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The Flirtation (The Submissive 10)

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With a sigh of relief, she replied.

Thank you, Sir.

His first question made her smile.

If you weren’t talking with me right now, what would you normally be doing?

It definitely wasn’t the question she’d expected. Far from it. She glanced at the quiet television. Should she tell him?

What the hell? Honesty it was.

You know those reality TV talent shows?

The singing ones?

Yes. I’m secretly addicted to those.

And one’s on right now?


Turn it on. BRB

She turned the TV on and waited for him to come back.

Okay, I’m back. So tell me who in their right mind told this guy up now he could sing?

She laughed, and by the time the show went off the air two hours later, she couldn’t remember a time she had had so much fun watching TV. Simon had a snarky side she hadn’t known about. They said their good-byes and good nights, and Simon said he’d e-mail her soon.

She left her laptop open while she got ready for bed, and she was surprised to find an e-mail waiting for her after she showered. Just seeing his name with an unread message made her feel aroused and tingly.

She flushed as she read the message.


I had such a great time chatting with you tonight. I really enjoyed getting to know you better. I know we both want to take this slow, but I thought if you’d like to continue, we could add a few things along the way. Not too much and not too quickly.

If you agree, your orgasms now belong to me. You will not play with yourself or come without permission. I know we’re only communicating via the Internet right now, but believe me when I say that I’ll know if you’re telling the truth.



She bit the inside of her lip. After chatting with him, she’d planned to spend some quality time with her vibrator once she finished her shower. The thing was, she still could. Simon wouldn’t know she’d read his e-mail tonight. For all he knew, she’d turned her laptop off and wouldn’t read it until tomorrow morning.

If she played it that way, she could still have a marathon vibrator session tonight. It would be so easy. . . .

Her shoulders slumped.

She couldn’t do it. She had never been a good liar, and though she wasn’t sure what he meant by “I’ll know if you’re telling the truth,” she believed him. Either she’d feel so guilty, she’d confess, or he’d use his supersonic Dom sense to pull the confession out of her. She’d lived with Nathaniel and Abby long enough not to discredit the existence of supersonic Dom sense.

Not only that, but being around the Wests had proven that things Did Not Go Well for submissives who disobeyed or lied to their Doms. The truth of the situation was, she’d told herself she wanted to experience another BDSM relationship. She’d sought one out. A Dom controlling a submissive’s orgasms was fairly standard and something she’d expected.

But dammit all. Why did it have to start tonight?

“Why didn’t I turn the computer off before I took a shower?” she asked the empty penthouse.

She stared at the screen as if Simon were going to send another message, saying, “Kidding! Just seeing if you were paying attention.” No such message appeared, though, and after five minutes, she typed back a reply.


I can’t remember the last time TV was so much fun. Thank you for sharing your evening with me.

My orgasms are now yours.


It felt all kinds of awkward signing her name as Faye. Looked weird on the screen, too. She checked her regular account to see if anyone had sent something to that account. Just when she was getting ready to turn the laptop off for the night, once and for all, an instant message popped up.

Your response pleased me. You may make yourself come once tonight.

Her response to him was swift.

Thank you, Sir.

She decided that sometimes it paid to be the good girl who couldn’t lie.

Chapter Four

After two weeks of playing online games with Faye, Simon was more sexually frustrated than he’d ever thought possible. He blamed himself. He’d always believed that he shouldn’t give his submissive an order that he couldn’t obey himself.

Since telling Faye that her orgasms belonged to him and allowing her that one night to come, he hadn’t given her permission again. Because he was a damn sadist, he decided the same would apply to him. He had no idea two weeks could seem so long.

Things were moving along great with Faye. They chatted by computer almost every day and he’d been pleased to discover that while she appeared sweet on the surface, she had a sarcastic streak that matched his. Things had progressed to the point where he’d really like to meet her in person to see if they were compatible off-line as well as online.

He would have to tread sofly and with care before they took such a step. Asking to meet a woman who only knew of him what he’d told her online was a huge step. He knew he wasn’t a deranged maniac, but that didn’t mean there weren’t plenty of predators on the Internet who were.

Before he asked her to meet in person, it might be better to push her a bit more online. So far he’d been pleasantly surprised that she didn’t whine or pout about the lack of anything sexual between them. Perhaps it was time he rewarded her behavior and added a touch of something physical.

Or as physical as you could get while communicating via a computer. A webcam would be a nice place to start.

He sent her a quick e-mail asking if she had the ability to do a video chat.

Three hours later, he was packing up to head home and he still hadn’t heard from her. That wasn’t typical. Normally she’d reply almost immediately. He hoped he hadn’t turned her off by suggesting a webcam. Surely, she didn’t think they were just going to get by on e-mails and web chats?

He wouldn’t push, though. Setting up a video chat with an almost perfect stranger would certainly give most women pause. At least it should. If she didn’t reply before their scheduled eight p.m. chat time, they could discuss it then. If he needed to pull back, he would. No matter how blue his balls were.

By the time he made it back to his apartment, he’d accepted the fact that the video chat wasn’t going to happen. Not that night anyway. He’d convinced himself to such a degree that he didn’t check his e-mail until six thirty. He almost dropped his phone when he saw she’d replied.


Please forgive the tardiness of this reply. I wanted to ensure I had the capabilities to do a video chat and to make sure I knew how to work it (new computer). I can get everything to work except the audio output. The input works fine, so I can hear you, but you won’t be able to hear me. I hope that won’t be an issue. I can get

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