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Stir Me (Rouse Me 2)

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The ache inside me grows. Warmth floods my body.

Her eyes connect with mine. She shifts off me and pulls my slacks to my knees. Then it's my boxers.

She reaches for the jar of honey.

She dips her finger in the pot and runs it along my cock. Then she's perched in front of me on all fours, her eyes glued to mine as she slides her tongue over me.

Jesus. Her tongue is soft and flat, and it sends sparks through my body. An ache builds inside me. It burns deeper and harder as she licks me up and down.

She laps up every last drop of honey and her mouth closes around my cock. She moans, sucking harder and harder. She feels so good, so wet, and there's so much desire in her eyes. I can barely take it. I dig my hands into her hair, run my fingertips over her chest, anything to make her feel as good as I feel.

She moans, sucking harder and harder. I knead her breasts, run my fingers over her nipples. She closes her eyes, groaning again. She drags her nails against my thighs. It's the slightest hint of pain, a sweet, soft hurt.

She shifts off me, wraps one hand around my cock and sinks her teeth into my thigh. Damn. I squeeze her nipples, reveling in her soft groan, in her eyes closing in ecstasy.

She sinks her teeth into my thigh again. Harder. I squeeze her. Harder.

"Fuck." She moans. Her eyes find mine. A you're going to pay for that look.

She drags her lips up my thigh, kissing and nibbling, her mouth getting closer and closer to me. Almost... almost...

And then she brings her lips to my cock. It's such a soft and light pressure. The ache builds. She is torturing me. And expertly. It feels so fucking good. I can barely take it. She grips me hard and flicks her tongue against me. Jesus. She does it again and again. I squeeze her nipples harder.

She groans, vibrating all around me.

"Fuck, Alyssa," I moan.

She envelopes me with her mouth. It's such a sweet pressure. It's almost too much to take. I pinch her nipples, harder and harder, as she sucks harder and harder. That sweet ache builds and builds until I'm nearly at the edge.

I grab her hair and guide her mouth over me.

She moans louder.

With one hand firmly around my cock, she slides her mouth over me. Again and again and again. The tingling in my groin increases. Almost.

She settles on my head, sucking hard, her tongue flat against me.

Her eyes find mine. They're on fire. She sucks again, harder, deeper, and it pushes me over the edge.

"Fuck," I groan. "I'm going to come."

She makes her grip on me firmer, sucking hard

er and harder and harder. The fullness grows. I can't take it anymore. An orgasm rocks through me. I shudder, squeezing her, groaning her name.

She doesn't move off of me until I'm empty. She swallows hard and looks back at me.

I catch my breath and she lies next to me, wrapping her arms around me.

I lean into her, pulling her close. My mouth hovers over her ear. "Remind me to torture you more often."



The rest of the night is bliss. I help her make dinner. She's come a long way since her fear of the chef's knife, and I mostly stand back and watch as she slices an onion into tiny pieces. I swear it takes her twenty minutes, but she's so amazingly focused on doing it perfectly. I make fun of her speed, and she furrows her brow, trying to work faster.

I put my hand on hers to stop her. "Don't," I say. "You'll slice off one of those fingers."

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