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Rouse Me (Rouse Me 1)

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“You're insatiable,” I say.

“Speak for yourself.”

I fling my bra to the concrete, step out of my panties, and slip into the water. It's cold, at first, but I quickly get used to it.

Luke swims circles around me. He grabs my hips and tries to pull me under the water. I push off of him, moving to the shallow end. He shakes his head. “Don't tell me you're afraid of messing up your hair.”

“Do you also have a blow dryer here?”

“Of course. I keep one around for all the random girls I fuck here.”

“Do you take them all into the pool?”

“Once they see me naked, they can't resist.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask.

“It's awful, really. They only want me for my body.”

“It's a great body.”

He moves closer to me. Until we're only inches apart. His lips graze mine. And I feel it, again, that electricity, everywhere. I reach for his hips, pressing my body into his. But he pulls away.

“You're going to have to try harder than that,” he says.

He swims to the deep end, diving under the water and waving at me. I shake my head and swim beneath the surface. My hair stylist is going to kill me, but I don't care. It's worth it.

We swim around each other, our fingers grazing each other’s bodies. I look back at the surface. The sun is still low in the sky, but light dances on the surface in tiny waves. It's gorgeous, really, it is. I push off the bottom of the pool and surface, gasping for air. Luke follows. He's barely out of breath.

I reach for the ladder.

“Where are you going?” he asks.

“The bedroom.”

“Alyssa, I can't…Not in the bedroom,” he says.

And I almost thought things were easy for a minute.

“We don't have to,” I say.

He shakes his head. “I have to. Or I'm not going to be able to concentrate all day.”

He pulls my arm off the ladder. He pulls me to the shallow end, and presses me against the wall, his hands on my hips. We kiss softly, the taste of chlorine on both our tongues. Then it's harder, and his hands slide between my thighs. And I'm ready. And he's ready. And I gasp and kiss his neck, savoring the mix of his skin and the chlorine of the pool.

I whisper in his ear. “Fuck me.”

And he does.


We keep this up for weeks.

I lie to Ryan about my cal

l time and wake at 5:30. By the time I get to Luke's house, he is sweaty from a morning run. If I'm lucky, he's shirtless. Several times, I'm so struck with desire that I take him right there, on the concrete by his pool. Eventually, we move to the couch or the kitchen table or the living room floor. But we never use the bedroom.

When we're too tired to go again, he makes me coffee and breakfast. I drink from his tea cup. He spoons honey into my coffee and takes slow sips, claiming it tastes like my lips. Then, he kisses me, just to confirm. We watch Law and Order and black and white movies on TCM, distressing over how little has changed for women on screen. The Philadelphia Story, His Girl Friday, She Done Him Wrong, Some Like it Hot, All About Eve… Hell, I'd kill to play any of those roles.

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