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Stir Me (Rouse Me 2)

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He laughs. "You know, for a charming guy, you really are pathetic. You think you're the first good-looking guy Alyssa has used for sex?"

My fists curl into tight balls. "I'm not interested in rehashing her past."

"I bet. Because based on it, the future is pretty grim for you. She's about due to get bored with you and throw you away like the garbage you are."

"And what does that make you?"

"You don't know her like I do. I've been her friend for ten years now. I've been the person she can count on. You really think three months of sex is enough to make her love you? You really think she'd stay with you after you abandoned her to take care of Samantha?"

I press my nails into my fingers. I can stay calm here. I can be the bigger person.

"You filled a void. That's it. I'm sure by now she wants to go back to someone who knows how to take care of her."

"Like you?"

"Maybe. But certainly not someone like you," he says.

I try to push this anger down, but it won't budge. This is all his fault. He hurt her so much... if he hadn't hurt her...

"She loves me," I say.

"Please. She loves you like a high school student loves her boyfriend. Do you even do anything besides fuck and talk about me?"

I lunge towards him, grabbing his collar and shaking him. "She loves me."

Ryan doesn't move. He doesn't blink. "Believe whatever helps you sleep at night. Though we both know you aren't capable of that either."

This is all his fault.

I pull my arm back and drive it into his face. It lands with a thud, a crack of bones and flesh.

He's going to hurt as much as I do.

He pushes me back and throws a punch of his own. Pathetic, as usual. I pull my arm back and unload again, driving my fist into his stupid face over and over. Until everything around me is a blur of flailing limbs and all I feel is the smack of my knuckles against his bones.


"I'm sorry." It's Janine, in the lobby, talking to someone else.

It went so fast--Janine screaming, her hands curling around my biceps as she tried to pull me off Ryan. The stupid look in his eyes--like he was glad, like this proved he's better than I am once and for all.

"Should I call the police?"

"No. It won't look good. Even if it would help get rid of him. Besides, I don't want to waste the time pressing charges."

"But Mr. Knight. He attacked you. You shouldn't allow him to hurt you like that."

"It's nothing. Barely a scratch. Just take him to his office and give him these. He'll calm down. Maybe for once he'll regain his senses."

He handed her a bottle of pills. A prescription with Alyssa's name on it. Some anti-anxiety medication. Something he used to keep her drugged, so she'd better fit the role he wanted for her.

And I shrugged Janine off. "If you're going to kiss his ass, you might as well just offer to fuck him."

She gasped, pretending she was scandalized. But her eyes flashed with delight. She'd been thinking about it for ages. "Mr. Lawrence. I would never..."

"I'll leave when I'm finished with my paperwork."

"Should I call Marcus?"

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