.

She had to admit, she liked this side of Simon. It was a side he’d never shown her when they were dating, and she wondered why. It didn’t seem possible that the guy who’d just commanded her to crawl to get a hairbrush was the same man who not more than two days ago sat at her table and worked on a puzzle with her.

She crawled back to her bedroom to see Simon was waiting for her.

“Up on the bed, naughty girl,” he said. “Show me how you spanked yourself.”

When she’d set the laptop up earlier, she’d made sure that the bed was in range of the camera. Even still, as she climbed on top, she checked the display to ensure Simon could see. Once she was in the middle of the bed, slightly propped up with pillows, she let her knees fall to either side.

She glanced to the laptop, and the expression on Simon’s face was so intense, she half expected that he would leap through the screen. It was that intensity, she believed, that gave her confidence and helped ease any insecurities she had.

Feeling brazen and bold, she spread her legs farther apart and was rewarded with a groan from Simon. Empowered, she took the brush and lightly tapped her inner thighs. It was what she’d done earlier in the week. It warmed her skin while making her anticipation and arousal grow.

“Very nice, Faye,” Simon said. “If I had you in bed, positioned for punishment, that’s the way I’d start, too.”

She closed her eyes and pretended he was in the room administering the spanking. She put more power behind the strokes, knowing he wouldn’t go easy on her.

“That’s right,” he said, obviously seeing what she was doing. “Spank those thighs.”

She continued until the ache between her legs grew to where she couldn’t stand another second without friction of some sort. Even then, she teased herself with a light smack on her clit.

“Fuck, yes,” Simon said. “Spank your pussy. Hard.”

She brought the hairbrush down again, and it felt so good, her hips lifted off the bed and she gave a gasp of pleasure.

That caught Simon’s attention. “Damn, this isn’t a punishment for you at all, is it?”

She shook her head.

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