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The Flirtation (The Submissive 10)

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“Which you failed at, because, again, lies and untrustworthiness mean there was no partnership here.”

“I’ll just get my things and go.” She

made a move to stand up.

“Don’t move,” he said. His voice must have been menacing enough because she dropped back to her knees. “You aren’t going anywhere because I agreed to do the single-tail demo tomorrow and I’m in need of a sub.”

“I’m sure there are plenty of submissives here who would jump at the chance to do the demo with you.”

“Probably.” He nodded, not missing the flash of jealousy that crossed her face. “But not one of them signed up to do the demo with me, I haven’t practiced with any of them, and outside of Anna Beth, I don’t know of any of them in need of correction.”

He watched as understanding crossed her face. “I didn’t think you were demoing the single tail as a punishment, Sir.”


“I could just leave, you know. You can’t keep me here against my will.”

“Of course not.” That she would think he would do something without her consent rekindled his rage. She was trying to goad him, and she would learn real quick that he didn’t play those sorts of games. “You’re free to leave anytime you want. But you’re the one going on and on about how submissive you are. Here’s a chance to back it up with more than words. Stay and face the consequences of your actions. Or leave and prove that I was right about you the first time.”

Chapter Eight

Lynne swore she could feel the anger radiate off Simon. One glance at him standing there, arms crossed over his chest and the irate expression on his face, was almost enough to send her out the door and into her car. He was mad as hell. But she knew he’d never touch her in anger. Though, apparently, he wasn’t above mental play.

“You’re trying to manipulate me,” she said. “I’m not into playing mind games.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, she could tell they were the wrong ones to say. He walked to stand in front of her, and since she was still on her knees, he towered over her.

“Let’s get one thing straight,” he said. “What we are discussing at the moment is in no way any sort of game for me. I live by a set of rules, and if you play with me, I expect you to do the same. When those rules are broken, there are ramifications. So, are you going to stay and accept my discipline, or should I help you pack?”

“I’ll stay,” she whispered.

“If you stay, you should know that I’ll expect you to be my submissive for the entire weekend and you are to take what I give you.”

“But I’ll have my safe words, right?”

“Of course. I would never think about playing without safe words. You should know me better.”

She started to speak, but he interrupted.

“Of course, I expect you to use them appropriately and not just because you don’t feel like doing something.”

She didn’t understand why he’d want her to be his submissive for the weekend when he was obviously so angry with her and planned to punish her the next day. Lord help her, she was mad to even think about staying. But his words about staying and putting meaning behind her claim to submission made sense.

It was possible that was what he wanted, a chance to see if she was who she said she was. Or maybe he just wanted to use her hard before dumping her like yesterday’s trash.

“Why?” she couldn’t stop from asking.

“Why what?”

“Why do you want me to be your sub this weekend? Why not just punish me and be done with it?”

“Because I’ve been jerking off to fantasies of both Faye and Lynne for the past month, and since it turns out you’re one and the same, it only makes sense to act out some of those fantasies. Don’t you think?”

She didn’t know what to think. She wanted Simon, but not like this. Not this angry, almost vindictive man before her.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t imagined it, too,” he said, cutting through to the truth and heart of the matter with one swoop. “Tell me you haven’t pictured yourself in the exact position you’re in now—on your knees, at my feet and waiting for my command.”

“Yes, but . . .” In her fantasies there had always been at least affection between them. Not this simmering stew of unresolved feelings and barely contained anger.

Yet, it was only for the weekend. She should do it and get Simon out of her system once and for all. If he could use her to play out his fantasies, she could do the same thing to him. When it was over and she was back in New York and later, in Wilmington, she could get serious about finding the right man, her one true Dom.

Above her, he waited.

“Are you going to tell Nathaniel?” she asked.

He raised an eyebrow. “Hell to the fucking no. Do I look like I have a death wish? He doesn’t know you’re here, does he?”

“He knows I’m doing a demo, but not anything else.” She debated telling him more, but then decided now was as good a time as any to come completely clean. “Abby knows.”

Simon muttered something under his breath and ran a hand over his face. “Abby knows? Fuck, Lynne, why would you tell her?”

“Because she’s my boss and a good friend. Plus, she’s been a submissive for a long time. I wanted her advice.” She bit her lip, hoping the next part was true. “I don’t think she’ll tell Nathaniel. She’s kept it from him this long, and I can’t imagine he’d be pleased to know she knew all this time and didn’t say anything.”

“You’re probably right.” He cocked his head. “Have you decided, then?”

She took a deep breath. It was time to put away the mask. Time to bare all for him. To be who she knew she was meant to be. “Yes, Sir. I’ll stay.”

If he was surprised, it didn’t show. “That’s the first thing you’ve said that’s pleased me all day.”

She didn’t have time to bask in his praise, because he fisted her hair and pulled her head up.

“Tell me what you saw in the courtyard before we went to practice,” he said.

So, he hadn’t missed that, had he?

“Anna Beth, Sir.”

“I see,” he said, but he didn’t release her hair. “I suppose you didn’t expect her to do what she did.”

She wasn’t sure if that was a question or a statement, so she remained quiet. Looking back, she probably should have expected her to do something like what she did. Luke had warned her, hadn’t he?

The snack she’d shared with Simon before the disastrous practice suddenly threatened to make an appearance. Her computer had been hacked. That was the only possible way Anna Beth would have known not only about her being Faye, but also where she was this weekend and what time she was practicing.

The hand on her chin tightened. “What was that look for?”

“I think Anna Beth hacked into my computer. That’s how she knew everything. Master DeVaan had warned me, but . . . Oh my God. She has access to everything.”

His expression softened for the first time since he discovered who she was. “I’m sorry, Lynne. I know that’s a tough blow. Do you know anyone who works with computer security?”

“I don’t know. Maybe Jeff Parks, Dena’s husband.”

“I know him. Let me give him a call. You stay right here.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He didn’t have to tell her to remain where she was. Between the drive, the practice session, Anna Beth, and Simon, she was exhausted. Even though she was still naked and on her knees, she closed her eyes. Just for a moment, she told herself. It was unclear how long he was gone, but she jerked when she heard him step into the room, and she realized she must have dozed a little bit.

“Were you sleeping?” he asked.

“I think I might have dozed off for a moment, Sir.” But she was wide-awake now. Wide-awake and very much aware of the man standing before her.

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